
Alien in the Cultivation World

We're so used to magicians, reincarnators, transmigrators and other race in the cultivation world. But what about an alien? Even better.... An evil one ?

InnocentFox · Fantasy
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54 Chs


As the small spaceship cruised through the vast emptiness of space, the baby inside slept deeply, held in suspended animation. 

Systematically, the ship drew its energy from the boy himself, a necessity to sustain such a long and demanding journey. 

But this journey was still risky. In space, there were dangers like floating rocks and strange space storms that could harm it. 

Time passed slowly as the spaceship glided through the silent void of space, days stretching into weeks, weeks merging into years, decades, and perhaps even close to a century. 

Finally, after a very long journey, the ship approached a small, solar system in a desolate corner of space—a place so remote and insignificant that advanced civilizations wouldn't even bother exploring it. 

It passed the first planet, a frozen world so small that it could easily be mistaken for a moon.

The ship continued to pass by the other planets, each unique in its composition, but none capable of sustaining life—except for one. 

A large blue planet came into view, its vivid green hues visible even from a distance, a proof to the abundance of life thriving within.

The ship was pulled down by the gravity of the blue planet 

It descended from the atmosphere , gliding through the air with a powerful hum. 

As it approached the planet's surface, it emitted a soft glow, casting a surreal light on the lush, green landscape below. 

From a distance, it appeared to be nothing more than an ordinary meteor. 

But, as it slammed into the isolated patch of ground, a loud crash echoed through the air, leaving behind a small crater.

In the aftermath of the impact, the ship's systems quieted down, enveloping the scene in silence disturbed only by the soft hum of cooling circuits. 


A man clad in a pristine white martial art robe descended near the ship, his sword drawn as he approached the unfamiliar object cautiously.

"What is this thing? A divine treasure?" he mused aloud, his eyes wide with wonder and suspicion. 

The advanced technology before him was unlike anything he had encountered.


Another figure landed, a woman wearing a white robe adorned with pink petals, and was wielding a sword of her own.

"What is it, Fang Zuan?" she asked, her tone revealing familiarity between them.

"I don't know, Liu Ming," the man shook his head, his sword inching closer to the ship.

Suddenly, a hissing sound startled them both, forcing them to step back. 

As the hatch fully opened, they were surprised to see a baby inside—a very cute one, with green hair. 

"Is that a demon?" he asked cautiously, his wariness evident in his voice. 

"Wah! Wah! Wah! "

Suddenly, the baby started crying, catching both of them off guard. 

Fang Zuan looked bewildered, torn between caution and compassion. He knew approaching an unknown entity could be dangerous, but he couldn't bring himself to harm an infant.

Before he could decide on a course of action, Liu Ming dashed forward.

Ignoring the potential danger, she reached the baby and embraced it gently. 

"There, there, don't cry," she cooed softly, trying to comfort the infant.

"That's dangerous," he scolded her.

"Look at him, he looks like an angel," she replied softly, her fingers gently playing with the baby's tummy.

"But..." He trailed off, at a loss for words as he watched her tenderly soothe the crying baby.

"Forget it," he sighed.

In the end, he couldn't sense any hostility from the baby either, so he cautiously approached and touched it as well.

"He's so cute, right? Look at his hair and eyes, they're all green," she giggled, delighted by the baby's unique features.