
All the Female Zombies Are Around during the apocalypse

Kiamat, zombie merajalela! Selalu ada zombie wanita yang ingin memakanku… Punggung saya agak sakit akhir-akhir ini, apa yang harus saya lakukan? Tunggu online! mendesak!

Iriz07 · Ação
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240 Chs

Chapter 200: blind operation

The white man began to panic.

In terms of strength, he is similar to the red-eyed zombie, and no one can kill each other at once.

But this kind of expendable play, he can't stand it!

This zombie seems not to be afraid of death at all, and directly confronts him for wounds.

Zombies are not afraid of death, but white people are afraid!

I finally became a Level 5 Awakener, how could I die here so easily!

In addition, there is a man, a woman and a mutant squid staring at him. If he doesn't want to do anything, he may not be able to hold on.


When the white man lost his mind, he was punched in the ribs by the red-eyed man, and several ribs were broken in an instant.

This limits his mobility to a certain extent.

"Fake, we can't go on like this!"

The white man gritted his teeth, took out a potion from the small bag around his waist, and plunged it into his arm.

This potion is the violent potion produced by the No. 3 Research Institute. It is very obvious in improving strength. The only side effect is that no matter whether you are an awakened person or not, you will become a zombie under the action of the potion.

If you become a zombie, you will become a zombie. At this level, being a zombie is as cool as being a human being.

Under the action of the potion, the white man's body quickly swelled up, and the power that burst out of his body made him roar uncontrollably.

A bloodshot appeared in his pupil and began to spread to the middle...

After a few seconds, his pupils turned completely red.

"Hehehe...Is this the power of zombies?"

"I feel stronger than a sixth-level awakener!"

White people are thrilled with their newfound power.

If I knew it was so strong, I would have injected it long ago.

The red-eyed man felt the other party's momentum and felt bad.

Just now, I was barely on a par with the opponent, and now it seems that it is definitely not the opponent's opponent...

At this time, Wang Ran, who was sitting in the back and watching, jumped off his tentacles.

"Little Hong, stay behind."

Wang Ran stepped forward with a hammer.

It seems that Xiaohong can't kill the opponent in 3 minutes, so he can only do it himself.

Wang Ran also knew that the other party had the idea of ​​delaying time, and 3 minutes was the time limit for him to avenge Xiaohong himself.

Since the other party cheated first, then it is not to blame Wang Ran for taking the shot himself.

"Boss, be careful, this guy injected the monster's extract."

The red-eyed man reminded.

As soon as the words were spoken, the red-eyed man felt that he was too stupid.

Boss, who is the man who slaps a red-eyed zombie to death, will he be afraid of each other?

Wang Ran walked up to the white man and leaned the hammer to the ground.

The white man looked at Wang Ran and let out a long breath.

The energy of the potion just now was finally absorbed, and now he can kill the red-eyed man just now with just a few punches.

"Is it replaced?"

"it's useless!"

"The current me is stronger than the sixth-level awakener."

"As far as I know, there are no sixth-level awakeners in the world, right?"

"You are so eager to die?"

"I'll give you a suggestion, why not..."

Before the white man could finish speaking, Wang Ran slammed the hammer in his face.


The white man's body was smashed in half by the blunt weapon of the Doomhammer...

As for the head... maybe it exploded as soon as the hammer hit it.

"Fuck, boss Niubi..."

The red-eyed man standing next to him couldn't help muttering.

This is the guy who injected the violent drug!

Killed with a hammer?

Teaming up with Ada was the wisest decision in his life, otherwise he would probably end up similar to this white man...


The black man on the side was stunned.

As a Level 5 Awakened with strength similar to that of a white man, he is very clear about how powerful he can be after being injected with a violent potion.

As a result, you can't hold a hammer?

too terrifying!

The black man's thoughts suddenly drifted away.

He seemed to see cracked ground and flying yellow sand.

That is his hometown.

He wants to go home...


The black man was also hit in the head by Wang Ran's hammer.

"Come on, it's slaughter time."

Wang Ran walked forward with his younger brothers. Not far away was a low-rise building covering an area of ​​several thousand square meters, which was the No. 3 Research Institute.

At this time, all the people in the institute were anxious like ants on a hot pot.

The pictures outside were broadcast on the big screen through surveillance, and they could clearly see the deaths of blacks and whites.

They didn't expect that the two strongest combat powers in the research institute would be instantly killed by someone!

Where did this horrible guy come from!

Humanoid weapons developed by other organizations!

"Director, what to do!"

A researcher from Curry Country asked, sweating profusely.

He was sweating, and the whole room smelled of curry, which was very choking.

"Headquarters support will arrive in 20 minutes!"

"No, we have to hold on..."

"Well..., you open the gate of the grid encirclement and release all the zombies inside!"

The director was a white middle-aged woman with red hair, and after thinking about it, he only came up with this method.

"Let them all out?"

"There are two zombies with red eyes and a dozen zombies with golden eyes!"

"Let it go out of our control!"

Researcher Curry Country reminded.

"We can't control it, and neither can the intruders outside."

"Zombies are bloodthirsty. If the two of them can fight, it can delay us a lot of time!"

"In addition, our iron gate is 1 meter thick, so they can't get in for a while."

"Just do as I say!"

The female director made a decision.

The other researchers thought about it, and there was really no better way, so they immediately went to operate the instrument and opened the door to the power grid.

Through monitoring, they saw the zombies swarming out of the gate and running towards this side.

Soon, the zombies came to the door of the research room and met the intruder.

From the surveillance screen, the two sides seem to be communicating something.

"Fight! Fight!"

"Hurry up and kill me!"

"Take out your usual irritability!"

The researchers kept muttering around the screen.

As long as the two sides fight, they can wait a little longer for rescue.

Suddenly, the muttering stopped.

Something keeps falling from the hands of these researchers to the ground.

On the screen, the group of zombies that had just been released all knelt down on one knee in front of the intruder with the hammer...

Everyone in front of the screen was shocked!

"No way..."

"Your country, what does this action mean?"

someone asked.

"Kneeling down on one knee, it means the same thing in any country!"

"It's not always what you mean by looking at it..."

Someone said in a trembling voice.
