
Alchemists And Artifacts

This is a story about an ordinary guy going through life while working as a leader of his information gathering agency in the world where people who can use magic is called Alchemist and powerful items called Artifacts exist.

FurballCat · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
47 Chs

Chapter 21: A Visit From A Friend

It was a sunny day. The sun was high up on sky straight above the head. The scorching hot day made me craved shaved ice. I asked Alex nicely for shaved ice. I was laying lifelessly on the sofa when suddenly the day got a little bit darker. I sluggishly stood up to look outside the window.

"Is it going to rain?"

The blue sky was clear. There were no clouds.

"Is it only this room?"

I slowly turned around and reached out for my revolver. In the corner of the room a shadowy figure crawled out slowly. The figure almost human like with shadow tentacles wriggling around him. The figure crawled out to the center of the room and stood up. Gulp. The tension was high. Cold sweat dripping from my forehead.

The shadow around the human figure slowly disappearing like a fluid. Revealing a pale skin man with a droopy eyes, black pupils, pointy nose, thin brows and black hair. The man wears tropical T-shirt with tan short pants and sandals.

"Supp Faust. Long time no see."

A sense of relief washed over Faust. His body loosen up. A breath of relief escaped his mouth.

"I'm glad that it is you, Farik. I thought it was an assassin or some shit. You got me freak out there."

"Yeah, sorry about that. I want to meet you secretly. So I use a little bit of magic."

"Shadow Teleportation? But why is it so different now? I remembered it was like you just suddenly pop out from a shadow or something?"

"Yeah, I upgrade that. It is now Dark Teleportation. I can now teleport anywhere dark enough."

Remembering that form really irks me. It is some form of disfigured human. I felt tingling sensation all over my body when I remembered that.

"You can just come through the front door you know."

"Y-Yeah about that. That is the reason I want to meet you secretly today."


Farik scratched his head.

"U-Um, these past few days, someone have been watching me."

"You mean surveilling you? At your house?"

"Yeah, It's been quite annoying lately. Feeling all the eyes on me 24/7. You know that my sensitivity to no good intent on me is quite high right? Feeling a subtle feeling of that everyday really irks me."

"Who is bold and brave enough to send surveillance on you? Hmm? Ahhh... maybe, maybe but.... ah is it like that."

"W-What are you mumbling about alone Faust?"

"I might have an idea about the person bold enough to put surveillance on you."

"Really? Who?"

"The one who is bold enough to mess with The Outer lately. The new Administrator."

I stood up from my chair and went to the right shelf. I take out a file.

"Come follow me. We will talk about this over a bowl of shaved ice."

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

"Ahh~ shaved ice on a hot sunny day really hit right."

"So about the new Administrator."

"Yeah him, he is a spoiled kid. A really spoiled kid. I bet he was born in the Central. His personality is dogshit. He literally got the job through back door. Lately the internal power struggle at the Central has been like a dog fight. It has worsen day by day. There are currently three sides at the Central. The Executives side lead by the old farts, the Managers side lead by the leader of the Central itself and neutral side which is Border Patrol Unit lead by Quake."

"What is internal struggle of the Central have to do with us?"

"It doesn't. And that is why someone is trying to. The new Administrator is actually a candidate chosen by the Executives to be the next leader of the Central."

"You mean the position of the Operator?"

"Yeah Operator. And he is now trying to recruit powerful and influential people not from Central."

"So he try to 'recruit' me?"

"Yeah, more like force you to join him by searching and digging up your dirt."

"Ahhh... can I kill him?"

Tang! I dropped my spoon. I was stupefied.

"N-Noo, of course not ,we still have some use for him. C-Can we please not talking about killing people while eating shaved ice?"

"Oh okay."

We then continue eating shaved ice in silence. I occasionally glanced at Farik trying to read his expressions. This guy say some scary shit with an emotionless face. Scary!