

"Get down and do the dishes!" Said Rowan's mom. Well Rowan certainly didn't liked the idea of working so he shouted her back "I am studying so dont disturb me okay." His mom was a kind hearted Irish lady who did everything she could for his fulfilment. And after all, why shouldn't she? She expected a lot from him too. Well anyone from his family (which consisted of him, his father and his mother) weren't college educated. But that didn't meant he was financially weak. His father is a landlord and own quite a few properties. So Rowan is currently preparing for his SAT so he can get good grades and can get a college. He was a average student but his ego always made him believe that he was the best. He trained his subconscious mind in a way that he believed that he could do anything. Well that is a good thing to do but he really forgot that for doing anything and everything you require the skill to do anything and everything. So he was overconfident. While doing research he found out that he had not done anything in his junior high and he have not got any time left. It seriously broke his heart. Having such aspirations and out of his league dreams, he was heartbroken. Well he could have just sat back and said to himself that "its not really my fault!! and seriously if it even is, what can I even do now?" Instead he started to find ways so he can do something. He went on to various sites, forums and asked people online but there seemed to be no way. He went to youtube then. But than suddenly, an add popped up the time he was about to click on something else. The add redirected him to a website which had a photo of a comic character. Rowan thought that the character was cool and he wanted to know more about it so he web searched for it. The name of that character was ghost rider and he was a marvel character. Rowan went into the lore of that character and found out about him. He was a gut who sold his soul to the devil and got powers in return. He suddenly got an idea. He thought he would sell his soul to the devil and get time in return. Being stupid enough, needless to say, he just searched "how to sell my soul to the devil." Many websites popped up but those were just fake articles and couldn't help him much. He had heard about dark web from one of his friends and then he searched how to access it. And he was smart enough for finding it and using it. He saw a lot of terrible things but he didn't mind them (didn't looked creepier than him). He found a promising website whose homepage said "A wish is made once but is repaid till the end." So he entered his wish which was to get back his time he spent on the website and nothing happened. He was really disappointed which means he was stupid enough to believe anything would happen. And then he went to bed weeping, thinking about his failures but then something strange happened, a portal opened in his room and he was confused as someone seeing it rain in the desert. For a moment he thought it was a dream. It was unreal. He was scared and curious at the same time. He shouted loud but nobody came to his rescue. He opened his door and all he sees is that he is not in his house and there is lava outside. There came a voice from it saying "The wish will be granted, only to them who can make it to the end of the journey. Are you brave enough?" He didn't had any option and said yes. He was suddenly teleported to a place, a place which was dark, like an evening with black rainy clouds as soon as he landed there He is immediately met by a vivid world. Smoke bellows out of openings in the ground, creating a thick layer of clouds that shrouds the land in shadows. A strange energy hangs in the air and makes the hairs on his arms rise. Rowan was surprised and scared. After all, what can he possibly do now, he started to cry and weep. But when he looked at his clothes, they were not the same, it was a medieval armor with lasers!!!

His armor has a rounded helm with a face guard shaped in the face of a lion. Attached to its side is a laser .

The shoulders are pointy, short and large in size. They're decorated with a serpent's head shaped metal ornament piece on each side. And there is something looking like a gun on the shoulders

The upper arms are protected by squared, half covering rerebraces which sit loosely under the shoulderplates. The lower arms are covered by vambraces which have rows upon rows of small metal pieces, mimicking dragon scales.

The breastplate is made from various layers of pointed metal sheets. It covers only the front, the back is where the attachment straps are and they offer no real protection.. But at the back he has a bag with some weapons in it. It seems small but have a quite a lot of weapons like swords and daggers and what not.

The upper legs are covered by a skirt of several layered metal sheets reaching down to the knee. The lower legs are protected by greaves which have a metal snake curling around them.

Much remains to be discovered here, but now is not the the time to get complacent and reckless. This world is undeniably pleasant, but he reckon he will be fine as long as he is cautious.

Close around him, there are parts of beings literally and figuratively beyond your world. They seem to have taken notice of his presence, he realise it's best not to get too close. There are traces of tiny creatures, bulky creatures. It dosent even look like earth. Everything is either dead or survives eating life. The plants are thorny and look dangerous, the ogre-like creatures are eating other ogres that seem to be dead. "Wait, what can possibly kill those monster like creatures?" thought Rowan.

Suddenly, a creature in black appears. "What are you?" Shouts Rowan in fear and surprise, "I am help." Says the creature.