
Alpha’s Fire

BOOK 1 of the ALPHA SERIES Rhys Dalton, Alpha oh the Blood Rose pack has been given a timeline to either search for his fated mate or take a chosen mate by his 29th birthday. He has an impossible task for two reasons. He never wanted a Luna to rule by his side and he’s already taken 2 chosen mates. Hidden from the world and the Alpha King because of the laws in place. Once the timeline comes and goes, Alpha Kano, the Alpha king has decided to see to it that Alpha Rhys takes a shewolf as his Luna in the next few days. Forced to mark, mate and announce her as his Luna, he now has the most impossible task of allowing her to rule his pack by his side. However only one day after the forced mating ceremony, he then meets his fated mate, a shewolf from a neighboring pack. Will he continue his hidden bond with his 2 chosen mates? Will he continue the bond he has with his forced Luna? Or will he choose his fated mate? Could it all work out? Or could it be Fire on Fire?

Daughsh · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
31 Chs

Chapter 24 - Reaction

Kaori POV

I sat on the floor the whole time that this dang dinner went on. Subjected to watching Rhys be sweet and gentle and caring towards Madison.

He pissed me off so much, Kora was a wreck watching our mate do this to us. I couldn't stop the tears from falling, no matter how many times I wiped them away, more would take the place of the ones that were gone.

I sniffled trying not to let the strangled noise that I wanted to make, escape me. I felt someone grab my chin, pulling my face up to meet their eyes. When I followed the path with my own, my eyes met his.

The moment he saw my face, he clenched his jaw and burrowed his brows. I saw him swallow whatever was in his throat, then he let my chin go and cleared his throat.

I saw him shift uncomfortably in his seat before looking back to his table full of guests.

"Omega." Madison called out, I tore my eyes from Rhys to look up at her.

"I do believe that everyone is out of wine, you and the other omega run along and bring some back. Quickly."

I stood up, going to walk into the kitchen to do as she said, when I feel someone's foot reach mine and before I knew it, my beautiful face met the floor. Hard.

"Omega! Get up!" Rhys growled.

"I am terribly sorry about the help we have around here, I can assure you my son will deal with this accordingly." I heard his mother, Leila explain.

Without looking back, I walked back into the kitchen to retrieve the wine Madison requested. I was sure that bitch was the one that tripped me!

Emilee rubbed my back as we walked back into the dining room. We started to pour the wine into everyone's glasses when I felt someone's eyes on me. Looking up, Rhys was watching me as was Madison and his mother and father. I ignored them, continuing to pour the wine.

"Omega." I heard someone call me and I looked up to see Rhys now smiling at me.

"That's a beautiful necklace you have on." My hand went to my great, great grandmothers necklace. Protecting its beautiful meaning. It's been passed down to all the girls in my family since her passing. I loved it, it was absolutely gorgeous. A white wolf, with the words "A true warrior" engraved on the back. It's my most priced possession. I haven't taken it off since I was 8 years old.

"Yes, I agree on its beauty, it's my family heirloom Alpha Rhys. My necklace has been in my family for 5 generations." I smiled weakly at him as I explain the meaning behind my necklace. My heart started pounding in my chest at just the mention of it.

"May I see it?" He asked. I instinctively wrapped my hand on my necklace, before shaking my head.

"Excuse me?"

"I'm sorry Alpha, but I can't give it to you."

"Kaori, I don't care what your dealings with my son are, but here in this pack you will obey your Alpha. Now he's asked you to see your necklace. I would advise you to obey." Landon said, Leila nods in agreement.

"That's right Kaori. You need to learn your place here. Please hand over the necklace. I can promise you that my son won't ask nicely again." Leila said, but I stood firm. I wasn't handing over something that belonged to my family.

Rhys noticing that I wasn't going to obey, slid his chair back and made his way over to me.

"The necklace omega." He said, holding his hand out.

"Please Alpha, don't do this." I gritted out, I could feel myself actually getting upset. Not for Kora this time, but for me.

I took a step back from him then, but he reached out and yanked my necklace from my body.

"No! Give it back!" I yelled, grabbing his arm as hard as I could, but he shoved me off.

"Silence and stand down!" He yelled back, his aura washing over me. I finally felt the weight of his command. He actually used it on me and I had no choice but to obey. My body betraying me.

He smiled at me as I watched him walk around the table admiring my necklace. Then the asshole actually bent down and kissed Madison's forehead again, before draping my necklace over her neck and locking it.

"Alpha Rhys, that necklace doesn't belong to Luna Madison. It's a family heirloom to Kaori's bloodline. That necklace is hers by right." Preston said, looking between me and Madison, who was gushing about my necklace.

"Gamma Jett, I suggest you control your mate or he won't like the punishment that comes with speaking against his Alpha."

"Yes Alpha." Jett said, his face was calm but I knew he was fuming.

I was still in the same spot by the corner of the table next to Alpha Frederick and Heather, stuck under Rhys command. I didn't even care about the tears that were now flowing freely.

The pain from watching our mate dote on Madison, while mistreating me. Calling me omega, reducing my rank to the lowest he could possibly go. Watching him take my family's heirloom from me and drape it over that bitches neck. I no longer felt a pull to him of any kind. He was cruel, plain and simple and I couldn't allow myself to feel for someone like this.

I counted down the minutes until dinner was done, until Rhys released me from his command, until I could do my duty and clean up after everyone then go to my bed and cry.

The moment Rhys announced that dinner would be concluded, I felt him lift his command. My body slumped forward, catching myself on the table, I slowly stood up straight and watched everyone say their goodbyes. Preston stormed off from the table after that, Mateo and Jett chased after him. Alpha Frederick, Alpha Jeff and Luna Paige said goodbye to me and Emilee as well before leaving the packhouse with Heather.

Alpha Frederick announced that he would be taking her with him as soon as dinner was over and that she didn't need to pack anything that wasn't of value. I heard Heather tell him that she didn't want to take anything with her and she would leave all of our belongings to me and Emilee, that way when she came back to visit, she would have things here. He agreed with her as did Rhys, not like he had much of a choice.

Once everyone else was gone, I waited for Rhys, Madison, Maverick, Liam, Landon and Leila to leave the table before Emilee and I started clearing it. I remembered what she said about not being able to eat after 10pm and with it now being 9:37pm, that didn't seem likely if she helped me. So I told her to grab a plate and try to eat what she could, I would ask Mateo or Jett to grab me something later. I was sure they wouldn't get in trouble if they did.

I started to pile all of the dishes inside the dishwasher, thankful that we washed the pots earlier. Then I started to clean the kitchen, actually happy that I had something to keep my mind off the fact that my mate is a freaking monster and now that bitch has my family's necklace. My great, great grandmother is throwing a fit up there with the Moon Goddess. I just know it.

Once the kitchen was clean, I said goodnight to Emilee before making my way up to my room. Much to my irritation, Rhys and Madison were right outside my door, talking about my necklace no less! He was leaning against the wall with her breasts pressed against his chest, smiling at each other while he played with my necklace on her neck.

I internally rolled my eyes at them before walking right past and opening my door. Trying to shut the door, but Rhys puts his foot in the way, stopping it.


Oh what happened to omega? Is that only for guests?

"Alpha. Luna." I said, sighing out of pure irritation.

"Nothing else to say? You won't comment on your Luna's beautiful necklace."

Oh he wanted another bad reaction? Well I wouldn't give him one.. I simple turned to Madison and told her that her necklace was beautiful and then asked her to never take it off and make sure she takes good care of it.

She smiled at me and agreed with her usual "Oh of course, I'll never take it off. My love gave it to me, it's a beautiful gift."

I bowed out of respect to both of them before Rhys moved his foot. I closed my door, then turned around, fell to my knees and let the tears fall. I didn't care how much noise I made right now.. He wanted a reaction from me, here it was.

I'm sure it's the one he wanted. To hurt me, to get under my skin. Well here you go Rhys and once I pull back from this, you won't like me!