
Chapter 16

Goddamnit how can it be sooooo f*cking boring waiting for the next class. Ahhh let's just think about something else like... how I'll infiltrate the league of villans ahh nay thats for another time, after all you should never make decision if you're angry, depressed, tired, horny or bored.

How about this I'll dye my hair white, every op villain in the show had white hair. Well Shigaraki and All for One had it but both are extremly op when they had it. Ah what am I even talking both of them will lose in the end so it's useless

(All Might/Chimera pov)

Both chimeras act immediatly, Frostfall uses his philosopher's stone and creates a few dozen ice spears uncomparable in size to the ones he used.


The giant ice spears hit the ground each creating a little shockwave blocking All Might from advancing.

When the barrage of icy attacks end All Might uses one of his weaker punches to destroy the wall between him and the alchemists.

"Detroit PUNCH"

The small church is fully destroyed and no rat is still inside. After the ice wall got demolished All Might looks at his targets though the obly one still facing him is Frostfall, Rat Enpress got into hiding somewhere in the ghost town.

All Might pushes his body to Frostfall but before he can come into close contact a rat on a house a few blocks away presses a gun trigger.


All Might swiftly dogdes the bullet by tilting his head but by the time he concentrates on the enemy in front of him again said enemy built two combat knives made out of ice.


Frostfall lets out a warcry while dashing towards All Might a move normally detrimental to All Mights foes.

'They want to direct my intention towards the ice user while the one contolling the rats shoots at me from a distance with her rats'

All Might jumps into the air staying in the skies for a food ten seconds to look out for Rat empress. A short glance around the city and her location was discovered so All Might rushes to her, kicking off the air with his power.

He lands in the building Rat empress is in destroying while he is at it with the oure force of his movement.

"Got ya!"

Somebody cries out behind All Might with a strong murderous auro emanating from the person. All Might evades the hand that was about to touch him, his instincts telling him that if he didn't he wouldn't be alive right now.

After dodging the attack he follows up with a solid kick to the attackers guts smashing the parrot like woman trough a few buildings and breaking a dew of her ribs.

Rat empress seeing the suprise attack of one of her companions miss rushes out of the destroyed building trying to hide again.

All Might chases her and as soon as he's about to kick her with his super human strength the ice user shows up again and aimes at All Mights necks with his ice daggers.

All Might deflects both daggers and takes them away from the attacker, though that was his evact plan because in the a same moment Rat empress pulls out her gun and shoots at All Might legs.


All Might isn't the best hero for nothing so he moves his leg in the lasr moment weakening the damage done to him.


A mouthfull of blood lands on the floor beneath All Might and he instinctively knows.

'I was poisened'

After getting that realization All Might knocks out Frostfall and appears in front of Rat empress with the intetion to immobilize all enemies surrounding him.


The hit makes Rat empress bounce around the concrete until she lands in a small shack on the outsirkts of the town.

'I- I need to... notify the.. hero as- association..'

As All might wanders teough the town to get to his car shaking like a drunk man je suddenly feels the cold touch of a unknown hand on his neck.

"Just sleep everything will be over soon enough"

A man with the ears of a bat strangles him taking the air out of All Mighzs lungs who suffers from the poisen inside of him and slowly coses his eyes.

When the All Might falls unconscious to the ground Gary takes his body and a set of tattooing tools and draws abou twenty different transmutation circles on his back some decoys som real.

He takes his companions and their philosopher's stones with him in the car once belonging to the towns mayor after calling the hero association with All Mights phone.