
Chapter One : 'When is the right time to get over your crush?'

'Welcome all. I'm sure you all must be nervous since his is your first day of training but be assured you're in best hands. I'll spare you from the boring lecture and hand over the command to your handsome training instructor right here.' The man pointed at the young man sanding at the back of the hall, who swiftly ran his fingers in his brown hair and walked to the front.

'Welcome to the auror training program.' The young man could already feel all eyes on him which only added to his nervousness. He cleared his throat and continued, 'I'm your instructor, Teddy Remus Lupin. I promise to put in my best to teach you to become the best and in return expect you to work equally hard to become the best auror here.'

Everyone cheered but there was one sigh among them and he knew who it was. Not sparing her a glance he concentrated on his orientation speech that he had prepared with much difficulty. Within an hour everything was spoken and the new recruits were informed of the rules and regulations.

'So that's it for today. I'll see everyone tomorrow. See you guys.' With a deep sigh he finished off the his task.

Hustling sound could be heard and soon the room which was filled with young auror trainees was now emptied leaving only two people behind. The young instructor and the new trainee who had the audacity to sigh during his speech.

'Seriously Lily! Didn't you know I was nervous.' He ruffle his hair something he did when he would be extremely nervous.

'What was I supposed to do then. Did you hear yourself? I'll try to be best, you try to be best....and all that. How unoriginal!' Lily folded her hands in front.

'Next time you write my speech okay?'

'Of course I will. Albus might be young but his mind is hundred years old. If you want to hit it with the modern people, come to me.' Teddy folded his in front of his god-sister and laughed lightly. He knew there was no way he could win against her.

'So are you going to have lunch with Harry?'

'Um...actually no. I already promised mom that I'll be going out with her.'

'Okay then, I guess I'll see you tomorrow.' Teddy smiled and gave a hug to Lily before parting ways.


'So how was your first day?' Ginny asked as soon as they took a seat in the restaurant.

'Mom, I think we should order first.'

'Forget about food. Tell me how was your day. You know how anxious I was.'

Lily looked into the beautiful brown eyes of her mother, smiled and said, 'It was good. You know Ted was there so that kind of eased the nervousness, although I can't say the same for him.'

'Why? Did his speech not go good?' Ginny bit her lip for she knew that her god-son was pathetic when it came to dealing with a crowd or people in general.

'It went well. Could've been better but since oldie Albus wrote it, what can we expect?'

'Lily....' Came a warning from her mother.

'Fine. I know you can't hear anything about your ideal son.'

'He's your brother.'

'But he's so old fashioned mom... I.....forget it. I want to discuss something important with you.'

Ginny straighten up in anticipation for usually if Lily wanted to discuss something she went straight to her father. 'What is it, honey?'

'Ah....Can I.....can I move out?' Ginny blinked for first few times and then her eyes widened. 'Mom, I know this is too early according to you and dad but....'

'But Lily you just came back from France. We want you to stay with us for a bit longer.'

'I know mom, but now I'm training to be an auror and Albus and James also moved out when they started with their careers so I think this is the right time to....'

'Well I need to discuss it with Harry.'

'Of course. I know. I just wanted to talk to you first because.....'

'You know dad's never going to agree.' Ginny completed for her and Lilly nodded.

'Can you please try to convince him?' Lily's puppy eyes worked best on her parents so she used them to emotionally waver her mother.

'Fine. I'll talk to him but I can't promise he'll agree.'

'It's okay. I know he'll listen to you.' Lily's smile made Ginny smile for she missed her youngest while she was away in France. When lily had graduated from Hogwarts and had expressed to go for some exploring to the country they'd reluctantly agreed for they were assured by Fleur, Ginny's brother, Bill's wife, that she'll be responsible for their daughter's well being. For a year Lily stayed their and when she finally returned, Ginny knew Harry was not going to let his daughter ever away from his eyes.

Discussing what Lily wanted with Harry was going to be difficult, Ginny knew, but as she did not wanted to ruin her daughter's excitement from her first day of training, she listened to everything she said and kept smiling in return.


The next day, Teddy begin the auror-training officially, 'Good morning trainees, today we'll begin with the training.'

It was a simple step they started with and everything was going fine for Lily who had already practiced it at home, until Teddy introduced his assistant.

'Attention please! This is Scorpius Malfoy, my assistant in the training program.' And Lily's heart sank. 'If you have any question or doubt you can ask him.' How was she supposed to concentrate now, she thought. Girls in the class were already giving the only Malfoy heir googly eyes, which made Lily unconfortable.

After his introduction, from being the top student, Lily fell to the bottom. She just couldn't concentrate. Sighs after sighs came from her as she failed in every spell and she only breathed a sigh of relief when the class ended. Her tormentor left the room without sparing her a glance, as if she didn't existed.

'What's wrong?' Teddy came to her when people left the room.

'What do you think happened? Why didn't you tell me he was your assistant?' She felt betrayed, especially when teddy knew what she felt for Scorpius.

'How does it matter? Don't tell me you still have crush on him? Lily!'


'I thought you were over him.'

'I....' She didn't know how to reply to him.

'I can't believe this. Don't all childhood crushes come with a expiry date? Don't you think you should've been over him by now?'

'Tell me honestly Ted, when is the right time to get over your crush? I think there is any! There's no expiry date. When you like someone you like someone.'

He pulled a face and said, 'Even if they treat you like you don't exist on this earth.' So he too noticed that Scorpius was ignoring Lily through the class. Nothing could be more embarrassing than this.