
Alchemy’s Rebirth: The Saviour of Humanity

The novel follows the journey of Ye Tian, an alchemy emperor reincarnated 10,000 years into the past when the human race faces extinction. With his second chance, Ye Tian uses his knowledge and alchemical skills to save humanity. He forms the Vanguard team, led by the formidable Fist King, to combat the threats from outer territories. As Ye Tian develops revolutionary alchemical techniques and refines arrays to strengthen human bodies, tensions rise with outer territory races. The Vanguard becomes feared as "human demons" for their prowess in battle. Meanwhile, Ye Tian's development of the Holy Ascension Pill and refining techniques transforms low-level humans into formidable warriors. Surprises arise when the refining array strengthens Chu Zheng and transforms Devine Fist into an Emperor-level powerhouse. Recognizing the danger of revealing such power, Ye Tian keeps it secret to avoid attracting Emperor-level enemies. As the human race grows stronger, they face challenges from the outer territories and the dangers of hidden enemies. But with Ye Tian's leadership and the strength of the Vanguard, humanity stands united against all threats, determined to secure their survival and future.

Malvellida · Fantasy
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89 Chs

Chapter 41

Chapter 41: The Alliance Unveiled

Rumors had circulated for weeks, whispers of an alliance among the outer territory races gathering momentum like an ominous storm on the horizon. As the Vanguard team braced themselves for the inevitable clash, tension hung heavy in the air, each passing moment fraught with anticipation and uncertainty.

Within the heart of the human race headquarters, Ye Tian and his allies convened to assess the situation. The news of the coalition's formation sent ripples of concern through their ranks, prompting urgent discussions on strategy and preparedness.

Ye Tian, his gaze steely and unwavering, addressed the gathered leaders with a sense of purpose that belied the gravity of the situation. "We knew this day would come," he began, his voice resonating with determination. "The outer territories have long viewed us as a threat, and now they seek to crush us underfoot. But we will not falter. We will stand united, as one race, against our enemies."

His words echoed through the chamber, instilling a sense of resolve in those who listened. For though the odds may be stacked against them, the human race had faced adversity before, and emerged stronger for it. With Ye Tian's leadership guiding them, they knew that they had the strength and courage to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

As the meeting adjourned, preparations for the coming conflict began in earnest. The Vanguard team honed their skills and sharpened their blades, readying themselves for the battles that awaited them. Meanwhile, Ye Tian delved into his alchemical studies, seeking new ways to bolster their defenses and turn the tide of war in their favor.

But even as they prepared to face their enemies head-on, doubts lingered in the back of their minds. Would their newfound strength be enough to withstand the might of the coalition? Could they truly emerge victorious against such overwhelming odds?

Only time would tell. But one thing was certain—the human race would not go down without a fight. With courage in their hearts and determination in their souls, they stood ready to confront the gathering storm, united in their resolve to defend their home and their people against all who would dare to threaten them.