
Aegis Schnee The Juggernaut Of Glyphs

One soul seeking other yet will they find each other in time or will they become bitter enemies? I Don't Own RWBY! Or any work mentioned in this fanfic! The picture is from there: https://cz.pinterest.com/pin/591238257315362510/

Nisiris · Outros
Classificações insuficientes
345 Chs


"So, you had questions general?"

Asked Aegis as he and Ironwood arrived inside of his office, where he poured coffee for both of them.

"Had, I had questions for what I already have answers."

Ironwood said as he remembered all questions and answers that were spoken previously.

"I see."

Said Aegis as he looked into reflections in his mug.

"And? Are you satisfied?"

Asked Aegis and Ironwood looked at him as hi hardened gaze softened and he sighed.

"No, far from it... But it still brought calm into my mind."

Said Ironwood as he finally knew, or at least thought, what Aegis end game plan was.

If there was one thing Ironwood hated most was a mystery, but now that he knew, or at least thought he knew, it made him realize how stupid it all was...

"Hm, yes, going blind is the worst feeling for people like us, arent it?"

Aegis chuckled as he remembered multiple memories of famous generals and leaders inside the shadow realm that had fallen because of insufficient pieces of information...

"Let me ask you one thing Aegis, and by truthful."

Ironwood said and looked at Aegis who quirked an eyebrow in surprise at the general's use of his first name.

"You already know about Salem, don't you? You already know everything about that farce of shadows war."

Asked Ironwood as he looked at Aegis, just to sight in defeat and exasperation when Aegis didn't react confused or surprised.

"I thought so... Ozpin... Ozpin always liked to play on mysteries, forgetting in what age we live in... He often forgets how quick information could be spread, and always so diplomatic when he should choose direct path..."

Ironwood said and chuckled in defeat, he truly liked Ozpin as his friend, but as general, he despised Ozpin's methods...

Aegis just watched general for a while as he took a sip of his coffee.

"Yes, he forgets that evolution is a thing, doesn't he? Always so sure his method are best, they could be in the past, but not now, not when a man has the power to erase entire cities with his toys."

Aegis said and Ironwood nodded, both of them agreed that Ozpin meant best, but his methods were too obsolete...

Alas, the immortal wizard was too charismatic and influential for normal people to go against him.

And soo stubborn...

"Tell me Aegis, in your vision, is there council?"

Asked Ironwood and Aegis sadly shook his head.

"No, where you see freedom and democracy, I see corruption and stagnation..."

Aegis said, and Ironwood waited for him to follow.

"Look at this, hundred years ago, people didn't have guns, didn't have huntsmen, and yet they prevailed, and why? Because where there are huntsmen who are soo few and struggle to protect even current territory, they had armies, something you surely agree with me don't you good general?"

Asked Aegis and Ironwood shook his head in dismay at the fact both of them saw huntsmen as insufficient means to battle Grimms.

"So yes, Councils, Ozpin, you, all of you who are satisfied with the current order, need to be gone... I know you support the idea of armies, but you support just Atlas army, don't you?"

Asked Aegis and Ironwood's gaze hardened.

"Where you all see four kingdoms, I see pitifulness... And once im done, there would be just one power... one voice... one iron fist..."

Aegis said and Ironwood sat still for a moment until he started to chuckling...

"I see... I see!!!"

Ironwood laughed for a while and then looked at Aegis.

"You know I can't let you do it, don't you Aegis?"

Asked Ironwood and Aegis smiled at the general who proclaimed he would kill him if needed.

"Yes, yes I know..."

Ironwood shook his head in disbelief...

"Then, shall victor lead us to better age..."

Said Ironwood and Aegis smiled as he didn't feel an ounce of hostility from a man that practically proclaimed he would fight him to death the moment he tries to usurp Atlas from the council's hands.

"To Golden Age."

Aegis said and Ironwood nodded with his head.

"Yes, that's sounds good a Golden Age huh?..."

Ironwood smiled as he finally fully understood Aegis, and no matter how he wanted to put a bullet into his head, he fully agreed with the need of change, and from what he could gleam of, the change Aegis could bring would be beneficial, alas he was oath-bound, and so he knew he wouldn't be alive if Aegis won...

"Next time we shall see each other would be the last Aegis Schnee."

Ironwood said and held out his hand for Aegis who grasped it with strength and shook it.

"Shall the winner lead our people to better tomorrow?"

Said Aegis who truly started to respect the general who wished best for his people, alas was too honorable to be shackled by oath to a corrupt government.

Ironwood shook with their hands and walked outside his office and Aegis just stood there as he sighed at the prospect of needing to kill such a good soldier...

Alas, every change needs sacrifices, and this change would nee blood of Altas most loyal, and where the loyal would lay their lives, the corrupt would try to buy his favor in the prospect of surviving...

Unfortunately for them, Aegis did not forgive when it came to traitors, no matter what side they are...

As Aegis was looking into his reflection in his cup, he heard steps and looked up just to see Harriet running into him at full speed and braced for an impact that sends them on the ground with Harriet giggling.


"Big brother..."

"Big bro!"

Said voices of Willow, Weiss and Harriet who was currently strangling him on the ground and suffocating him with her breast as she held his head between them.

"Hey there..."

Aegis said smilingly as he finally gets out of the death trap, pleasurable death trap, but death trap nonetheless.

"So you saw the news?"

Asked Aegis and they just smiled, and Aegis could see Willow's eyes tear up little, now that he looked, all of them were teary-eyed...

"Yes, we saw... We saw how you proclaimed us as yours before the entire Remnant."

Said Willow as she hiccuped.

Aegis just chuckled as he stood up, still with Harriet on him as some koala.

"And, are you mine?"

Asked Aegis as he came to Willow and Weiss with Harriet still on him.


Three of them said and they all embraced together as Aegis kissed each of them, with surprising ferocity from them as they chose to use their tongues.

"Mnnn, no longer embarrassed to kiss me like this before each other eyes?"

Asked Aegis teasingly.

"There is no need to be embarrassed... After all, as you said it... We belong to you..."

Willow said and touched Aegis face with a dreamy smile.

"As mother said..."

Weiss said, as her eyes shone with delight and love.

"Mnnh. mmnhhh!"

Harriet mumbled into his chest and Aegis just chuckled.


Aegis said and smiled...


Unknow to two girls and one woman, but know to Aegis was the fact that rest of women that desired him were now looked at them with jealousy and determination...

Neo was smiling mischievously, but there was hidden longing in her mismatched eyes.

Pyrrha's face was burning red, but her eyes shone with newfound determination.

Blake, Sienna and Velvet both gritted their teeth as their animal instincts wanted them to mark Aegis as theirs.

Raven's eyes were hidden by her hair bangs, but there was a longing aura around her.

Ciri looked at them with confusion, but there was a strange feeling inside her stomach and she felt like at times where she saw other hunters trying to get her prey...

Amber just sighed in exasperation at the ridiculous sight...

Nora looked ready to break legs as she saw something she wished she had with Ren, but at the same time when she looked at Aegis she was torn as she had a strange feeling inside her heart... The same one she only ever had about her Renny...

And Salem, Iris and Alexandra just stood in back as they watched them with humor, Salem mumble something about youth stupidity, to which both Iris and Alexandra cracked a smile.

Alas, it was just another day in Schnee's mansion...

And servants? Servants just started betting on who would be next to proclaim love to their master, just to be reprimanded by the scandalized-looking Klein and stoic Ren.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Nisiriscreators' thoughts