
Alchemy’s Rebirth: The Saviour of Humanity

The novel follows the journey of Ye Tian, an alchemy emperor reincarnated 10,000 years into the past when the human race faces extinction. With his second chance, Ye Tian uses his knowledge and alchemical skills to save humanity. He forms the Vanguard team, led by the formidable Fist King, to combat the threats from outer territories. As Ye Tian develops revolutionary alchemical techniques and refines arrays to strengthen human bodies, tensions rise with outer territory races. The Vanguard becomes feared as "human demons" for their prowess in battle. Meanwhile, Ye Tian's development of the Holy Ascension Pill and refining techniques transforms low-level humans into formidable warriors. Surprises arise when the refining array strengthens Chu Zheng and transforms Devine Fist into an Emperor-level powerhouse. Recognizing the danger of revealing such power, Ye Tian keeps it secret to avoid attracting Emperor-level enemies. As the human race grows stronger, they face challenges from the outer territories and the dangers of hidden enemies. But with Ye Tian's leadership and the strength of the Vanguard, humanity stands united against all threats, determined to secure their survival and future.

Malvellida · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
89 Chs

Chapter 40

Chapter 40: The Gathering Storm

As tensions between the human race and the outer territories continued to simmer, a new threat loomed on the horizon. Rumors began to spread of a powerful alliance forming among the outer territory races—a coalition of forces intent on crushing the human race once and for all.

With each passing day, the Vanguard team remained vigilant, their eyes trained on the horizon as they prepared for the inevitable clash. But even as they braced themselves for battle, doubts and fears gnawed at the edges of their resolve, whispering of the daunting challenges that lay ahead.

Meanwhile, within the halls of the human race headquarters, Ye Tian and his allies deliberated on their next course of action. With the revelation of Devine Fist's newfound power and the growing strength of their enemies, they knew that they could ill afford to be caught off guard.

And so, as the storm clouds gathered on the horizon and the winds of war began to howl, the Vanguard team stood ready to face whatever trials lay ahead, their determination unwavering and their spirits unbroken. For they knew that the fate of humanity hung in the balance, and that only through unity and strength could they hope to emerge victorious against the gathering storm.