
Alex Wayne arrives at Marvel

English translation of the original alle94 fanfic: "Álex Wayne llega a Marvel fan-fic " 21 year old Alex Wayne wakes up in Marvel as an agent of SHIELD. Be aware: Each chapter is very short. First chapters very shorts. Then between 400-600 words per chapter. After chapter 337, 900-1100 words. I don't own nothing and autor allen94 just own his OC

LeonToralla · Anime & Comics
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514 Chs

Phoenix Saga Part 1


March 5, 2015

Alex Wayne POV

Almost a week has passed since the meeting with the Inhumans.

And I have to admit, the technology they possess is really advanced, or at least it complements the Dark Elf technology very well.

Riri, Jane Foster, Maya and Helen were the most excited about the arrival of new technologies.

About the new serum, the Inhumans did tests and found that it didn't bring side effects to their race, which made them very happy and even the Genetic Council said that it was a good decision to form an alliance.

Although this serum only solves genetic problems, even in humans.

But with the help of SHIELD, we used one of the A.I.M. companies to sell these serums and sponsor Genosha.

Due to that sponsor, more mutants decided to come and live in Genosha.

The lack of territory was not a problem, with the technology and the ability of some Mutants, it was easy to expand Genosha artificially.

Professor Xavier also contacted me to talk about this new serum.

Even though I know that guy has money to pay, it's impolite to charge money to a friend.

Besides, I don't currently need the money.

That is the good thing about being a highly economic country.

About Gamora, that woman communicated every two or three days with me.

At first in the prison, I wanted to ask her about the Soul Stone but decided against it, since it would be troublesome to obtain it.

Also, I'm not a very ambitious person when it comes to power.

From her reports, all seems calm in-universe.

But in her report from a day ago, I picked up some very interesting information about an incident in the Shi'ar Empire.

It appears that a member of the Shi'ar royal family had rebelled against Emperor D'ken.

But their coup against the emperor's government failed and the rebel group was being hunted down.

I already know who is the cause of this rebellion.

And Gamora just confirmed it for me.

It's Lilandra Neramani, the younger sister of the current Shi'ar emperor.

D'ken Neramani.

If that woman has escaped, it may mean the beginning of the Phoenix Saga and the awakening of the true potential of Jean Grey's power.

Although I don't know if the Phoenix will recreate a body just using a part of Jean's soul or take over her body.

But if that happens, that would mean the Dark Phoenix Saga could happen as well.

If it happens, I will be aware but I will not stop it from happening, as this will help make Charles Xavier more aware of the acts he performs for the good of all.

But this also reminds me that there is an imperial agent of the Shi'ar Empire on Earth.

If I remember correctly, that guy is called Davan Shakari, also known as Erik the Red.

He is very loyal to Emperor D'ken and is tasked with keeping an eye on the superhumans on Earth and keeping the Empire informed of any changes.

I don't remember very well what his base of operations is.

I think it is a dormant volcano in the United States or in the Andes mountain range in South America.

Well, that guy is insignificant so I don't need to think about him too much.

The worrying thing is Emperor D'ken, if I remember correctly, he wanted to use the M'kraan Crystal for world domination or something.

Well, the M'kraan Crystal is also a mystery, if I remember correctly, it belonged to a very ancient race and it also connected to the resting place of the Phoenix.

And it is an object with great power that connects many realities, I believe that some dimensional travelers use fragments of it to travel from one reality to another.

Well, I'll just wait and see if Lilandra makes it to Earth.

Only if things get complicated, I will intervene.


I'm currently on my private beach taking a vacation from the damn paperwork.

Of course, I'm accompanied by my whole family.

The idea of creating this private beach was Emma's.

Since this way we would have a place to relax.

I cannot complain, after all I am enjoying a wonderful view.

Watching a group of beautiful women in bathing suits play volleyball is actually very calming.

The ones currently playing are Psylocke, Polaris, Mantis, Rogue, Irene, Domino, Jessica, and Crystalia.

I enjoy these beauties under the protection of an umbrella, accompanied by Wanda, Emma, Darcy, Jane, Helen and Maya.

Looking a few meters from us, Illyana and Est are building sand castles with little Alejandro and Sasha but under the supervision of Riri and Laura.

Magneto and the others were busy and couldn't come, although Pietro wanted to come, unfortunately the guy had gotten a girlfriend whom he had to take on a date.

Meanwhile, Callisto and Mystique are currently on SHIELD.

<Hahahaha I'm a winner of life> I thought happily as I settled in.

"Why do you put on that silly grin? Surely our great Governor isn't thinking of anything perverted right now, is he?" Darcy asked with a mischievous smile on her face.

My body tenses up and I break out in a cold sweat.

Shit, it looks like I was too excited that it showed on my face.

"I don't know what you're talking about girl, I'm very happy to spend time with my family, don't put your thoughts on me, after all I'm a very pure boy" I said putting on the most dignified expression possible.

Seeing my expression, the women accompanying me roll their eyes at my «righteous words».

"Yeah, yeah honey, you're the straightest guy I know" Wanda said sarcastically.

"Hey, you know I'm a very passive guy, the worker when we're in our room is you" I said with a smirk.

Wanda's face turns red upon hearing my words.

Seeing Wanda embarrassed, Emma smiles.

Wanda notices that so she quickly reaches out and pinches my waist.

"Ow, alright, sorry, stop doing that" I said, and even though it doesn't hurt, I have to give my wife some face.

These quiet days are really good.