
Alien in the Cultivation World

We're so used to magicians, reincarnators, transmigrators and other race in the cultivation world. But what about an alien? Even better.... An evil one ?

InnocentFox · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
54 Chs





A unified shout all across the world echoed , as billions of people raised their hands to the sky.

Energy surged through the air, converging on a single point atop the highest tower where a newborn baby floated. 

Surrounding the baby were the strongest beings this world could offer, each raising their hands as their concentrated power was fully absorbed by the seemingly weak and fragile infant. 

His name was Ra, and he was the last hope for his people. 




The sky crackled with power as the chant grew louder. 

"Eternal protector, savior of our world, receive our strength," they cried. 

The ground beneath their feet trembled, and the atmosphere shimmered with the intensity of their combined energy. 

Ra's body began to glow, the sheer magnitude of the power being channeled into him transforming him into a radiant beacon of hope. 

His eyes shone with golden light as he absorbed the energy, his small body vibrating. 

"Supreme Alliance, hear us," the people chanted, their voices reverberating through the air. "You will regret betraying our race, our god will avenge us!" 

The people cried out in anger.

They were once a powerful race, but their strength had made them targets of envy from many other civilizations .

Now, they were considered too dangerous for their own good.

In a final bid for survival, they relied on their ability to transfer their power to others. 

This time, they chose a boy said to have the most potential in the history of their race. 


A sudden explosion echoed, shaking the entire planet.

"This is blasphemy!" the people shouted in anger. 

The Supreme Alliance had just used a World Destroying bomb, which was supposed to be banned.

As the world trembled and threatened to be destroyed within minutes, the survivors knew their fate was sealed. 

They poured all their power into the sky so their savior could receive it.

Their bodies began to decay, but they were no longer afraid of death. 


Volcanoes erupted violently, spewing lava and ash. 

Earthquakes shook the land, splitting the ground open.

Tsunamis crashed onto the shores, swallowing cities whole.

Once vibrant and bustling, the cities crumbled to the ground, reduced to ruins.

Despite the chaos, the surviving people did not waver. 

They stood firm, raising their hands to the sky. 

Energy left their bodies, glowing streams of light flowing upward. 

They poured everything they had into their savior, determined to ensure their bloodline would not be lost. 

Their bodies continued to weakened, but their spirits remained strong, united in their final act of defiance.

In the center of this chaos, the infant hovered , unaware of the magnitude of the events unfolding around him. 

He instinctively absorbed the power being channeled to him, his body glowing brighter with each passing second.

"Jer, is this really the right choice?" a woman's voice echoed, filled with worry and doubt, as she watched her own son endure such an ordeal. 

Her heart ached, but she knew there was no turning back now. 

"Mir, our son was born for this. He will be the one to avenge all of us," Jer replied, his voice filled with pride rather than worry. 

Among all the candidates, their son had been chosen for his unrivaled potential. 

Mir remained silent, knowing her words would be futile.

The planet was on the brink of destruction, and their impending doom was inevitable. 

Escape was impossible; the entire solar system was surrounded by the Supreme Alliance armada. 

As they waited for the inevitable, the weight of the world pressed down on their shoulders. 

The quakes grew more intense, signaling that time was running out.

"Press the button!" Mir shouted urgently. 

Jer acted quickly, and pressed it. 

The boy's body was enveloped in a protective, egg-shaped spaceship, sealing him safely inside.

"It's all up to you, my son," were the last words to escape their mouths, moments before they where engulfed by the shock-wave .


By a stroke of luck, the ship had launched just as their planet was destroyed.

It slipped past the enemy's radar undetected, hidden amidst the debris scattered through space and aided by its small size. 

The small, egg-shaped spaceship zoomed through empty space, cradling its precious cargo.

Around it, chunks of the destroyed planet floated along with it. 

Inside, was a being that would turn this universe upside down in the near future.