
After Midnight | Park Jimin

[Scenarios that occur in the story are not real! This is also an x reader story, meaning that (Y/N), (L/N), etc. will be used. Meanings of those will be at the end of chapter one.] "Why do you keep wanting to help me? Ever since we were kids, you've always been acting like this... It's my fault you keep getting hurt. It's my fault for pushing you away. Everything is my fault... I hate seeing you cry, I hate seeing you suffer, I hate it so fucking much... So why? Why can't you just leave me alone?... Why?" "I... I just dislike seeing my childhood friend experience this much pain all by himself... I'll always be there to comfort you, even if you eventually hate me for it." -• In which an ordinary girl goes through many months of struggling to uncover the problems her childhood friend have been hiding from her. Along the way through her progression of hatred and guilt, a life threatening obstacle stops her path from completing her goal. -• THIRD PERSON POV!!! ORIGINALLY FROM WATTPAD!!!

chenlesramen · Música e bandas
Classificações insuficientes
12 Chs


"Park Jimin!"  Jungkook roared, slamming the door behind him as he entered his friend's apartment. "What the hell is going on with you?" Taking in his surroundings, he looked around the living room in shock. Bottles of wine and beer were scattered across the floor (some shattered and some not), papers were ripped into shreds, dust clearly seen on the furniture, little ants crawling into the dirty trashcan, and Jimin's clothes were thrown all over the place.

It looked like a total pigsty.

Jimin held his head down, not wanting to answer the maknae's question. 'Why the hell is he here?' He thought to himself.

'And how did he manage to get inside my apartment?'

"Answer me god dammit! What the actual hell is up with you? Can't you see how much chaos your causing around the company?" Jungkook questioned, grabbing the shorter man's shoulders and staring dead center into his face.

How long has it been? A week? A month? No, it's been way longer.

"The staff are worried about you! The members are trying to understand what's wrong but they're too awkward to say anything!" His piercing voice pounded through Jimin's head like a bullet. "Hey! Answer me-"

"Can you shut up!! Fucking- let go of me!"

Jimin's unexpected shout echoed throughout the whole apartment. It's highly likely that the neighbors have heard it and some might've even woken up from it. Both members stood still, the sound of their heartbeats could only be heard as they took in deep, ragid breaths. As someone who wasn't used to saying curse words, especially meant towards someone, Jimin cringed at his use of vocabulary and folded his arms over his chest while clicking his tongue in annoyance.

"See... this is what I mean. Your fucking behavior changes."

Jimin opened his mouth to counter back  but quickly shut it.

Jungkook was right, on stage and on camera, Jimin acted like his usual cute and happy self but in private, he was the total opposite. Because of his change in behavior, some of the staff had quit their job. The members would always reassure him, telling him that it had to do with something about the company but he knew that he was the reason why. And he didn't bother to change how he acted.

He turned his head to his right, not wanting to acknowledge that the youngest was even there. Just Jungkook's presence was enough to give him a huge major headache.

"You should be lucky that I'm the only brave one talking to you. Seokjin wanted to come as well but poor him decided to be a pussy later and ran back to the dorm."

His response was only silence, which made the youngest grit his teeth in frustration. Balling his hand into a fist, he began to open his mouth to yell but an idea clicked into his head.

Why not break into Jimin's weak side?

At least it would get him to finally start talking. Crossing his arms over his chest like Jimin's, a sly grin formed onto his mouth but then he shook his head to regain his collected composure.

"What would (Y/N) think of this?"

Hearing her name coming out of the youngest mouth, Jimin whipped his head towards Jungkook as his eyes widened in shock and disbelief.

'What the fuck?'

He thought to himself, glaring at the brown pair of eyes staring at him.

"Don't bring her into this."

"Oh?" Jungkook asked, his left eye began to twitch. "So now you're talking?"

"You literally didn't have to bring her up into this fucking conversation!" The older began to fume. There was no reason to bring her up. So why the actual fuck would he mention her?

Jungkook gulped down in fear by Jimin's menacing tone. However, he ignored that comment and continued on.

"Would she be disappointed? Sad? Angry?" He tilted his head to the side, trying to make himself look a bit threatening. But deep down inside, he felt a bit guilty by doing this. He knew that Jimin is very sensitive over her, it's no secret at all. Every member knows about it, even the company knows about it. But the fact that he acts so rude towards her makes Jungkook want to punch him right in the face.

'I should probably stop...' He told himself but it was too late, his body had gotten full control over his mind.

"You brought her into this mess-"

"Shut the fuck up!"

"You know it's true. If you stopped fucking acting the way you are right now... she wouldn't be dealing with your bullshit."

Jimin's body began to shake in rage. The glare from his eyes shot daggers into the youngest, resulting into making Jungkook's eyes look away for a quick second while quivering in fear in the process. His heart rate increased rapidly, he have never seen Jimin this angry in person.

Somehow, it irritated him. It irritated him to the point to just completely break Jimin down.

"Can't you see? (Y/N) is doing everything she can to help you. And what did you do? You act as if everything's okay but it really isn't."

"Shut up!"

"She constantly skips work because of you, she cries because of you, she cares about you Jimin. How can you not see that, you heartless freak!"

Jungkook couldn't take it anymore. (Y/N) has always been suffering in pain because of that bipolar bastard. He would always tell her to just leave him alone, to fuck off, all that stuff but she wouldn't listen to him. Why is she always nice to him? Why does she even put up with him? Why can't she just leave him alone? In return, Jimin just breaks her heart even more.

It breaks his heart to see (Y/N) cry about him.

It really does...

"Shut up..."

Jimin stated once again as he held his head down, tightening his fists even more, making them turn pale.

'That fucking bastard-'

Oh how bad he wanted to punch Jungkook's pretty face but he just couldn't. It also wouldn't make the situation any more better.

Finally getting his mind back together, Jungkook decided to stop blurting nonsense out of his mouth.

After all, talking about (Y/N) wasn't the exact reason why he's here.

"You know why I'm here right?" He asked, moving onto a different subject. But the thought of (Y/N) still lingered on his mind.

Jimin stayed silent.

Jungkook tilted his head to the right in confusion. 'Why is he quiet all of a sudden?'

He unwrapped his arms that were across his chest and began to walk towards him but at that moment when Jimin lifted his head up, Jungkook knew he fucked up.

The rage on his eyes was unbelievable.

"What the fuck Jungkook!?" Vemon laced through Jimin's voice.

"Why the fuck are you trying change the subject?!" He angrily stomped towards the youngest.

Walking backwards, Jungkook held up his hands defensively. "Look, I'm sorry for bringing her up okay? You just wouldn't fucking talk."

"There could've been other ways but instead you chose to talk about her!"

Jungkook scoffed, "Other ways? If I tried those 'other ways' it would've took a million years to get you to start fucking talking."

As Jungkook was in Jimin's reach, Jimin harshly grabbed onto Jungkook's black hoodie and pulled him down to his level.


"You know its funny..." Jungkook quickly interrupted, "When you get defensive over her, she feels happy about it but when she does the same thing to you, you get angry at her."


"Especially when it's about-"

"Okay! I get it! Just shut the hell up." He let go of his hoodie and shoved him away.

"Now answer my fucking question, you know why I'm here right?"

Jimin hesitated for a second. He didn't  want to answer him but it was no use, he just wanted Jungkook to get the fuck out of his apartment.

'I fucking hate him.'

"To talk."

Jimin slowly walked towards the dusty, old couch while rubbing his temples and internally telling himself to calm down.

Jungkook cautiously followed him and sat down on the filthy couch as well.

"What's the deal with you and making enemies with other groups? Are you purposely trying to cause drama between us and the others?"

Jimin didn't reply, but instead grabbed the nearest beer bottle that was in hands reach and chugged the liquid down his throat. Jungkook sighed in disapproval and disgust as he saw a few drops flow down Jimin's chin.


He swiftly got up the couch and snatched the bottle away from him, causing the older to violently cough.

"You seriously need to stop drinking. You're just slowing down the process of our album and the members are not happy about it."

"Then just make the album without me."


"You're fucking joking, right?"

No reply came out of Jimin's mouth, instead an awkward silence arose from the two of them. 'How can he say that?' Jungkook thought to himself, a scoff left his mouth as his hand that was holding the bottle subconsciously dropped it to the floor. The glass shattering across the area.

"We are so close into finishing the album and you're fucking saying that right now?"  He couldn't control himself. "The members would be disappointed in you if they heard that."

"Don't act like you know what they will feel. Fuck, they might be relieved if I left."

Silence again.

None of them moved for a solid 10 seconds.

Jungkook absolutely had no idea how to react.


Jungkook placed his hands on his hips and walked around while looking up towards the ceiling. Jimin looked at him from the corner of his eye.

From what he could see, he knew that Jungkook was so close to crying.

He bit his lip and turned his head away from him. At that moment, his heart stung with guilt.


"You really don't know the group huh... after how many years? Don't you think ARMY will be disappointed in you?"

Pain along with shock soared through Jimin's heart as he thought about the fans.


His precious fanbase who made the group who they are. They would feel sad, angry, confused, a mix of emotions.

"You should think about what you just said. Your career as an idol is going to waste." With that, Jungkook walked towards the door.

"Goodbye, Jimin."

After hearing the door close, Jimin let go of a deep breath that he didn't know he was holding in. After that, it was total silence.

Who knows how long it has been for Jimin sitting down on the couch doing nothing.

5 minutes? 10 minutes? 30 minutes?

His mind kept remembering back to Jungkook's words about him being a vocalist. He ran his hand through his hair and thought to himself.

'I'm so fucking pathetic.'

Suddenly, a knock erupted from the door.

'Is that Jungkook? Did he forget something?'

The man stood up from the couch and walked towards the door.

What he didn't expect from the other side of the door was the person he dreaded to see.


"(Y/N)? W-What are you doing here?"


(Y/N) - Your Name

(L/N) - Last Name

(H/C) - Hair Color

(E/C) - Eye Color

(F/C) - Favorite Color

Hello readers! I have originally came from Wattpad but decided to give this app a try. I'm amazed of how many reads I had gotten on the first or so of publishing this book. It would've taken weeks to achieve this many reads on Wattpad. Anyways, please support me! Put this story in your library, give it a vote, comment your thoughts, and feedback is also appreciated!

Thank you so much! Byeee!

chenlesramencreators' thoughts