
Cross and Rose

Arthur had never felt a feeling as strange as the one he had just had. He didn't feel pain, he didn't feel anything for that matter. The only 'Feeling' he had was that of being lost, yet on a path, he knew he was heading in the right way, but at the same time it felt as if he was lost in a hedge maze thowing his mind through a loop. This strange feeling eventually came to settle down as he began to gain actual feeling in his body. He felt grass surrounding him he smelt the air sweet with pollen; he felt the chilly knight air penetrating his clothing. He opened his eyes and the first thing he saw amazed him so much it made him speechless, there hanging above his head was a glowing white orb, or what was supposed to be an orb. There above his head hung a shattered moon, half crumbled into chunks.

Arthur sighed when he saw that sight as a smile crept onto his face "Now I remember where I saw that symbol from. Welcome to Remnant, Arthur. Home of Ruby Rose and the Grimm" He sighed as he realized "Oh, the Grimm… Wait…" He said as in the distance a howl could be heard. "Shit."

Suddenly the bushes around Arthur began to shake as red orbs started to appear all around them. "Really!? Can I not get any time to think!?" He shouted, at no one in particular. 'Okay so how does this work?' He thought as he began trying to awaken Cross. "Come on, Arthur focus, think big ass claws, come on, it's do or die time, just work!" He muttered as a Beowolf stepped out of the bushes and immediately Lunged at him, Which he narrowly dodged as he had been too focused on trying to awaken Cross.

Another Beowolf appeared from the bushes as it also lunged at him, this time scratching his cheek as it began to work in tandem with the other Beowolf. "Wake…Up, You… Stupid…ARM!" Arthur screamed as the both Beowolfs lunged at him. Arthurs right arm began to glow before turning into a gigantic black hand that reached the ground with five large claws and a white cross where the emerald gems had previously been on the back of his hand.

Finally Getting what he wanted Arthur raised Cross in front of his body to act as a shield, Knocking the Beowolfs back before swiping Cross down, successfully cutting the Beowolfs into pieces. As more Appeared out of the shadows of the forest surrounding him. "Okay, I cannot deal with this. Someone, Help." Arthur muttered to himself feeling sweat drip down his back at the sheer size of the Beowolf pack. But Arthur knew better than others, that if you truly wished to be saved you had to rely on yourself.

Arthur quickly realized just how terrifying a pack of Beowolfs could be when you were fighting alone, especially for someone as untrained as Arthur is. He was capable of killing the first few Beowolfs that attacked him, but he suspected they were only there to test the waters, as after a while a large group of them suddenly charged towards him from every angle. Successfully getting slashes in on his body, tearing his flesh to ribbons causing him to scream in pain.

Arthur had no idea how long he had been fighting at this point. He could always kill one or two Beowolfs at a time, but he would always end up with even more cuts and scratches on his body. But he never seemed to fall, even when his body and mind screamed, begging him to stop and just lay down and sleep for all eternity. But Arthur knew that if he gave up here he would be nothing more than a failure. Even as his eyes began to grow weary he kept fighting, he kept slashing at Grimm with Cross, until one last Beowolf stood before him before it lunged at him biting into his shoulder as Cross sunk deep into its chest killing it.

Finally Arthur could breathe, he was unsure of how long he had been holding his breathe, but what he did know was that his blood soaked and wound riddled body was screaming at him. He slowly hobbled towards a tree next to his battle field of dismantled Beowolfs and his own blood that littered the floor. "At least I didn't give… up…" He muttered as his vision turned to black.


"What happened here?" Asked a soft womanly voice as she stared mouth agape at the field of Grimm corpses that were slowly dissipating into the air. Each and every one of the either having their body cut apart or having multiple gaping holes in their chest.

"My word, did an Ursa go rogue or something? The woman muttered. "No, wait is that… Blood?" She said now noticing the ground literally covered in a fine layer of red liquid. "Oh my Oum. Whoever this must belong to must have died by now, there's too much for one person. Huh?" She analysed the warzone in front of her until she notice a green glow to the side of the battlefield. Turning her head she saw a young boy, no older than 16 caked in blood as his clothing was torn to shreds revealing a vast array of fresh wounds.

"Oh, no!" The woman screamed as she dashed towards the unconscious boy, leaving a trail of red and white petals in her wake. Once she arrived at the boys side she had to blink her eyes multiple times just to comprehend the sight she was seeing. The boy had White hair with Black tips, his skin was pale yet seemed healthy apart from the fine layer of blood that caked it. But most surprisingly to the woman was the boys arm. It was a giant black arm almost as tall as the boy himself, it reached all the way up to his shoulder where it stopped as a pale green flame separated the arm from the rest of the boy's body.

But she quickly put this thought to the back of her mind as she rushed in closer to check if the boy still had a pulse. But once she got closer the boys arm twitched and lunged for her. Surprising her as she quickly fell backwards not expecting that the boy could still move. But once she had gotten far enough away she realized the boy was still unconscious "His arm moved on, on its own?" she muttered incredulously.

"Can you hear me boy!? If you can you need to control your arm! It doesn't seem to like me!" The woman shouted not expecting anything to happen, but lo and behold after she finished speaking the boys arm began to glow as it shrunk down into the size of a normal arm. "There we go. Now lets get you some help." The woman said as she walked up to the boy's body and picked him up not even caring about his dark red arm where the black one used to be.


"Oowww" Arthur moaned as his eyes fluttered open feeling his body aching in multiple areas. Slowly turning his head on the pillow his head was laying on… Wait… Pillow? "Where, am I?" He muttered as he inspected the room he was located in. The room was relatively bare all things considered. The walls and ceiling were covered in wood panelling while the floor was a slightly darked coloured wood to the wall. Against one wall was a table and from what he could see hung sat a bowl filled with bloody bandages, most likely his own blood on them.

Then he noticed what sounded like boots tapping on the floor as they got louder until they were right outside of the door to the room he was in. Slowly the handle on the door turned as it just as slowly opened probably trying to make as little noise as possible to not disturb Arthurs rest.

Once the door was open Arthur was able to see that it was a short girl around 5'2 tall. Her hair was primarily black but gradates to red at the tips. Her eyes were a dazzling silver in colour, which just seemed to match her pale complexion. She wore a black long-sleeved dress, a black waist cincher with red lacing as well as red trimmings on her sleeves as well as her skirt. She wore thick black stockings and black combat boots with red laces and trims around the top of the soles. On her waist was a silver ornate symbol of a rose like that he had seen on the Record for this world. And finally fastened to her shoulder by two silver brooches is a bright red hooded cloak. In her hands Arthur could see a small basin filled with what was most likely warm water as well as a small towel hanging out of the basin. This girl of course being Ruby Rose, the future leader of team RWBY.

After finishing his inspection of Ruby, Which only took a moment, Arthur looked up at her face as he locked eyes with her. Him staring at her silver eyes that seemed to glisten when the light hit them and her staring into his eyes which were almost entirely whit at this point with only the outer edges of his Iris as well as his pupil being a deep black in colour.

It took Ruby a few second to realize what was happening as she stared into Arthurs strange white eyes. But once she did realize what was happening she dropped the basin on the floor as she sprinted somewhere in a flurry of red petals. Which surprised Arthur as this was his first time seeing Rubys semblance in practice in real life, not just on a screen.

It only took a few second before another flurry of petals appeared in the doorway but this time they were white and red in colour, which confused Arthur as the only character he knew who had these types of coloured petals was Summer Rose. Which shouldn't be possible as just looking at how tall Ruby was would mean she had never died while on her mission and instead returned home after it alive.

"How are you feeling?" Summer asked in a calm caring voice as she crouched next to Arthur who didn't say a word as he stared at her dumbfounded. "Not a big talker?" She asked to which Arthur replied with a short nod and muttered in a low, sad voice "People... die around me..." as he began to cough due to his dry throat. But Summer could only smile at his words as she called for Ruby to get her a glass of water and a straw. Which rapidly arrived as Ruby appeared next to her mother in a flurry of petals, with a glass of water with a straw in it in her hands.

Summer proceeded to help Arthur sit up and had ruby hold the straw up to his mouth so he could drink the water. After he was finished she laid him back on the bed and said "You've been through a lot, for now rest and we can talk once you are better to which Arthur nodded with a quick nod and closed his eyes quickly falling into a deep slumber once again.