
Aliens in the Multiverse

What would happen if you create a world? Well a certain alien did after his death, and because of that he met a god. Now he is put to the task to get powerful and help this god in monitoring and creating worlds. With the power of an alien roulette. ........ This is my first time writing and English is not my first language so please bear with me. First world - My Hero Academia **DISCLAIMER** I DO NOT OWN ANYTHING FEATURED IN THIS FANFIC INCLUDING THE COVER ART IF YOU ARE THE OWNER AND WANT IT TO NOT BE FEATURED IN MY FAN FIC PLEASE MESSAGE ME Below are the sources I got the Aliens from. https://ben10.fandom.com/wiki/Category:Transformations?from=Y https://5yl.fandom.com/wiki/Ben%27s_Arsenal#Original

Helix_Tower · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
22 Chs

Roulette and Born

Looking around I could only see a giant roulette wheel with a lot of different monsters but I was only able to see their face and name. I guess these are what god meant by aliens.

I went up to the roulette which was 10 meters high and saw there was a letter in front of it that read:

"Happy birthday although you have not been born yet you will soon. The wheel in front of you is your power "Alien Roulette" all you need to do to roll it is to think of it rolling. You can roll it two times annually but since its your first time I will give you one freebie. The alien you land on will allow you to use their powers and transform into them. You will also get the alien's inherent knowledge that includes the alien's abilities.

You will receive some objectives from me once in a while, in the same manner as this letter. For now just enjoy your childhood. Good luck!"

- From The Supreme God of Creation -

After reading the letter and thinking that it was weird that I have not been born, it dissipated into light particles. Then I looked at the wheel and just went for it.

The wheel started rolling to the point that it became a blur. After spinning for a minute it landed on an alien named BallPit with a ball like head.

Suddenly the alien popped out of the roulette and flew a few meters behind me and just stood there. His name was still on top of him and I was able to see his full body, it looked like a human made with clear plastic but under that were colorful balls all over.

Not seeing anything else happening I willed the wheel to roll again. This time it stopped at an alien with the name of Disk Jockey The same thing happened again with the alien flying towards my left and just stood there. It looked like some kind of energy trapped in a container with a glass front and hovering appendages.

After looking at Disk Jockey's for a bit I rolled for the last time. I got an alien named Wildvine. This alien flew toward my right once he got on his spot I started looking at his features. He looked like a green humanoid creature with one eye, and a body made out of vines. It also had a Venus fly trap open around his head.

After getting a good look at my last alien for some reason I was not able to stop myself from going back to sleep. I guess god made it so I could roll the wheel before I was born because I doubt I should be able to gain consciousness in my mother belly.


The first thing I felt when I woke up was pain. It felt like I was being squeezed, and pushed from something. Then I realized that I was probably being born, but then my brain was flooded with even more pain.

Then the only thing I felt afterwards was my various senses being overwhelmed. I felt incredibly cold, heard muffled but loud voices, and smelled many strong odors, opening my eyes at first I only saw a blinding light but once my vision adjusted I was only able to see blurs some closer and some farther away. Lastly I was spanked by the man holding me which was incredibly painful and then I was cleaned, wrapped in a blanket and handed to the woman in the bed which started to feed me immediately.

Obviously I was crying the whole time but when the woman held me and fed me the only thing I felt was warmth and I stopped crying. I was trying see how she looked but sadly I was still unable to see her clearly.

'So being born truly is one of the most painful things one goes through.' I mused, while also trying to understand what the few people talking where saying when suddenly I was able to understand something.

"What should we name him honey?" A man said but his words only sounded muffled to my ears, at the same time I was hearing him I also felt his voice through my body I understood perfectly.

This is probably an ability from an alien but I didn't know who. But I do know that my whole body is acting like a receptor and because of that I didn't actually need ears, what I did not understand was how it was translated to something I understood but I quickly forgot about that thought when I felt the woman started to talk while still looking at me.

"How does Azmuth sound?" she said warmly.

'How I was able to tell the difference between male and female was mainly the pitch of the frequency'

"Azmuth... I like it, Azmuth Enger." The man said after some thought.

'So my name is Azmuth' That was my last thought before falling asleep in my mother's hands.


I woke up in a dark room in what looked like a container with a blanket for me to lie on and another one on top of me.

Hearing another baby's cry, probably what woke me up, I thought. 'I guess this is where they keep newborns for the night. Annoying, hopefully he will shut up soon...'

After a few minutes the baby was still crying and so to stop myself from thinking about it I decided to find out more about my aliens.

Concentrating on my aliens I suddenly found myself in the same dark space where my three aliens were but this time the roulette was not there. Not seeing anything happening after I waited for a bit I decided to see if touching an alien will do something and so I got closer to Wildvine. Once I was in front of him I touched him and all of a sudden more information about him flooded my mind. It didn't feel painful just weird. The flood of info told me what he was capable of and how to use those abilities which was really helpful...


POV Change night shift nurse.

Hearing a baby cry across the hall I stood up and started getting a few things ready to make him stop crying.

Once done I walked out of the office and into the babies room with my flashlight making my way to the crying baby.

Walking over and picking up the baby I notice something moving three baby cribs over. Flashing my light over I see what looked like green tentacles moving outside a baby's container.

Carefully walking over and looking in the container I see a baby sized lump of vines with his eye closed moving his limbs all over.

Wide eyed I ran out to contact the doctor with the crying baby still in my hands. Sliding the door open with a loud noise I see a man sleeping in a bed. Quickly waking him up he looks at me confusingly.

"Doc there is a baby with a quirk!" I said to the doctor quickly. Just making him look more confused since it was not rare to see a baby born with a quirk.

Seeing him still confused I decided to just drag him with me to the baby's crib. Once there he understood what I meant and so even thought he was surprised he started to move the baby to a new room for him alone.

Normally when a baby has a transformation quirk since birth they will always be transformed because they are yet to have control over it. They also get their own room to make sure their quirk don't harm other babies.

The single room is also meant to monitor the baby carefully with multiple cameras pointed at every direction. While the big baby room has cameras they are meant to see who is coming in and out of the room not to monitor the babies.

Once the doc put the baby at the new room we went to the security room to see what happened with that baby, but the only thing we found was that it was only a few minutes before I came into the room that the vines started to come out of the crib. We thought that the baby may have some control over his quirk which was surprising since normally you will have to be two years old to activate and deactivate a quirk like that and so we decided to monitor the baby carefully to see if it was a one time thing.

After staring at the monitor for about ten minutes they saw the baby start to turn back to normal, with him opening his eyes at the same time. Taking notice of that they thought that he may not have control over his quirk and it was activated unconsciously, but the doctor stayed in the security room while I went to take care of the babies through the night shift.


Change POV back to Azmuth:

Opening my eyes I realize I messed up. Seeing my arms and legs were now vines slowly going back to normal. I guess it started when I touched Wildvine since there is no other way. So that means that to transform into an alien I need to be in physical contact with them.

Deciding to be more careful from now on I start to think about how quiet it was and so I looked around only now realizing I am in a different room since the blurry roof looked different. Now I know my screw-up was noticed by someone that moved me here, shit. Well at least I have this room to myself now.

Now that it was quiet I decided to not worry about what happened when I was in my conscience and fall asleep knowing that I have slept way to much already, but hey what can I do as a baby.



None of the aliens or worlds used in this story belong to me and all of the credit goes to their original creators. Below are the sources I got the Aliens from.



Author's note:

I uploaded a list of the aliens in the roulette but it is pretty long about 25000 words combined. If you have a little bit of time give me your thoughts and leave a comment on whichever alien you want to see in the story. I already have aliens I plan to use but I can probably replace some aliens.

Also if you have any recommendations on any alien like changing abilities, creative ways to use their abilities, new aliens, and possible alien combinations leave a comment.

Thank you for reading.