

The novel displays the romantic journey of Alexander Allan, a young successful CEO who is an arrogant tycoon in the city and everyone fears him. Everyone knows not to mess with him or the consequences will be devastating. His love life is complicated as he faces betrayal from his first love hence making the once arrogant man's heart turn cold and emotionless. However, this gradually changes when he meets a strong-willed lady in the story Emma Stone. He employs her as his secretary and vows to make her life challenging as she resembles his first girlfriend who broke his heart. But as time goes by he becomes obsessed with her to a state that he would not feel like himself if she was anywhere not close to him. This story grips the theme of love, betrayal, and healing also with the theme of forgiveness.

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28 Chs




The day was starting of awkward for me I had to take Lucy for a little shopping I didn't want to make the old man angry because when he is, he does unspeakable things. At first, I was reluctant but the Blossom living up to their legacy of annoying was busy speaking nonstop too much for someone who doesn't this arrangement I thought bad I had a contract set up otherwise I fear she will be a sore in the eye for me.


We arrived at one of the mall close to my office I also wanted to check some files in the office ,I had no intentions of spending the whole of my day with such an irritating woman if she wasn't installed in my life by this arrangement I would have long ignored her existence the moment she opened that mouth of hers.


Once inside everyone was busy doing shopping and I just followed the annoying lady with her shopping spree. Whenever she asked for my opinion, I just shook my head absentmindedly as I played a game on my phone. Almost instantly after we had started our clothes selection, I received a call from my father.


"father how have you been", I said not hiding annoyance in my tone.


"you seem annoyed that I disturbed you and Lucy please do treat her to a nice meal today and please be nice to her will you", he said


"you need to worry not Father I am already doing a little shopping with Miss Blossom here when you called didn't your subordinate that was following me from my house already inform you. See you have not left that trait of yours ,Father why don't you trust me", I said trying to stress the point that it was not nice of him to send his puppets after me to monitor my every move like what he did when I dated Kiara the daughter of the cabinet minister then, Thinking of Kiara I then heard a nice smooth melodious voice which was like hers talking at my back .


I was drawn closer when I saw that Lucy had seemed to have caused a ruckus in this store which she was totally born for. Amidst the dispute she was given a loud slap which made the ends of my hair also stand it was so eerie and fearsome .When she saw me she started playing the innocent card and wanted me to stand up for her but when I saw Emma turn towards me I was taken aback by her appearance she exuded nobility and fairy aura around her and I noticed men looking at her with lustful eyes which pissed me off but don't know why.


She seemed good at drawing attention to herself everywhere she went and it made me angry even more but I didn't want to argue her in public I'll wait for her when she begins work only then will she know her true worth. I didn't pay much attention to what their story was and I turned signaling that I was leaving the store when Lucy rushed towards me acting pitiful.

"are you not going to stand up for me ", she said.


"maybe you are unaware of this but I think I have saved you from further embarrassment if they had gone to consult surveillance footage and you were seen at fault", I said and went to my car and drove off leaving her behind.


As I was driving, I saw Emma's face when she looked at me earlier in the shop. She looked composed, innocent and extremely if I was a pervert, I would have taken her right there but why am I thinking about her all of a sudden huh. took my phone and decided to call my two troublesome friends over at my place for a boy's night.


"Yoh bro what's up it been long since you have called is everything okay with you are you still angry with us about last time, were sorry man", he said without giving me the chance to speak.


"were cool bro so can you and Justin come to my house and we will have a small boy night. Maybe we might open that 1967 wine and taste it ", I said and I knew Josh would never say no to wine.


When I arrived at home, I saw my assistant waiting by the garage looking rather tired and perplexed about something.


"what is it Abhishek you don't seem okay", I inquired .He had been with me ever since I started this company and he has always been faithful to me moreover over the years I have not promoted because am afraid I'll not find the perfect substitute for him.


"good afternoon sir can I talk with you inside please", he said with anxiety in his voice and he seemed afraid to express whatever he wanted to say.


"no problem lets go to my study and discuss this topic that is making you restless all of a sudden", I said as we made our way to the house


We went to the study and I instructed him to sit down whilst I poured him a glass of water from the dispenser as he seemed to troubled maybe it would help him calm down his nerves.


"now Abhi what is it, I thought today I gave you a day off so what brings you here", I questioned him.


"well sir you see today I was called from India and I just learned that my mother is not feeling well. So, I was hoping if it is possible you can give me a leave so that I can rush back home to take care of my mother as you know am the only one amongst my siblings with a stable life and moreover a job". He said looking apprehensive.


After he talked me, I took a long time thinking his situation over for a long time and thus when I came to conclude maybe this was the time for me to let him go. Watching he time he has been working with me I know if I make him my branch manager in Pune ,India he will do an amazing job and mostly will bring in a lot of benefits to the company on the oversea market I trusted him he was hardworking and ,mostly humble. The more I took the more he clenched his teeth and shaking his hands profusely.


"well after careful consideration it think it's time for me to promote you Abhi you have been such a loyal employee and over the past few years working together you displayed your dedication and loyalty towards me and the company. So you will take a 2 months break and after the break you will be the one to manage the company's branch in Pune so I suppose you and your family will have to move into the villa in the city", I said and I saw shock on his face.


"thank you so much sir I'll not let you down, you don't know how this opportunity mean s for me thank you very much", he said tears joy running down his face.


"no no Abhi thank you for your hard work you have earned it now wipe those tears of yours and sign the documents at the office I have already informed the head of HR so have a safe flight back home and do please pass my regards to your family and wish your mother a fast recovery for me ", I said as I saw him off.


'thank you once more sir", he said clinging to my hand.


"if you keep doing this, I might change my mind", I said this teasing him and it worked as he went and I was now feeling low because he was no longer only my employee but a friend.


Talking of friend my troublesome friends came and the place was once again lively. They came with some whisky and we had a small braai as we discussed business whilst we ate. Then I told them about my father's matchmaking me with Lucy and her saying she was not into me.


"she said what I don't trust that girl she I ding this on purpose she has always liked you always if it weren't for Kiara then she could have approached you since then", josh said and when Kiara's name was brought up I subconsciously broke the wine glass I was holding.


'jeez Alex you psychopath what are you doing please bro control yourself or else you will lose it", Justin said as Josh rushed with the first aid kit.


They bandaged my hand and they were looking at me with pitiful eyes as they applied medicine to the wounds.


"bro I think its high time you let by gone be by gone okay please open your heart more and experience once again ho sweet love is don't always try to live like a hermit like this it's not helping please", Justin said looking very serious.


"yes, I agree also with you maybe you must give Lucy a change maybe you can find that long-lost passionate self because it's not helping every time that name pop ups, you're always behaving this bizarre it's not good for your mental health please. I now finally think that uncles match matching is not so bad after all", Josh also joined this lecture session.


"okay guys I'll try but not worth Lucy I have heard enough with these kind of girls .Now let's watch some football and stop those speeches of yours if my hand was not injured I'll would have beaten the lights out of you so now let's watch some game now with some of the best wine.