
Alex Wayne arrives at Marvel

English translation of the original alle94 fanfic: "Álex Wayne llega a Marvel fan-fic " 21 year old Alex Wayne wakes up in Marvel as an agent of SHIELD. Be aware: Each chapter is very short. First chapters very shorts. Then between 400-600 words per chapter. After chapter 337, 900-1100 words. I don't own nothing and autor allen94 just own his OC

LeonToralla · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
514 Chs

Alternate Story 1/One Future of Many


20 Years in the Future

March 24, 2035

In a Different Timeline

New Genosha

The streets of Hammer Bay seem lifeless and gloomy.

Very much like a ghost town.

The buildings were dilapidated due to the time they had been uninhabited.

In the middle of all this place, the Royal Palace was located.

And in this gloomy and desolate place lived a man.

The man was sitting quietly on the throne of that place.

He was between 25 and 30 years old, his distant gaze was calm and indifferent.

On his left arm he had a gauntlet that anyone who knew it would know the horror it represents.

This person is Alex Wayne.

Emperor of Genosha, or of what used to be Genosha.

As he calmly gazed into the distance he felt it, someone or something was approaching his territory.

But they were different groups as they came from different directions.


A Helicarrier fleet is currently on its way to Genosha.

There are a lot of people of all ages and they are very anxious.

Leading these people are a large group of superheroes, such as the X-Men, the Avengers, and the Fantastic Four.

Which are currently having a meeting.

"How the hell did this happen?" an anxious Wolverine asked.

"Calm down, Logan" Charles Xavier said calmly.

"But that thing was me and he did all these atrocities, how do you want me to calm down?" a furious Logan yelled.

"Don't get worked up, that group of creatures are from a universe parallel to ours, it's normal that they look like some of us" Mr. Fantastic said seriously, but those closest to him could see that he was a little uneasy.

"According to our analysis, these creatures have the ability to infect other living beings by biting them and their infection is abnormally fast, maintaining the consciousness of the infected but making them dependent on human flesh, to the point of being addictive" Tony reported showing holographic images of a Luke Cage infected from another universe.

They all look with mixed feelings at this Luke Cage.

But the most affected is the Luke Cage of this universe.

"Due to some stupidity of the remaining members of Hydra, they opened a portal to another universe and brought those creatures into ours" the one who spoke was an old Nick Fury.

"Those damned bastards brought zombies and in less than two days they almost wiped out all the people in New York. And we barely managed to imprison them in an energy barrier to prevent more casualties and now we can only escape, it really is pathetic" a desperate Nova said.

"If you're worried about people from other places, you don't have to worry. For some strange reason, they feel more attracted to superhuman beings like us, didn't you see how they acted when they saw us? I'm sure if they ever make it out, the first ones they'll look for will be us" Bruce Banner said.

The people gathered in the place shudder to remember the look of those zombies, they looked at them as if they were the most delicious thing they had ever seen.

"The question we have to ask ourselves today is whether Alex will receive us" Bruce Banner continued saying.

The place falls silent for a few seconds.

They know what their old partner had been through and they really didn't want to bother him, but this was necessary.

Matters involving Thanos, the Celestials, the Elder Gods, Kang, Cassandra Nova, Ultron, Annihilus, the Beyonders, and the Horde are problems that some gathered here caused.

Especially with the loss of his people and his family.

They asked for his help in taking down Thanos.

He only asked them to take care of his people and family while he dealt with the universal threat, but they could not do their part and when he returned abandoning his mission, he could barely save a few.

And of course, Alex Wayne's wrath was no joke.

He slaughtered most of the Celestials, Dark Celestials, and the Horde, if it weren't for the leader of the group telling him that the Celestials would never be involved with Earth again, Alex wouldn't have stopped.

With the help of Jane Foster, he tracked down Kang and his Council, leaving a river of blood that connected all of the multiverses.

The Negative Zone was now a wasteland of death.

He erased the Elder Gods from existence and left only one that he gave to Doctor Strange to become an energy battery, after all Strange protected his children.

Cassandra Nova was now simply a memory.

With the help of Alexa, he slowly killed Ultron and some of the Avengers still remember that moment as Ultron asked them for help.

That showed how cruel Alex had been, for Ultron to act like this.

And after a while, Est had returned to his side, proving that nothing good could have happened to the Beyonders.

Fortunately, he never blamed them and hasn't left Genosha ever since.

But unfortunately, others could not overcome it.

Magneto went crazy and wanted to kill them all, Xavier stopped him but because of that Onslaught was born.

Who almost destroyed the world, but was stopped by Alex.

Pietro disappeared and until now his whereabouts are unknown.

But in some places, there are rumors of a new Brotherhood.

"I don't think we should worry that uncle Alex refuses, after all he loves me very much, besides Sasha and Ariel are my best friends" a girl said quietly with a smile on her face.

She is Valeria Richards.

"My sister is right, he has always treated us well" an eighteen year old said.

This young man is Franklin Richards.

Their mother, Susan Storm, gives her two children a complicated look, especially Valeria.

"So that's why they always disappeared for long periods of time" The Thing said with a nod.

"It wouldn't really be necessary to bother him if my powers were restored" letting out a sigh, Franklin Richards commented.

That's true, with his full powers he could keep those creatures imprisoned for eternity.

Unfortunately, due to an incident with dimensional beings, his powers have been significantly reduced.

At that moment, a voice breaks the tranquility of the place.

"In about five minutes we will arrive at Genosha"

The one who just spoke is Clint Barton, who is watching the screens in front of him.

The group finally feels relaxed, this state of mind shows that they have great confidence in Alex Wayne.

"No need to worry, even if he went through that, I will always trust him. The only thing I regret is not having enough power to save his loved ones" Captain said as he clenched his fists tightly.

Most of them feel the same way, and already want to see him again.

But what they didn't know was that they weren't the only ones looking for Alex.

From here, the chapters will be a bit longer.

LeonTorallacreators' thoughts