
All the Female Zombies Are Around during the apocalypse

Kiamat, zombie merajalela! Selalu ada zombie wanita yang ingin memakanku… Punggung saya agak sakit akhir-akhir ini, apa yang harus saya lakukan? Tunggu online! mendesak!

Iriz07 · Action
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240 Chs

Chapter 201: Experiment No. 3

They all couldn't believe that these irritable zombies actually knelt down to a human...

This was originally intended to let them kill each other!

The result seems to be to increase the number of intruders.

The female director was about to cry...

Now they can only pin their hopes on the strong iron gate of the institute.

This iron gate can block even the bombardment of the bazooka, and block the intruder, there should be no problem...

Outside the door, the red-eyed man stood in front of the iron gate.

"Boss, this iron gate is very thick, and it doesn't look like it will be damaged."

"It's a pity that these two guys are dead, and they didn't ask for the password."

The red-eyed man smashed the iron door with his fist, but did not move.

"Where's the brain? Have you lost your brain after turning into a zombie?"

"The iron door can't be smashed, can't it smash the wall?"

Wang Ran raised the hammer and walked aside, it was a hammer against the wall!

There are tons of cracks in the wall!

Another hammer!


The wall was directly smashed with a big hole!

Wang Ran kicked a few times with his foot, and the hole instantly widened a lot.

"Cow than..."

The newly added zombies all looked in admiration.

Just now, they were persuaded by the red-eyed man to surrender to Wang Ran.

After all, the red-eyed man used to be a big guy in the power grid circle, and other zombies are still willing to believe what he said.

But when they saw Wang Ran's power with their own eyes, these zombies were still shocked.

"Come on, go in and say hello to your old acquaintances."

Wang Ran said with a smile.

A dozen zombies swarmed in from the hole.

Once inside, they started a massacre.

Residual limbs and blood were constantly flying in the air, and the mourning sounded from wave to wave.

When Wang Ran entered, only the female director was killed among the researchers inside.

These zombies also knew that they wanted to leave a question for Wang Ran.

"Who the **** are you..."

"Don't kill me, let me do anything!"

The female director knelt in front of Wang Ran and pleaded.

Wang Ran frowned.

This is a middle-aged woman...

If a girl said this, it would sound comfortable, but it would be a bit lethal to say it from the mouth of this middle-aged woman...

"Come on, tell me about your research institute No. 3."

"Besides, don't hide any good things, hand them over to me."

Wang Ran resisted the urge to slap her to death and asked.

"Okay, I said, I said..."

"Our No. 3 Research Institute is mainly to study the violent virus in No. 3 experimental body."

"Experiment 3 was one of the early experimental subjects injected with the virus. The virus mutated in him, making him very manic."

"At the same time, the virus extracted from him will make other people as violent as him."

"Although the side effects are strong, his virus is also very effective in enhancing the target's strength."

"The company intends for us to dig deeper into this Berserker virus and use it to build their Berserker army."

"As for supplies..."

"The freezer inside is full of food."

The women's office elder honestly explained it.

Su Xiaoyu went into the freezer to investigate, and soon returned to Wang Ran's side.

"Master, it's mostly canned, but there's also some frozen meat and vegetables."

Su Xiaoyu reported.

"Yo, the food is good."

"Institute No. 1 can only eat canned food, and you have all eaten meat."

Wang Ran smiled.

"The research results of our No. 3 research institute are the most applicable, so the treatment given by the company is also good..."

"Research Institute No. 1 can't even watch the experimental body, and it's not far from closing."

The female director muttered.

There is a bit of competition among several research institutes. As the director of Research Institute No. 3, she has been proud of her research results for a long time.

It's a pity that the intruder made a mess today, otherwise, it might not take long for her to enter the top of the company.

"What about Experiment No. 3?"

"Take me to see."

Wang Ran became interested in this No. 3 experiment.

If his virus can make other people quickly improve their strength...

Will it work for me too?

His physique is against the sky, he is not afraid of zombie virus, and it is estimated that he does not need to worry about the side effects of No. 3 virus.

"You come with me..."

The female director took Wang Ran to a certain room.

During the walk, the female director twisted her hips hard, hoping to attract Wang Ran.

Su Xiaoyu couldn't stand it any longer, and kicked the female director directly on the buttocks.

The female director broke several teeth.

The next part of the road, she was more honest.

After a metal door opened, the female director took Wang Ran and Su Xiaoyu into a dimly lit room.

In the middle of the room, a beating heart was soaked in a tank of liquid, and the heart was full of tubes.

"Fuck, isn't this thing the No. 3 experiment?"

Wang Ran was stunned.

It's just a heart, where did the body go?

"That's right, this is Experimental No. 3!"

"Because the concentration of the virus is too high, Subject No. 3 can't carry it himself, so his body is constantly corrupting."

"Last week he had half his body, and now he has only a heart."

"Based on the current situation, we can only maintain it for a while."

"But fortunately, we have extracted a lot of his virus, even if he is completely gone, it will be fine."

The female director explained.

At this time, Su Xiaoyu on the side swallowed her saliva.

Wang Ran looked back and found that Su Xiaoyu was staring at the heart with glowing eyes.

"Xiaoyu, do you want to eat?"

Wang Ran asked.

"Master, I have a very strong feeling that eating this thing is good for me."

Su Xiaoyu licked her lips and said.

Wang Ran nodded, walked to the glass jar, and put his hand in.

"Ah! This can't be directly touched, it will be infected!"

The female director subconsciously reminded.

If the mutant zombies outside had not been suppressed by Wang Ran, they would have torn her to pieces long ago.

Wang Ran didn't care, he took out the still beating heart and unplugged the tube stuck on it.

Wang Ran felt a strong burning sensation in the palm of his hand, and a force kept drilling into his body.

It seems that this No. 3 experimental body is indeed a bit powerful.

"Xiaoyu, be careful and eat slowly."

Wang Ran handed his heart to Su Xiaoyu.

Su Xiaoyu licked her lips and took a bite.

Spilled with blood...

A small piece of heart was swallowed by Su Xiaoyu along with the blood.


Su Xiaoyu felt that a force exploded in her stomach and spread to her whole body in an instant.

What a powerful force!

Su Xiaoyu didn't stop, she nibbled the heart clean with a few big bites.

"It's hot..."

Su Xiaoyu murmured subconsciously...
