
Ainz Having fun in the New World

Momong gets transported to a new world alone with Shalltear and Albedo ,no Nazzarick but he does have the staff of Ainz Ool Gown with him, what could this mean? ........ Ainz X Albedo X Shalltear Ainz has a non-undead body Ainz didn't alter Albedo’s settings to love him so none of that remorse he has about it in canon bur he did removed that part about her being a slut Ainz becomes daddy Ainz in the future. I will try to write a good story that isn't ridiculous, the will he divergence from Canon not alot but enough

Xinum_Sensational · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
16 Chs

Troubled pharmacist

[5 days later]

Within the city of E-Rantel deep inside the cathedral located in the city cemetery, a group of people that were supposed to be there stood at the center, the group was a bunch of black robed individuals numbering around 10 with 2 of them standing out. One was a red robe man carrying a staff and a crystal ball, and the man had a rather peculiar head shape that was pointy.

"Everything is prepared. Now we simply wait for the Boy to be back"

The man was Khajit a necromancer belonging to the group known as Zurnorn, he was currently on a mission to achieve his dream of becoming an elder lich and he was close to achieving it there was only a few elements missing or rather just one.

"Clementine, I will need you to retrieve the boy once you estimate he is back from his quest and make sure not lose the crown there's still a few hours before our plan is put in motion"

He addressed a tall blonde woman wearing a black robe that hid her eyes, revealing only her smile. She took out one of her daggers before she responded to his words.

"my patience has long since run out, and now the anticipation is killing me"

She licked her dagger, and the smile on her face widened, threatening to split her face in half. She was excited. Khajit could not help but shiver as he was once again reminded that the woman was quite crazy one.

A gigantic light Emerald colored Lizard erratically stomped on the sands of the Katze plains, the creature was massive bigger than a two story building, it had thick and sturdy legs with a height of 3 adult males and the legs thickness was the length of an adult woman. This beast's mouth was wide opened, and its head swished from side to side, letting its tongue throw out the poison in its mouth in all directions.

"Uhhh Mr. Momon…"

Linn, a brown haired young lad, called out to the unranked adventurer Momon, who stared at the coming monster without worry. The young boy was a guild employee assigned to shadow Momon as he took various quests to Determine his rank and this was his third quest of the week having already slayed monsters that would make him a gold rank and above such a the Demon snake of the west Located in the Great forest of TOB and the Giant of the east which was also within the forest of TOB, defeating those two beasts alone makes him at least an Orichalcum level adventurer.

"Do not worry, I have everything under control"

The confidence in his voice made the boy feel relieved but stressed at the same time. Having slain two of the most terrifying monsters within the kingdom had earned him Linn's respect and admiration. However, there was a difference between those two monsters and the giant basilisk. The Giant basilisk has two major threats, as it's skills, the poison that can instantly kill its prey and its petrifying gaze that makes its prey unable to move for several seconds.

"I'll finish this creature in a single swing of my sword, so make sure you're watching"

He reassured the boy, being confident in one's ability, made others believe in him as well as perceive his strengths as greater than it actually is. Momon figures by the end of this week, and his goal will be accomplished. Slaying the two of the great beasts was already making him a well-known adventurer in the capital not only because he slayed those monsters but also because he gave opportunities to others adventurers who are low rank

The demon snake of the west and the giant of the east kept as sort of status quo in the forest along with the wise king of the forest so to have slayed the other two might have caused a monster outbreak putting nearby villages at risk as such the guild stationed various adventurers near the forest to cull the monsters and keep their numbers low which would also help other adventurers rank up so it was a win-win situation

The Demon snake and Giant of the east were actually requests from the magicians guild and were needed for making potions and magical equipment so Momon made a lot of money so everything was going smoothly, though Albedo reported a problem that'll need to be dealt with soon.

The basilisk was now quite close, very close as such Momon took a stance and stood ready to slay the creature.

"Watch me"

He said to the boy as he sprung forth kicking up some sand due to his sudden Burst of speed, he immediately closed the gab and reached the beast, he quickly dodged some of the poison in the air before jumping up high above the lizard's head and with a single swing his sword met it's flesh and he sliced the creature in two bisecting in into two equal halves, from head to the tail, killing it instantly.

Linn, after a couple of seconds of shock, quickly jotted down what had happened and ran up to Mr. Momon in order to congratulate him.

"Another flawless kill, Mr. Momon, you make it look easy"

He voiced as he looked up to the man. Oh, how he wished he had such talent to become an adventurer.

"If it looks easy that that just means I have the skill for it"

Momon voiced and gave the boy a pat on the shoulder. It was really quite easy. Ainz had expected a little bit of difficulty to an extent as such he was cautious in the beginning but after a few days he realized that so far monsters that were rumored to be Powerful turned out to be a disappointment, the only exception was the giant of the east which could regenerate after a hit but that was hardly impressive just unique.


"Is something the matter, Mr. Momon?"

"we should be near E-Rantel from here, right?"

So far he hasn't been anywhere aside from the capital infact when he slayed the Naga and the troll he immediately went back to the capital and had the adventurers guild there inform the guild in E-Rantel about the slaying of the Two great beasts, so the adventurers stationed at Tob to prevent a monster outbreak should be from E-Rantel. He felt that he needed to know more about this fortress city, and since his information network is limited, he needed to do this himself, or at least that's the excuse he planned for Albedo.


"do you mind if we go there for a bit? it will only be a little while"

It was simple curiosity, although he knows the basics information about the fortress city of E-Rantel as the Hanzos and Shadow demon are great at collecting information, once he used the Yggdrasil coins to get 10 of each he was able to gather information much better and faster.

He thought about contacting Albedo and telling her he'll be in E-Rantel but he then realized, there's no way the succubus imp would allow that, sleeping Anywhere that isn't near her or Shalltear was beyond impossible. Sometimes, he purposefully took a few quests at night so that he would get some time away from Albedo and probably think about their relationship without getting distracted, He couldn't get away from her

"Considering the time, we'll arrive late at night, but it's fine. I should have a place to sleep in the guild located there"

"good then let's go"

Hopefully he'll get to sight see and maybe learn more about the organization that seemingly undermines this kingdoms authority, though he already has the necessary information regarding that. If Albedo is anything, it's efficient.


[Night time E-Rantel]

The sun had just finished setting, and the various food stands had begun to close, and the owners had made enough money for the day, plus staying opened for longer, invited more thieves than customers. The streets were starting to become empty as all types of people recognized that it was time to go home and rest. The only people that should be out and about would be the adventurers who came from a quest, thieves, and / or drunkards that are already piss drunk or the ones looking for a drink.

On the main road, the people made way for a carriage that was transporting five individuals. The four were adventurers, and the other one was a civilian, a potion master or pharmacist.

"I'm surprised I didn't see any adventurers on our root to carne village. I thought they were stationed near the great forest of TOB"

One of the adventurers Peter, a tall and slender man with dirt brown hair, commented, expressing his surprise about the lack of adventurers they found near the great forest. It was important to have people stationed in the forest since two of the great monsters that ruled the forest were now gone.

"well carne Village is in the south of the forest, and I haven't heard of someone slaying the wise king of the forest yet"

Nfirea who was a very well known potion maker answered, he was a man of average height with a hair that hid his eyes, he was the one that hired Peter and his party to be his guard in order to collect some medicinal herbs. Rather than being surprised by the adventurers, he was more shocked to see that carne Village had a whole wall surrounding it, not to mention the eerie feeling he felt when he entered the village.

"Speaking of Carne village, we saw you flirting with that girl. Did you confess yet?"

Lakrut A blonde haired and lanky adventurer that served as the party's scout addressed Nfirea, during their journey they had talked about girls since all of them were boys with a few of them admitting to have a crush on one of the members of Blue rose an adamantine class adventurer party and Nfirea ended revealing his own little crush on Enri Emmot a childhood friend.

"no, I didn't think it was the right time, plus she seemed tense, so I didn't bring it up"

He asked with his face down cast, he felt that maybe her Tense attitude maybe because she didn't wish to see him, which is why he left earlier than he had planned, however despite that he was still somewhat hopeful that maybe he simply arrived at the wrong time.

"don't worry about it Nfirea, I'm sure the chance will come for you to confess. You just have to be patient"

It was their girlish looking spell caster Ninya. The boy was short with brown hair and light blue eyes, and his voice somewhat matched his appearance. He tried to console Nfirea with his words.

Their conversation didn't last for very long as they had made it to their destination, which was the adventurers guild where Nfirea filed the quest completion papers and gave out the rewards.

"Alright it was great working with you Nfirea "

"Yes, I appreciated your help as well, I'll be going home now. Thanks again"

Nfirea and the adventurers then went theirs separate ways, The pharmacist went home to his abode, it was quite the tiring day and he just wanted to sleep now, with the herbs he got today he should be able to make a batch that should last at least another month.

He arrived at his home and saw that the lights were on, meaning his grandma was still awake. With a Yawn, he pushed the door opened surprised that it wasn't locked.

"grandma, please properly close the door we—"

"welcome Home Little Man, I've been waiting for you"

A voice he didn't recognize made itself known as Nfirea entered the house fully and saw his grandmother tied up with a few bruises on her face.

"Who are you? What have you done to my grandma?"

He quickly tried to take a step forward. However, the robed individual placed her dagger near his grandma's neck.

"oh please, do make my day and attack me. I'm just dying to hear your grandmother scream in agony as I pierce her neck. Can she even scream with her throat slit open? I want to find out so attack me"

Nfirea immediately understood the situation, he was no fool that would rush at his opponent and risk the life of his only living relative and it was quite clear that whoever the robed person was they were quite insane and you never test the insane. With nothing to do and his mind failing to come up with a viable plan, he did the only thing he could.

"What do you want from me?"

"Aww how boring. Well it's simple really, you just need to…"

With a swing of her hand she slammed her fist on to the skull of the elderly woman nearly causing the boy's heart to leap out his chest, he wanted to rush by his grandma's side but he withheld his sense of panic and waited for the assailant to finish her sentence.

"to follow me, of course you can run, then I'll be forced to kill her, so what's it gonna be?"

"fine, where are you taking me?"

He asked, his eyes focused on his grandmother, that punch was had enough powers behind it to probably crack her skull and she's quite old already she's fragile she might die from that, though right now she's unconscious so he'll need to throw her a potion once the robe women's back is turned.

"We'll be taking a short trip to see the dead, don't worry, I won't kill you, or at least not yet"