
Adventure Time: Shadow Elemental(Ownership has been handed over)

I knew that day felt weird but I ignored it and I died, but I never imagined I would be thrown into the world of Adventure Time almost 800 years before the events of the show as a shadow, a shadow will some neat tricks. Now that I'm here guess I should adventure. [|------|] This will be kingdom building and slice of life story for almost all the time before the events of the show, there will be action whenever I can make up a scenario that makes some inkling of sense. There will be time skips alot as I doubt you guys want me to write 700 years worth of content, and I'm incapable of coming up with enough content for that anyway. I aint creative enough for that Very fast paced romance too, not good at writing sappy stuff and just want to get it out of the way, oh and one more thing- NO HAREM. I hate harem with an undying passion, don't even ask for it. [Note: The ownership of this fanfic has been handed over to a friend of mine, who is currently rewriting it. So look out for that]

SirRandom · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

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The Adventure Time timeline sucks ass, especially for events before the start of the show, 1 sec the wiki is talking about 200 AMW and the next known event is in 700 AMW.

There's a total of 700 years of blank space in the time line. A 700+ year timeskip thats never filled in, and a bunch of events that don't have solid dates, they are just said to have happened.

So I am stitching together when and where I think events take place and making shit up between the gaps never filled in.

I have an entire spread sheet with assumptions, leaps in judgement, dates, events, character backstories, how kingdoms, villages and other places of interest were formed and so much more that took me more than a week to construct.

Again almost everything is just speculation.

I am also using some timeline some guy on tumblr made, so yeah...

I also made OOO bigger, I didnt add anything I just made the space between areas bigger for more realism, like OOO is giant if compared to the size of the candy kingdom on its map, but Finn and Jake can see EVERYTHING from their treehouse and they can walk all over the continent in an hour.

And if it was truly that small, kingdoms would of been able to spread throughout it super easily and should be bigger.

This is just a scaling error as it has been calculated that OOO isn't even the size of an America state, but that doesn't make sense.

So pls dont flame me if something is wrong, doesn't make sense or is changed, I tried my best.

Thank you for coming to my TED talk.
