
Alchemists And Artifacts

This is a story about an ordinary guy going through life while working as a leader of his information gathering agency in the world where people who can use magic is called Alchemist and powerful items called Artifacts exist.

FurballCat · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
47 Chs

Chapter 31: Isolation

"There is one last thing to do."

Faust is in his basement. He is holding a button switch. A black switch. He is waiting. Waiting for the right timing. The right moment. His back is drenched with cold sweat.

"Sir, the Runners has sent a message. They have get out and getting further from Inside."

"Good tell them to not look back. Stay low for a few days."

*Tut* He push the button.*Sigh*

"We have done it."

Faust feel relief.

"Sir there is a breaking news."

"Wow they are fast. Open it."

Alex turn on a disk shaped display machine on the ground. It then projected a mature woman wearing a white suit.

"This news has just come in. Someone outside the border of Inside has reported to us that a some sort of barrier or force field is covering Inside. We have a reporter at the scene near the border gate of Inside. To you Jimmy."

"Thank you Rachel. Right now we are near the East border gate of Inside. As you can see people are looking at this massive barrier suddenly erected just a few minutes ago. These are people who want to enter the Inside but trapped outside when the barrier appears. You can also see some people from the Inside who want to go outside but can't go through the barrier. We tried to reach the people in Inside but communications are blocked. Oh look, the Border Patrol Unit has come."

"Sir Inspector can you give us your opinion on this matter?"

"We on the Border Patrol Unit believe this is due to an Artifact."

"Do you truly believe this is the work of an Artifact not an Alchemist?"

"We believe someone has activated a Trap Type Artifact or a Defense Type Artifact. The former is more plausible. We also have determined that all the Colours are at their home and not involved with this."

"What about The Central? Do we still have a way to go to The Central?"

"Yes we have. We will open an emergency passageway connecting from Outside to Central this evening immediately. We will also try our best to establish a communication with Inside. Thank you. Now will you please excuse me."

"Sir....do you..."

"Sir what do you think..."

"Sir how is the ..."

A myriad of questions from the reporters bombarded the inspector.

"Sir is the Artifact that we use really that great?"

"Not really. It will only isolate places that have been mark but because we mark a lot of places and we also use another Artifact as an amplifier. This barrier will last for four or five days. The Vestia bank is not enough to maintain it. Three days if it is hit once or twice by Ruga and two days if it it hit constantly by Executioner."

"So two days minimum?"

"Yes. Prepare the transporting pod. We will go to Central."

In Vabian room at the Administrator building. Vabian is walking back and forth restlessly in the room. He is restless because Inside has been isolated. He now can't get any progress report on Faust bounty. He also can not contact the higher ups at Mercenary Management to give the bounty contract to the big organizations this instant.

He want to contact Inside to hire Mercenary as his bodyguards because he can't use his bodyguards on personal matter. If this matter was known to the Manager side, he will be ridiculed and his reputation will fall making his chance to become Operator become impossible.

A few days ago, he lost contact with his most trusted subordinate. He didn't want to think anything of him at that time but he should have guess that his subordinate has abandon him.

The room suddenly turns dark. The light slowly dim out. Vabian can't see anything. It is too quiet. He constantly looking around in frantic.

"Come out!! Come out!! I know you are here!! Fucking come out! You think you can do this to me an Administrator!! You are just a fucking rat in the fucking gutter"

"Yeah I'm a rat."*Stab* a whisper is heard in Vabian ear before a knife is plunge into his stomach.


Blood gush out of Vabian stomach. Vabian brings out a cane.

"Ohh is that an Artifact. Are you chosen by an Artifact? Lucky you~"

"Shut up!!! Shut up!! I'll fucking kill you!"

Vabian tap his can on floor.*Tap*A strong gush of wind blow toward Faust blasting him to the wall.

"Ughh. Cane of Sudden Wind huh? Pretty neat."

"I'll fucking flatten you"

*Tap* A sudden really strong wind come from above Faust. Faust leap to the side avoiding the wind. Faust runs to Vabian. Faust temperatur rise for a bit before he suddenly vanish from Vabian sight.

Faust appears on Vabian right side and punch him hard on the right cheek. Sending Vabian flying smashing his desk.

"Come on. Get up kid. You can't be this weak if you want to be Operator."