
Alicia Tsunami

When Alicia Branwen's stress from an fire that destroys half the city causes a space quake due to her actually being a spirit, a secret her friends soon discover after hiding for ten years. Now she must figure out who she can and can't trust, along with making some friends, rivals and possibly meeting the love of her life along the way. Will her story have a happy ending filled with love? Or will she meet a deathly fate? And what will happen when she learns of the other spirits in the world? DO NOT OWN DATE A LIVE

Celestial_D · Fantasia
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5 Chs

Chapter 1: The Supposed Evacuation Drill

Alicia POV:

The siren went off and my class was prepared. Earlier today, the principal of my school told us about how we need to do a new evacuation drill so we new the time when it would happen and where to go, our school hall.

We calmly walked out of the classroom as it wasn't too far away from the hall, I was ready to take in fresh air and admire my surroundings but instead, I saw the exact opposite....

The school, the area around the school...was in fire.

Some of us screamed, some of us just stood there shocked,but for me, my vision was getting blurry and I felt myself fall closer and closer to the ground and was close to blacking out.

But my body never hit the ground.

I felt a pair of arms hold onto me

Was it a friend?

No, I heard their voice, asking me " are you ok? Please wake up"

Their voice wasn't the voice of one of my friends.

Who was it?...

Before I could answer, my vision went dark and I no longer heard their voice.

I blacked out in their arms.

All I could hear of the sound of the ocean.