
Adventure Time: Shadow Elemental(Ownership has been handed over)

I knew that day felt weird but I ignored it and I died, but I never imagined I would be thrown into the world of Adventure Time almost 800 years before the events of the show as a shadow, a shadow will some neat tricks. Now that I'm here guess I should adventure. [|------|] This will be kingdom building and slice of life story for almost all the time before the events of the show, there will be action whenever I can make up a scenario that makes some inkling of sense. There will be time skips alot as I doubt you guys want me to write 700 years worth of content, and I'm incapable of coming up with enough content for that anyway. I aint creative enough for that Very fast paced romance too, not good at writing sappy stuff and just want to get it out of the way, oh and one more thing- NO HAREM. I hate harem with an undying passion, don't even ask for it. [Note: The ownership of this fanfic has been handed over to a friend of mine, who is currently rewriting it. So look out for that]

SirRandom · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

[|Ch.11 Win|]

Italic text like this, are the mc's thoughts that are accessible to everything in his mind.

Normal text like this is the mc describing what he or others are doing, a sort of pseudo-omniscient narrator that is himself.

"Text like this is people talking."


I mix lots of thin arms to make a big arm that grabs the Drake by its tail. I move it fast and slam it into a wall that's not broken yet. The Drake lets out a loud roar.

Bonnie shoots a lot of bullets that go deep into its skin. Soon, the orange spikes on its body begin to glow, its eyes shine, and it opens its big mouth.

A bright ball of orange light forms in its mouth.

The light shoots at us very fast. Bonnie and I jump out of the way, but it hits a wall, making a big dent. We're surprised.

The crash pulls water towards it, making us lose our balance. This lets the Drake break free from my arms and shoot another beam at us. I make sure Bonnie is safe first, then I barely escape.

Before I can do anything, the Drake rushes at Bonnie. I grit my teeth, pull back my shadows, and quickly make lots of medium-sized arms. I wrap them around the Drake, just stopping it.

My power keeps going down, but I nod at Bonnie to say I can't move right now. She takes out a hook on a rope and shoots it into the Drake's open mouth.

The hook catches one of its teeth, and she's pulled up fast. As she goes up, she shoots the Drake with bullets that do different things. To my surprise, she jumps right into its mouth, the same mouth I'm just keeping open.

Soon, she pulls out something from her belt and throws it down the Drake's throat. Then she shoots the thing, causing a big boom that takes off a big part of its face, but it's still alive.

But this makes the Drake weak enough for me to attack with most of the arms. I change about half of them into sharp things and hit the beast hard. Bonnie keeps shooting into its throat. At last, the Drake stops moving.

All at once, the room's water goes away, leaving us hanging in the air. I quickly catch Bonnie and we go down to the floor, feeling a bit tired. She fixes her clothes, and I take deep breaths to get my energy back.

"You were pretty cool out there, weren't you?" I joke, getting an eye roll and a light hit on the arm. "You were pretty hot-" she stops herself, and I just smile.

"What was that~? I was pretty wh-" I don't finish that sentence as she elbows me in the jaw. "Ow..." I'm about to joke more when we hear a loud bang behind us.

We look back and see a door in a wall that was flat before. We look at each other and go into the room. Inside, we find a big heap of different things: gold coins, books, weapons, body parts, and lots of magic stuff.

"Oooh~!" I move forward, my eyes stuck on the magic books. I pick one off the ground and try to read its title, but it's in a strange language I can't know, a language new to me.

"Ah, come on" I let out, but still keep the book. I give it a quick hand swap and start to grab as many magic bits as I can. "Why grab all that trash?" Bonnie looks at some more books.

Leaving the gold and other maybe valuable stuff, we're probably gonna come back for all this. It is literal gold, a pretty much universal currency.

"Trash? I want to learn magic," I say, forgetting Bonnie doesn't buy into magic. "Magic? For real?" she sighs and throws back, to which I fire back, "Yes, magic. Wait till I crack these books."

I continue searching through the pile and to my disappointment I don't find the universal translator. Makes sense though, the Rainicorns arent in Ooo yet, so as a result its also not here.

But no big deal.

After we pack up all we want, we choose to head out.

The path that got us here opens again and we start our way back, soon getting to the cave we dropped into, "Should I lift you up?" I offer.

"You think I can't climb up myself?" Bonnie says and I just lift my shoulders, "Okay then..." I say and get ready to climb before she stops me, "I didn't say no..." she whispers so low.

I hold her tight and stretch up into the water with her and soon hit the surface of the lake, landing on the dirt not far from the Candyshades we left.

Still there, they light up at seeing us but soon look down when they see the 10 we brought are not with us. "Glad you're back," Sprinkle says.


I sit in my room alone, across from Bonnie's, flipping through the books we got. They're all in old tongues, a bit sad.

But cracking them isn't so hard. I could have made Bonnie run them through a computer and it'd be fast, but I want to hack it on my own to pick up these tongues, useful for later.

By my count, I'll know one of the languages by next week.

Well, not know them, but maybe have them translated. I'm not smart enough to completely learn a knew language in a week.

So I got my job cut out for me.

I keep writing down words close to English as that's the only language I know sadly, match words with pictures, thinking the pictures might show what the words mean and generally just guess going off the Latin and Germanic 

Since this book is here, in what used to be America, which uses English—a Germanic language with substantial Latin influence—this might be based on Latin. Probably not, but it's all I have.

I keep at it late into the night until I choose to sleep. I flick off the light and put the book on a shelf before hitting the bed.


Once again, that whole italic writing system for thoughts hasn't been implemented, I came up with it more recently and found it works really well, but these chapters weren't written around that system, so I can't really place it in here without rewriting the whole chapter.

I also completely forgot I had to update this story today and only remembered like 10 minutes ago and had to revise the whole thing extremely quickly.

Cya guys tomorrow.