
The Answers

For a generous moment Rowan was confused, it was all like a dream and it was impossible to believe. And for a moment he thought that if he ever got our of it, how exactly would he tell anyone else what happened? tell them that he went into another world-ish place by a portal in the night because of a website that grant wishes? He would be declared crazy by his peers.

"So what was it you wished for?" Asked the creature in the black, "I can't believe its happening." Said Rowan. Rowan had a look of disbelief on his face. His brain couldn't process something like this. "What even are you?" said Rowan to the creature, "I am Jelmech, the navigator of the Aehesos realm." Said Jelmech. "What is the Aehesos realm?" Asked Rowan in a stressed manner, "It is a realm where the souls which had been conquered by the devil come to fight for their wish, and the souls that reside here are the ones sent to the devil by god to suffer for their ill works when they were alive." Said Jelmech. "Look, this cant be real okay! I must be in some kind of a dream." Rowan starts to violently rub his eyes while Jelmech watches him.

Jelmech looked like a skeleton, in a robe which was as dark as a raven, his face can barely be seen. He was quite tall, making Rowan, who on Earth is considered pretty tall, look like a hobbit. His clothes were torn on the end of his sleeves and on towards the end of his robe. His voice was deep and lifeless, as if someone talking because it is his job.

"So is this some kind of a game? Like I have to go on a quest and win to get back to my home?" asked Rowan, to which Jelmech replied, "You do have to go on a quest but its neither a game nor are you free after you maybe win."

"What do you mean that I am not free after winning, and how and what I have to win?, it is like an object I have to find or is it a monster I have to defeat." Asked Rowan, "You have to go to the northern forest of Hellish Fire and there you have to find a troll who will guide you even further, and even if you win, your soul is sold to the devil, which means you are not free."

Rowan was very scared because he had never fought anyone. It was natural for him to freak out. Even tough he believed everything he was experiencing was true, he still hoped it was a dream. "Can't you just send me home?" Said Rowan to Jelmech "I can't do that and I dont have the powers to do that. My sole purpose is to guide you through the journey, and nothing else."

Rowan was confused, but he felt safe because he had weapons. Maybe the weapons can make up for the lack of skills he has. "What if I want to quit?" Asked Rowan, to which Jelmech replied, "You can quit the game, warrior, but do you see those ogres? those are the warriors that quit the quest for their wish, and the others died on the way. It has been a while since someone came here for a wish. 1000 years to be exact."

At this point Rowan had a breakdown, he felt lonely, lonelier than ever. For the first time in his life he ever wished there were people around. He regretted every decision he ever made.

When he looked around, Jelmech was not around. He looked around ,he was nowhere to be seen. All he can see was the sad and hellish word he was in. Ogres eating other dead ogres, the lifeless sky getting even darker. The non-existent light of hope got even fainter with each second passing. Now, confused on what to do, Rowan decided to move north and go wherever Jelmech was telling him to.

But what he didn't knew, was that the journey would be harder than he think it will be.

So firstly, he decided to analyse what inventory he had in the bag. The bag was not that big at all and if someone was to estimate how much can fit in it, they would probably say a couple of Gatorades at max. But to his surprise, there were 2 daggers, a sword, a handgun and a machine gun and a compass along with some ammo, actually quite a lot of it.

It also contained some pods which seemed like they were supposed to be eaten. there were quite a lot of them.

Soon, when the fog cleared, he could see a city. A city with tall buildings, all shining, but there was some sort of mist over it. It was in the way of his journey, so he decided to go there and planned his journey.

The journey seemed easy, but will it be?

So he started moving north, after a 10 minutes of walking he encountered an ogre. They dont seem to talk. They just make rubbish sounds from their mouth. The path to the city was long. It didn't seemed that long but it was quite long. The way was like a forest but less dense. The trees were tall and the leaves were black. There seemed to be a lot of fog at the bottom of the trees he walked and walked for several hours until he encountered a hut.

The hut was made of grass and seemed pretty small. It was unusual for a hut to be in such a dense forest. It was getting darker.

At first, Rowan thought that maybe the hut was of an ogre, but no ogre could be seen in the forest, and besides, he thought that ogre were not advanced enough to make huts. He decided to ask for help. He went to the hut and inspected it. it had a wooden door which was locked. Though he couldn't determine if someone lived there.

He knocked on the door to see if someone was inside. Getting no response, he decided to break in. The door was very weak and easily broke open. Inside, there was an old women sleeping in it. She seemed pretty weak and on the verge to die.

He was confused on what to do, weather to leave the place or stay for the night. The old lade spoke up "Who are you and why are you here?" To which Rowan replied "I am from another world and I am here for a wish I made." Hearing that, the old lady sparked up. "Really?" she asked in astonishment, as if he was someone she was waiting for her entire life. He said yes and asked If he could stay for the night. The old lady seemed happy to help but she seems to hold some secrets which must be discovered.