
Ainz Having fun in the New World

Momong gets transported to a new world alone with Shalltear and Albedo ,no Nazzarick but he does have the staff of Ainz Ool Gown with him, what could this mean? ........ Ainz X Albedo X Shalltear Ainz has a non-undead body Ainz didn't alter Albedo’s settings to love him so none of that remorse he has about it in canon bur he did removed that part about her being a slut Ainz becomes daddy Ainz in the future. I will try to write a good story that isn't ridiculous, the will he divergence from Canon not alot but enough

Xinum_Sensational · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
16 Chs

first battle

Eondor scratched the side of his cheeks as He appraised the immensely tall person before him. He was considering how to go about it, using the hard Knox method and humiliating the noble brat would bring the most sufficient results. It would show him that being an adventurer isn't easy and not everyone is cut out for the Job but the consequences meant earning the ire of some nobleman he probably doesn't know.

"Alright then, this is merely a spar, no hard feelings after this Alright "

He voiced while taking out two daggers and taking a stance to ready himself. Judging by the great swords at his back Eondor figured his opponent would have a greater and wider reach but the weight of the swords should slow him down a bit plus an amateur will go for wide swings  leaving plenty of openings.

"of course, no need to hold Back Mr. Uhh?"

"It's Eondor Vermis Bassil but call me Eondor"

"very well then you can call me Momon"

Momon unsheathed one of the swords from his back and took his own stance, he had no idea what stance he had to take but he settled for simply spreading his legs open and having the sword positioned near his stomach with its tip pointing up.

"Alright then , begin!"

The guild master announced, to him this felt like a farce, having  a part of the street closed off to facilitate this impromptu duel was ridiculous. If Momon didn't want to start from the bottom he could simply look for another profession, he only agreed because the adventurers wanted to see the noble brat get curb stomped and have him  take back his words from earlier. He could  tell that the adventurer spectators want to see Momon humiliated.

The two fighters stared at each other with Eondor seizing Momon's stance.

'what an amateur, so many openings'

With that thought, Eondor sprung into action and closed the gap between them, Momon stepped back cautiously preparing for the clash.

Eondor  reached  him, quickly getting close, so close that Momon wouldn't have the leeway to swing the great sword at his hand. The trick when fighting an opponent with a longer reach is speed, quickly close the gap before they can get a swing.

'Martial art: wondering eyes'

His eyes frantically moved  all over the  place searching, He didn't really need to use a Martial art but considering his foe was wearing full plate mail it didn't give him leeway not to use it. The Martial art allowed him to spot a weakness in any defense.


He voiced as he thrust his right dagger towards Momon's under arm, the eyes were a viable  spot as well but he needed a place that can be healed with a potion.

His arm moved swiftly as it sped at its targeted spot however at his peripheral vision he saw a knee. Momon  had slightly bent back and raised his knee going for a knee kick. Eondor  quickly paused his attacks and jumped back to dodge  but  he didn't expect Momon to extend his leg fully, his foot now going for his chin.

'martial art: stone skin'

The kick landed at its target and caused Eondor to stagger back a little surprised by the force of the kick,  Momon took the offensive  grasping his great sword and Swung it by the blunt side  Planning to swat the man. Eondor quickly regained his bearings  and aptly jumped back  dodging the attack, though his shirt was shredded as he dodged by a hairs breath.

'Damn motherfucker lured me in with that amateur stance to make me drop my guard and attack without looking at his feet, Smart, bastard is far from an amateur'

Eondor thought as he wiped off the saliva from his mouth, luckily he didn't take damage from that attack otherwise his jaw would be broken right now.

Momon stood there in slight surprise, he hadn't expected  his opponent to lunged at him so hastily, usually during a one on one  both parties  take at least 30 seconds to strategize not just jump right in or perhaps that was the strategy, to rush your opponent before he even has time to think?

-well whatever it's not like he would have succeeded anyway-

He  thought, before  this time going for  the attack, it  was only fair  that he be  the one  to attack this time, plus his opponent seemed rather hesitant.

Eondor readied himself however in the blink of an eye Momon had reached him  and  his blade swung, targeting the ribs. The blade sliced the air as it moved towards its target.


He  quickly jumped up avoiding the swing but at the same time , raised his leg up and swung it down, going for a kick to the head, it may be protected but Eondor knew how to by pass armor.

"martial art: Boulder kick"

He swung his leg down and collided with the Momon's armored head, but that was useless, the Boulder kick was powerful  enough to destroy any old regular armor  in fact Eondor has in many occasions ruined the armor of many adventurers  and was the  name sake of his moniker. The force of his kick  was  enough to destroy Boulders and bring Many adventurers to their knees but unfortunately it was no more than a kick to Momon not even  worth mentioning.

With a slight swing of his second sword, Momon swatted Eondor onto the ground  slapped him with enough strength to cause the man to bounce up then back down  again.

"Alright I got it now"

The Guild master sounded, as he saw the results of the match, he was quite reluctant in granting Momon the rank he wants  the moment he concedes to his demands then other adventures will start demanding the same thing. If  a bunch of newbies start demanding to be the rank they think they are then it would  be  disaster.

Momon turned and looked at the guild master, and  waited for him to speak. He definitely didn't think that short exchange was enough to show the guild master that he is at least Gold rank.

"However I still can't agree to your demand…"

He paused, in order to prevent such things from happening in the future he needs to come up with a sort of trial that newbie adventurers will go through to determine Their rank.

"but for the rest of this week I'll give you a test, you'll be allowed to take any quest regardless of  rank and along with the company of a guild employee who will be your judge to determine which rank you deserve, you will also be responsible for their safety as part of this test, how does that sound?"

The  guild master explains and  Momon  gained  a contemplative look, as he  thought about it. He then walked towards the guild master and left Eondor knocked out on the ground.

"will  the employee accompany me at all times or will it be during time I'm on a quest and will I be making money of those quests?

" Yes you make money off the quest you take. We also wouldn't want to encroach on your private life so the employee will only accompany you when your take a quest"

An unnoticeable sigh escaped his mouth, he'd rather not have a shadow at all times. The guild master's suggestion wasn't something he was against, not only will he be making money off the quest so he'll be accomplishing his main objective for being an adventurer. He also noted that this would be a great opportunity for other adventurers who were unfairly made into copper plates despite being above copper plate in strength.

"Very well, I agree to that"

The two men shook hands as  they made, while Momon was pleased with how things turned out  the guild master was lamenting how many adventurers will probably be going into his office asking for the Same treatment as Momon.

"I hope you realize this will be a Headache for me?"

He asked with a small smile on his lips as he  stared up the tall man's helmet.

"Haha*  I apologize but I believe this will lead to a great future for adventurers"

Momon chuckled as he answered, he truly  believed that this will be a good thing for  the guild after all keeping everyone as low rank or assigning them a low rank and not actually evaluating  their strengths