

The novel displays the romantic journey of Alexander Allan, a young successful CEO who is an arrogant tycoon in the city and everyone fears him. Everyone knows not to mess with him or the consequences will be devastating. His love life is complicated as he faces betrayal from his first love hence making the once arrogant man's heart turn cold and emotionless. However, this gradually changes when he meets a strong-willed lady in the story Emma Stone. He employs her as his secretary and vows to make her life challenging as she resembles his first girlfriend who broke his heart. But as time goes by he becomes obsessed with her to a state that he would not feel like himself if she was anywhere not close to him. This story grips the theme of love, betrayal, and healing also with the theme of forgiveness.

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Time seemed to fly when I was awakened by the alarm in my room, at first I wanted to sleep in but thus when I remembered that I needed to go to the company of that douche bag to sign my contract forms with the head of the HR.I went to the bathroom and freshen up since I had snoozed for about 5 minutes I did not have any breakfast since I assumed that the signing of the contracts will not take much of my time.


I left the apartment and hailed the cab and went straight to the company. The cab driver looked at me when I told him my destination maybe because it's rare to see any cab near the JAY company. When we arrived, I was taken aback the outside itself spoke of pure nobility and elite. There was this magnificent roundabout and a silver foundation at the center of it just outside. I was very marveled by the scenery no wonder why everyone wished to work at this prestigious company.


My foot was even nervous to enter the building, I could feel my intestines noting inside my body. I took several breaths before I entered the massive building. This company was into many aspects from entertainment, technology and even agriculture. I heard they re-branded themselves from their entertainment niche when the young CEO came into office and ever since then the company has been souring high. It was number 1 in the city and the CEO was even named by the people's magazine as the sexiest man alive and even the most eligible diamond bachelor.


The voice of the blonde receptionist drew me out of my daydreaming her desk spoke for itself. I am sure that the material itself is imported the electronic gadgets were actually new and the latest ones, I was now anxious if I would be able to operate them.


"good morning miss, welcome to JAY ENTERPRISE how can I help you today", she said rather looking at me skeptically.


"morning my name is Emma, Stone I came to meet the head of HR department I forgot her name". I said looking at how she was holding herself in a very elite and confident manor.


"well, did you book an appointment with her ", she said rather mockingly.


"yes, she called me yesterday and she said I should come through to the office today to sign some contracts", I said confidently.


Just then I heard several cars outside and people in the office was walking to go into a line standing as if they were in a military camp. I almost laughed out but when I realized what was happening, I was dump stroked. They were busy bowing their heads and greeting a man who was walking past them who seemed not bothered with what they were doing ,he was actually a scumbag because he neither greeted them back nor looked in their directions .Just then he lifted his head in my direction and there he was ALEX I was now pale .Maybe seeing my reaction he seemed to have smiled at me now i knew I was up for a whole lot of trouble from then on. When he entered into the elevator everyone came out of their hypnosis and I was very curious to ask.


"excuse me but what was that about", I said.


"keep it down woman ,I have to say this is what we are made to do every day though we never liked it at first we became quite used to it because unlike other bosses who do not share with their employee's the company's profits he is very generous when giving them", she said with her eyes shining which reflected how she loved him .


Just then a blonde woman came towards us and everyone was talking to her with respect or either bowing their heads to shows how filial they were.


"hello you must be Emma Stone am Mrs. Johnson the head of the HR department can you follow me please". She said whilst leading the way to her office.


Just as we were leaving, I heard the receptionist questioning her colleague who I was saying it was rare for the head of the department to come down herself to take me inside the company. We finally reached her door and I have to say even the doorknob didn't fail to remind me how prestigious this place was.


"you may take your sit Emma",Mrs. Johnson said whilst drawing from her drawer a file with a stack documents which I was supposed to sign .


"thank you ", I said looking carefully at the documents that I were given.


"now in these documents are what you will be instructed to do as the CEO'S secretary you will be given a company car as well as an apartment which is in the same neighborhood as the CEO", she narrated and just hearing such I choked and asked her instantly a question.


"why Mrs. Johnson I don't understand all for a mere secretary", I questioned my doubts.


"well as I was saying this is to ensure that you are 100% available to the boss whenever he needs your attention. Mostly now you will be practically there for him in every thin he might need", she narrated and I listened carefully.


She went to explain some of the corporate jargon used in the contracts and my salary was huge ,I were to be paid a half a million per month all coming up to 6 million per year .This was such a hard dream come true I would be able to give my parents a luxurious life after all and this made me extremely happy .We continued with our discussion as I was told what the boss did not like and everyday routine of the company but mostly she stressed the need for me to be patient and strong as it will not be easy working with Mr. Allan especially in the same office. Being happy with the salary I filled the information necessary and signed the contract and returned her the copies whilst I was given some as well.


"now I need to take you on the tour of the company but first since it's lunchtime let's go to your office since he might not be around by then", she said and by him I knew to whom he was referring to.


We went to the CEO'S office and what amazed me was that he used the top floor all to himself. When we entered, we were greeted by four cubicles where for the other secretaries in his office how I wished I worked outside his office. When we entered his office, I saw a nice small desk across from a big mahogany desk and I knew it was meant for me.


"this will be your desk and remember no visitors during working hours and don't tend to your cellphone during working hours", she said.


"I will not use it, I promise", I said crossing my heart.


"now there is a fitted bedroom to the office and no one knows where it is excepts the boss and most of it you are not allowed to use it as well", she said.


Just as we were about to leave the room, we saw him coming from the walls and he looked at us with a very hard to tell expression.


"am sorry sir I didn't know you were here I came here to show Miss Stone here the office, am sorry", Mrs. Johnson said but his cold gaze was with me always.


"get out ", this is what he only said and we turned our bodies signifying that we were leaving when he added


"and you I expect you at work early on Monday you start work at 7:30 am", he added thus when my heart bled even Mrs. Johnson had confusion on her face because in the contract I was to start work at 8:00 and must arrive before then now it's 7:30 too early.


"okay sir", I said as I closed the door on my way out


Outside was Mrs. Johnson who was husky wiping sweat from her forehead that's when I realized that I'll be working for the devil's incarnate. We continued our journey as I was showed the cafeteria and other important departments. Mrs. Johnson made it her priority to introduce me to everyone and all gave me sympathizing faces when they were told whom I will be working for.

At last the tour of the company was over and I was now extremely hungry so I walked from the company and walked to the main road and hailed a cab to go to the nearest fast food outlet to order some food.


I went into an eatery and ordered some food and drank water as I waited for my meal to be delivered to me.Just then I felt a very sharp piercing feeling at the back of my head and thus when I felt a strong aura behind me.When I looked over I almost fainted their he was sitting there enjoying a cup of coffee, our eyes met and I turned face instantly and I saw satisfaction plastered on his face and he let with his coffee in his hand.


The food arrived but no matter my situation I've never said no to food. I dug into my food and called the girls and told them everything that took place and hid from them the salary which I would receive along with other benefits. I told them to come to my place for a little celebration.


But not far from the shop a man was seen in the back of his car drinking a cup of coffee with a very expensive smile on his face.


"Emma welcome to my world, now I'll make you pay for the humiliation I got from you. Enjoy all the liberties I have sugar cots you with regard this as your compensation for the trouble you will face ", Alex said laughing so loudly which even gave his driver some goosebumps.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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