
Adventure Time: Shadow Elemental(Ownership has been handed over)

I knew that day felt weird but I ignored it and I died, but I never imagined I would be thrown into the world of Adventure Time almost 800 years before the events of the show as a shadow, a shadow will some neat tricks. Now that I'm here guess I should adventure. [|------|] This will be kingdom building and slice of life story for almost all the time before the events of the show, there will be action whenever I can make up a scenario that makes some inkling of sense. There will be time skips alot as I doubt you guys want me to write 700 years worth of content, and I'm incapable of coming up with enough content for that anyway. I aint creative enough for that Very fast paced romance too, not good at writing sappy stuff and just want to get it out of the way, oh and one more thing- NO HAREM. I hate harem with an undying passion, don't even ask for it. [Note: The ownership of this fanfic has been handed over to a friend of mine, who is currently rewriting it. So look out for that]

SirRandom · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
13 Chs

[|Ch.6 Candy People|]

Italic text like this, are the mc's thoughts that are accessible to everything in his mind.

Normal text like this is the mc describing what he or others are doing, a sort of pseudo-omniscient narrator that is himself.

"Text like this is people talking."


"Hey Eni, I've been thinking for awhile... what do you think about creating life" Bonnie asks me out of pretty much nowhere as I lie in a pile of random things spread across Bonnie's room.

Probably broke some stuff under me to be honest.

"Don't have much thoughts on it really, can't really do so as nothing about myself is even close to biological, I'm pure magic" I respond, she doesn't even try to contend my statement about magic.

She hasn't been alive long enough to have that anti magic thought hammered into her mind yet, so she's much more open to it, but still not 100% sure.

Well that would be wrong too, she did believe magic existed, as she would be an idiot for thinking it doesn't in a world where its everywhere, she just disagreed with calling it magic, as that would separate it from science, which it inherently is.

But since magic is powered by imagination as is how reality also works, its better to just believe it is just some mystical unexplainable thing, otherwise its harder for you to learn and use it.

Its science that cannot be explained by science.

According to the loooooore(We will miss you MatPat).

Such a dilemma.

"Well, I was thinking about trying, I know its possible with Neddy and starting civilization again after what supposedly happened to humanity seems like fun."


She did know alot more about humans than most because of how close she was born to their demise, learning all of that purely off the ruins still around.

Not as much as Marceline who was alive during the mushroom war, but still quite a bit.

"Seems like alot of work and all, and sounds like it would take time. We arent even sure what our lifespan even is. For all we know we could die 10 years from now, but I'm up for it I guess."

"Having an army and stuff seems like fun" I chuckle, there is no use for one as there are like zero other kingdoms at the moment, but they will pop up in a couple hundred years.

Of course Bonnie is gonna live for thousands of years, while I'm not sure about myself, I'm sure I can live that long too, maybe even forever going off nothing but what I'm made of.

"Be careful though, don't let them gain intelligence surpassing our own, leading to a revolt from cruel dictatorship" I joke, and she jokes back, to my surprise.

"Shouldn't be a problem, after all I have my prince to protect me"

She walks out the room and down the stairs towards her lab right after saying that, not even leaving me time to say anything in response.

"Wha-?", did she just call me her prince?

"Wait for me." I shake my head and follow her down into her lab where she is already getting to work gathering things.

I expected as much though, I didn't really expect her to just go all Frankenstein on some gum and just magically bring it to life.

Physical time is over though, shadow time.

I enter Bonnie's shadow as she gathers ingredients for the candy concoction, examines her papers, tinkers with some equipment, and repeats the process.

Time passes by in this manner, and I interrupt her by stepping out of her shadow and walking in front of her. "Bonnie, I really think you should go to bed. You've been in here for 14 hours now," I suggest. She dismisses my concern, insisting, "I'm fine. Just a few more hours and I'll be done."

Letting out a sigh, I summon a shadow hand and lift her up by her waist, placing her over my shoulder. "We're going to sleep," I say, paying no attention to the protesting teenager in my arms.

Reentering her bedroom that closely resembles her lab, a mess with all sorts of things just thrown around, with a singular bed right at the far end.

I gently lay her down and switch off the lights. "Goodnight Bonnie, if I find you in your lab within the next 10 hours, you'll have to cook your own food," I warn her, preparing to leave as I usually sleep in the lab.

"Hey Eni..." I turn back, hearing my name. "Yes?" I respond. "Do you want to sleep here?" she asks, surprising me greatly. "What?" I unconsciously ask.

"You know... you've never slept in your physical form before, so I thought maybe you could try it here. Sleeping will counteract the energy it takes to stay physical," she explains, twirling some of her gum hair in her hand.

"Hmm..." I briefly consider it before deciding, why not? "Fine, I guess" I reply, and her face instantly lights up.

It's still strange to see Bonnibel act like a normal child. She quickly scoots over on her bed, and I get in beside her.

"Goodnight Eni."

"Goodnight, you pink goblin."


"Eni!" I wake up abruptly, feeling my body being vigorously shaken. My previously featureless black face comes to life as my purple eyes take their place. I sit up and realize that its sunny outside. "What's wrong, Bonnie?" I inquire, observing Bonnibel's disheveled appearance.

She looks incredibly messy, with bits of various candies scattered all over her, sticky candy juice dripping down her hair, and her clothes hanging loosely on her.

"I did it! Now, come with me," she exclaims, grabbing my hand and pulling me towards the laboratory. As we arrive, she leads me further down, where she presumably creates living beings. "What time is it?" I ask, stifling a yawn.

"It's midday. You've been asleep for nearly 24 hours," she replies, dragging me towards what appears to be an aquarium tank without any water. "When did you even wake up?" I inquire, casting a curious glance at the the person that looks alot like Bonnibel inside the tank.

A male with dark green glossy skin, standing at our height, and hair made of green and white peppermint is standing before us. They do not resemble the candy people from the show, instead they look like gum people with hair resembling candy.

"Huh, I expected them to look like actual candy," I say, genuinly surprised.

"I did plan to do that, but ultimately decided against it" she responds.

I guess that makes sense?

Gumbald never existed, she has no reason to worry about a repeat like that, so instead of making them idiots and actual candy, they are going to be just people I guess.

"It would of taken me barely a day to do this if I just made them candy, but a more humanoid look and higher intelligence wouldn't hurt."

Hopefully atleast.

"And now, we need to start city planning" she says pushing me back into her main lab.


Don't worry, I know alot of you guys want him to start his own kindom. Which he will do in escence in the near future, not as you guys will probably expect.

This isnt a sign im returning for good, just a dump of around 5 chapters over the next few days before I stop again.

SirRandomcreators' thoughts