The Fukunaga celebration was at one of their five star hotel chains. Dozens of high-brand cars, limousines, and statement vehicles crowded around the luxurious, fifty-floor building. Valets, with their black uniform and dazzling smiles, graciously took car keys and parked each vehicle in the hotel's adequate parking lot. If the guest hadn't driven their car and instead had a chauffeur, then the chauffeur parked the car instead.
Watching all of this occur, Yukiko felt nothing as she posed for whoever was watching. Looking to the left, Yukio was able to see her arm linked with the arm of Ryunosuke.
However, she continued to smile as Ryunosuke made small talk with a twitchy man.
"Yamamoto-san," the man said, rubbing his hands in front of him. "What do you think about this preposition?"
Ryunosuke continued to smile, but he made no other action- he hadn't even responded to the man at all.
Yukiko watched in interest as the man blanched and then repeatedly bowed as he walked away. The man's date, a young twenty-something year old, was left behind, her displeasure from the conversation switched to a mixture of fear and admiration.
"They own a building in one of our areas. Unfortunately, they won't anymore." Ryunosuke's calm voice murmured into Yukiko's ear.
Turning to him, Yukiko smiled. "So?"
Ryunosuke returned her smile and patted her head with more force than necessary. "Nothing."
The two of them stared at each other for a few seconds, the other members of the party seeing the pair look lovingly into each other's eyes. Unfortunately, reality was different- a battle was unfolding between a dragon and a tiger with spears made of polite conduct.
"Shall we go?" Ryunosuke was the first to break their silence, and he gestured toward the doors of the hotel. The party would occur at the rooftop.
Silently nodding, Yukiko followed Ryunosuke as they made their way to the party venue.
Once they exited the elevator, Yukiko couldn't help but lightly gasp.
Fairy lights gilded the tops of the columns that were tastefully placed around. Waiters and waitresses were dressed in monochrome and a silver mask covered their eyes. Party member milled about, holding champagne glasses and hors d'oeuvres.
"Close your mouth or else your tongue will fall out." Ryunosuke muttered to Yukiko, and Yukiko responded in turn with a glare.
She was only mildly surprised, alright? Her mouth wasn't that open!
And who was he to tell her this?
Oh wait. He was her fiancé... Dammit.
Before the two of them could move further into the venue, the hosts, Fukunaga Kioko and Fukunaga Takao, both of whom seem to be related as far as Yukiko could tell, walked over to them.
Brother and sister? She looked at their gracious and same-aged hosts. Yeah, she could see that.
"It's good of you to come, Ryunosuke-san." The boy, Fukunaga Takao, told Ryunosuke. As they continued their conversation, the two men did not even bother introducing their female companions.
Looking around, Yukiko noticed that it wasn't only Fukunaga Takao and Ryunosuke, but the other male guests as welll.
Inwardly, Yukiko had to roll her eyes. Just what was it with these men? First it's her fiancé, then his brother, and now the host of the party? Not just the host either, but every single male member?
What did they have against women?
Glancing at Fukunaga Kioko, Yukiko watched as the girl acted like an ornament as she hung onto her brother's arm, a gentle smile on her face. She would occasionally nod or even chuckle while gently covering her mouth.
Yukiko didn't know what to think. Was this sort of treatment normal? If it was, then she was having nothing to do with it.
"So we have something special planned," Fukunaga Takao said, a playful look on his face. "Perhaps you'd like to participate, Ryunosuke-san?"
"No thanks."
"Oops!" Takao made an exaggerated sound of surprise. "Too late!"
From overhead, the static that is synonymous to speakers sounded from each of the columns, and a male voice spoke. "Welcome, guests! The Fukunaga family would like to be the first to say that we appreciate the time taken to join us in our 100th year celebration. However, as we believed a simple 'thank you' was too common, we decided that we'll do something a lot more... interesting. Hidden in one of the decorations at the party is a small, golden golf ball. If one finds it, then they'll be 'King' and can ask anything of the Fukunaga family. We wish you all luck in this endeavor."
Fukunaga Takao smiled like a sly fox as he raised an eyebrow. "Wait for it."
The speaker turned off but was then immediately turned on again, almost as if the next message was an afterthought. "The Fukunaga family would also like to give encouragement to the Yamamoto family. Being as upright and courteous as they are, such a game like hide-and-seek must be too easy for them. Thus, if one finds a Yamamoto family member, it's also considered as finding the golden ball... However, now it will be the Yamamoto family's turn to do whatever the individual asks for." Chuckling can be heard from somewhere further away from the speaker before the man continued. "There are two Yamamoto members: Yamamoto Ryunosuke and his date. May the game begin."
At that, it seemed as if the scene froze for a good ten seconds before people began to move around, looking for the ball and, perhaps, us.
Fukunaga Takao still had his sly-as-a-fox smile as he turned to face Ryunosuke. "Did you like my surprise? I had a feeling that you would want to participate, Ryunosuke-san."
Turning to look at Ryunosuke, Yukiko had to hold back a smile. The boy had a puckered-looking face, almost as if he had swallowed a lemon by accident.
Soon, however, he took a deep breath and his expression morphed into one of cool indifference. He clapped his hand on Takao's shoulder and Yukiko could tell that his grip was strong enough to leave a bruise. "Thank you, Takao-san. I feel... honored."
The two exchanged smiles before Ryunosuke 'gently' pushed Takao away. He didn't glance at Takao again as he grabbed Yukiko's hand and pulled her away.
[1] Men in Tokyo = Obviously, this is a story. A very fantasized story as I have never been to Tokyo. This is a very generalized statement that Yukiko is making here, and since it's generalized, that means that it isn't completely true (though it can be in certain situations). Everybody's situation is different, and you can't stereotype people like this. Yep, that's all.
p.s. I'm really tired. Like, tired. Yeah...