
Chapter35: A Week In A Different World

[ What are we going to do now, onii-chan? ] asked Alice who is holding my left hand.

after Jerald-san finally left, Alice and I were left alone standing in front of the guild.

[ hmm... what do you think we should do now Alice? ] I asked Alice back as I also don't have an idea what are we supposed to do now.

[ I don't know onii-chan. ] replied Alice back.

[ how about we go back first to Marinda-san's Inn? ]

[ Un. ] Alice nodded.

we finally started moving when...


[ ... ]

[ Uwaahh... ] Alice tried to hide her cheek with her left hand from embarrassment.

[ hungry...? ]

[ U-un... ] Alice replied shyly, with her cheeks red and her head downward.

[ then how about we eat first...? ]

[ sorry onii-chan... ]

[ it's fine. ] I stroked Alice's head because she was really cute.


[ Welcome back Haruto-kun. ]

[ Welcome back onii-san! ]

[ that was fast... ]

After we finally arrive inside the MoonLight Inn, we are immediately greeted by the trio: Marinda-san, Victor-san, and Bretta-chan.

[ we're back everyone! ] I replied to them enthusiastically.

[ yo, young man! ] a deep manly voice was suddenly heard from my side, so I turned around to see whose voice was it.

[ Jack-san!? ] I was surprised by the sudden appearance of the large and wide manly man; Jacked jack, but I was more surprised that I wasn't able to notice his presence when we went inside the Inn.

[ you're may be wondering why I'm here? I'm just here to visit some few old companions. ] said Jack-san with his deep, manly voice.

[ ah, right, I remember Victor-san telling me you formed a team before...? ]

I recalled Victor-san and Marinda-san telling me that they formed a party before to fight with the demons.

[ oh~o? so Victor-chan already told you about it huh? ] said Jack-san again while crossing his arms.

[ Victor-chan!? ]

No guy is supposed to be called with chan!

[ don't worry about it, Jack here just wants to show his superiority. ] answered Victor-san in his usual tired low and quiet voice.

[ isn't that just being rude...? ]

[ ha! you don't know anything about being rude kid! ]

suddenly, Jack-san went behind me, then he laid one of his large arms on my shoulders. I almost always carry Alice behind my back but Jack-san's one arm is much heavier than Alice's whole weight.

[ stop that Jack... you're making Haruto-kun really uncomfortable. ] said Victor-san who is still sitting at one of the tables.

[ do-don't worry! I don't mind... ] I said, as I suddenly felt a dangerous aura suddenly emits from Victor-san. But Jack-san only ignored him and said...

[ hey, young man! sometimes you need to stand up for your self too! even if your enemy is a big guy like me! ] Jack-san then started to rock my shoulders.

[ I don't want to try... ] I replied.

[ that's a weird reply... ] he stopped rocking my shoulders as he heard my reply.

[ oh yeah, Marinda, I forgot to ask you but can you please visit my house tomorrow? Vladimir can come too... and... ] Jack-san said, then he paused and looked at me.

[ what...? ]

[ why don't you come too? ]

[ ...huh? why? ]

Jack-san suddenly brought his face closer to my ear and started to whisper...

[ kid... why don't I hook you up with my granddaughter? you like that...? ]

[ what the hell are you saying!? ]

[ What? I like your face. It's cute, that's why I want you to try and date my granddaughter which is also! really cute. ]

[ I decline. I can't even believe you have a granddaughter. ]

[ yes, even I'm surprised. ]

[ I didn't know you already had a grandkid Jacked Jack senpai? ]

I'm surprised that such a large guy will have a granddaughter, let alone a wife.

[ ah, yes, She lives with my third son so she can only visit here a few numbers of times... wait a minute... ] Jack-san suddenly turned his eyes to Alice who was just behind me all this time.

[ o-onii-chan... ] said Alice, nervously hiding behind me and started to grip my clothes.

of course any kind of girl, no matter how young or mature will get scared by this guy; Jacked Jack-san

[ who's this...? ] asked Jack-san while knitting a brow.

[ oh, I haven't introduced her yet. She's Alice, she's my companion. ]

[ oho...? I actually expected this... ]

[ what did you say Jack-san...? ]

I'm sure he whispered something.

[ hmm...? you're hearing things Haruto-kun. ] he replied.

[ I wonder about that... ]

I'm sure something like this also happened with my talk with Derrick-san...

[ well, anyway... are you three free tomorrow? oh! I forgot about Bretta-chan! you can come too Bretta-chan, and also the newcomer, Alice-chan. ]

[ sorry senpai, but I need to take care of the Inn. ] said Marinda-san.

[ I have a job for tomorrow... ] answered Victor-san.

[ sorry! but I have to work with mom too! ] replied Bretta-chan.

[ I... I have... umm... work! tomorrow too! ]

[ oh! now you're just making excuses Haruto-kun. Please come, I promise I will treat you well! you can also take Alice-chan and Bretta-chan with you! ] Jack-san said as he moves his large face closer to mine.

I can actually feel his heavy breathing and I can also see all the hair inside his nose.

[ no no! I promise! I have work tomorrow too! ] I waved my hands to his face as I said so.

[ onii-chan... ]

[ Hmm... then let me remind you Haruto-kun... You promise me you will pay me back, right? ]


[ wha-what...? ]

[ now come-on... a real man never breaks a promise... right? ] Jack-san said so as he moved his face to the side of my face.

[ haah... I accept... even if you still practically blackmailed me. ]

I never break a promise and I always pay my debts.

[ now that's the spirit! ] Jack-san stood up straight as he shouted those words.

[ you shouldn't have accepted it Haruto-kun... I promise you, you would regret it... ] said Victor-san.

[ oh, don't be like that Victor-chan! I promise Haruto-kun will have a good time! ]

[ no you won't... ]

[ okay, I trust you. But what am I really supposed to do at your house? ] I already accepted him, I just need to ask him about what should I do.

[ you just need to keep my granddaughter company. ]

is that all it is...?

[ oh? how old is she? ]

[ hmm... I think it was 12...? no,13... no! I think it was 14! ]

[ you don't even know your granddaughter's age!? ]

[ what can I do? I'm famous. ]

[...what...? how is that related to you forgetting your granddaughter's age!? ]

[ I don't know. ]

what a dumb old man...

[ haah... fine, if it's just me keeping her company, then I think it's okay. ]

[ that's right! then it's a deal! ] I hold my hand out for a handshake, which I immediately regretted when he shook my hand with his own large hand, practically breaking some of my fingers on the process.

[ ouch! ] I immediately pulled out my hand the moment I can't take the pain anymore.

I promise to my self I won't touch any parts of his body anymore as it's all hard as steel.

[ then see you tomorrow, take this. ] he gave me a small paper and then he finally walked away.

[ bye Marinda! bye, Vladimir! bye, Bretta-chan! bye Haruto-kun! also bye to the newbie, Alice-chan. ]

[ bye! Jack-senpai! ]

[ bye uncle Jack! ]

[ never be seeing you again. ]

[ bye... Jacked jack-san... ]

[ umm... bye... ? ]

After that, Alice and I finally went inside our room to sleep, with me hugging Alice and Alice also hugging me back.

And that's how my first week at this new world ended.


Kiikuro_Shichigocreators' thoughts