
Action: The YouTube Adventures of the Ironfam

Peter stepping into the limelight, as seen through videos.

Emily_Weaslette · Filmes
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51 Chs

What's In My Mouth Challenge

The video opens to Tony and Peter sitting at the kitchen table. There are twelve items on the table, six next to Peter, and six next to Tony. They're all covered with towels, so nobody can see what they are. 

"Hey guys!" Peter says brightly. "Welcome back to the Ironfam! Today I'm here with Mr. Dad, obviously, for another food challenge, and for once, Clint and Natasha were not in charge of what foods they are!" 

"No, this time we're in charge," Tony says. "Except for the other person." 

"Hold on, Mr. Dad, I'm getting there." 


"So today," Peter picks up where he left off. "Mr. Dad and I are doing the What's In My Mouth challenge. We each picked six foods; three good, three bad. The other person is going to be blindfolded. So, like, say Mr. Dad is blindfolded, I'm going to pick one of my foods and put it in his mouth. He then has to guess what it is. The person with the most correct guesses at the end wins! And there is a punishment for the loser, so… you don't want to be the loser. The punishment is bad." 

"Yeah, we did let Clint and Natasha decide what the punishment should be," Tony sighs. "And that was probably our biggest mistake." 

"We each only get one guess as to what the food is," Peter adds. "So we have to guess wisely. And even though some of them are going to be gross, it's not a great idea to spit it out, because you have to guess what the food is."

"I really don't know why I keep letting you do things like this," Tony sighs. "I regret it every time." 

"Well…" Peter shrugs. "You keep agreeing to them, so, that's your own fault, really." 


"Mr. Dad is going to be blindfolded first," Peter informs the camera. "I get to control his fate. And we decided we had to pick the foods before we start, because otherwise the foods that we give the other could be influenced by what they gave us. And we decided that wouldn't be fair." 

"Peter decided that wouldn't be fair," Tony says, slipping the blindfold over his eyes. "I thought it would be better to wait, but no." 

"Shut up and put on your blindfold," Peter rolls his eyes.


Tony's completely blindfolded. Peter holds up the first item to the camera, revealing it to be a marshmallow. Then he turns to Tony. 

"Come on, open your mouth," he says. 

Tony slowly opens his mouth, looking very hesitant to do so. Peter places the marshmallow in his mouth, and Tony closes it, chewing thoughtfully. 

"Is this…" he hesitates. "What is this?" 

Peter gives the camera an incredulous look, as Tony seems unable to identify what's in his mouth. 

"Oh, wait, I know…" Tony hesitates for another moment. "Is this a marshmallow?" 

"Yes!" Peter says happily. "Good job, I thought you weren't going to get that right, and then I would be massively offended. Keep your blindfold on," he adds sharply. 

Tony, who had been about to take the blindfold off, sighs, and puts it back. 


Peter holds up a fork, showing a piece of steamed broccoli. He grins, before turning back to Tony. 

"Alright, Mr. Dad, open up," he says.

Tony opens his mouth, much more willing this time, and Peter drops the broccoli into it. Tony chews for a moment, before he makes a face and spits it out into a bowl sitting in his lap. 

"Seriously?" he asks, exasperated. "That was ******* steamed broccoli, because you won't move the **** on." 

Peter snickers. "Correct! None of us are letting that go, come on. That was hilarious. It's never going away. You're going to be haunted by steamed broccoli for the rest of your life." 

"Fantastic," Tony deadpans. "Just get a move on." 


Peter holds a small can up to the camera, which is labelled Potted Meat. He scoops out a forkful, turns, and drops it into Tony's mouth. 

Tony chews for a moment, looking thoughtful, before he gags and spits it out. 

"What the **** was that?" he asks. 

"I can't tell you, that would be cheating," Peter says calmly. "What do you think it was?" 

"Was that spam?" Tony asks. "If that was spam, you're dead, kid." 

"It was not spam," Peter says. "And you just used your one guess. That was potted meat." 

"What the **** is potted meat?" Tony asks, spitting into the bowl once again. 

"I don't really know, I found it at Walmart," Peter shrugs. "The can says that it's some mixture of chicken and pork." 

"Well, it's disgusting," Tony makes a face. "Moving on. Never eating that again." 

Peter laughs. 


Peter shows the camera that he's holding a strawberry pocky. 

"You've got to bite this one," he informs Tony. 

Tony looks apprehensive, but he bites off a bit of the pocky and chews slowly. His face brightens. "Oh, this is good! I have no idea what it is, but it's delicious!" 

"You've got to make a guess," Peter says. "Do the best you can." 

Tony thinks for a minute. "I've got no idea. It was strawberry something. I'll go with… nope, I have no idea. Strawberry flavored chocolate? With bread in the middle?" 

"Sort of," Peter shrugs. "It's called Pocky's."

"Oh, those things that you eat all the time?" Tony says, a look of realization dawning on his face. "They're good, way better than I thought they'd be when I saw you eating them." 

"They come in a bunch of flavors," Peter says. "Chocolate, pistachio, green tea, strawberry… there's a ton." 

"We should get some more," Tony suggests. 

Peter nods in agreement. "I wholeheartedly agree." 


"You've got one good one, and one bad one left," Peter tells Tony. "Which do you want first?" 

"Just get the bad one over with," Tony sighs, opening his mouth. 

Peter lifts up a spoonful of some white paste, and then holds up a jar, revealing it to be mayonnaise. He approaches Tony, then dumps it into his mouth. Tony closes his mouth, a confused look on his face, before he gags and spits it out. 

"That's disgusting," he declares. "What the **** is that? It tasted like spoiled butter!" 

"Is that your guess?" Peter asks. 

"I don't have a better one, so I guess," Tony says. 

"It was not spoiled butter," Peter says. "That was a spoonful of the cheapest mayo I could find." 

"That's disgusting," Tony says again. "Give me the good one, quick." 

"Okay, okay," Peter holds up a plate, showing a piece of what looks to be homemade chocolate cake. He scoops up a forkful and drops it into Tony's mouth. 

"Oh, thank you," Tony says, relieved. "This is the chocolate cake Pepper made." 

"Yes it is!" Peter says. "You can now take the blindfold off!" 

Tony pulls the mask off his head. 

"Now it's your turn," he says, holding the mask out to Peter. "On it goes." 

Peter groans, but obediently sits in the chair and pulls the mask on. 


Tony shows the camera a bottle of apple cider vinegar, which he pours a spoonful of, and dumps into Peter's mouth. Peter, apparently reflexively, spits it out. 

"That's apple cider vinegar, I can smell it from a mile away," he declares. "Give me something else. I'm gonna puke, that **** is so nasty." 


Tony holds up a carton of cookies and cream ice cream, and gives Peter a large spoonful. 

"You fool," Peter says, eating it. "You thought I wouldn't recognize my favorite type of ice cream? That's cookies and cream. Too easy. Next." 

Tony rolls his eyes. 


Tony holds up a tub of vegemite, scoops a large spoonful of it, and deposits it into Peter's mouth. Peter holds it there for a moment, before he spits it out. 

"Is that the stupid vegemite ***?" he asks, sounding disgusted. "That crap that was on my cupcake?" 

"Yes it was," Tony says, sounding impressed. "You're way better at this game. I'm pretty sure I've already lost, but we're gonna keep going." 


"I've combined your last two good ones," Tony says, as he shows the camera a chocolate chip cookie with strawberries on top. "You're probably still going to get it." 

"Ooh, I'm excited," Peter says happily. 

Tony shoves the whole cookie, along with two whole strawberries, into Peter's mouth. He coughs, and drops half the cookie and a strawberry into his hands, but he eats the rest of it. 

"That was a chocolate chip cookie from Costco," Peter says. "Topped with some strawberries. It actually tastes really good when you combine those things, who knew?" 

Tony throws his hands up exasperatedly. 

"You've gotten all of them correct," he sighs. "Last one. If you get this right, I'm going to riot." 


Tony holds up a spoonful of dark brown powder, then shows a container of unsweetened cocoa powder. He dumps the powder into Peter's mouth. 

Immediately, Peter coughs, spraying powder everywhere. He coughs again, as he starts trying to spit it out. 

"This is so dry," he gets out. "It's also nasty. It's stuck in my teeth!" 

Tony laughs, as Peter keeps spitting. 

"Alright, I don't know what that is," Peter admits. "Some kind of powder." 

"Do you give up?" Tony asks. 

"Yes, I do," Peter nods. "What is it?" 

"It's unsweetened cocoa powder," Tony says. "You would think cocoa powder would taste good, but it does not." 

"Yeah, no ****, it doesn't," Peter says, spitting into the bowl again. "Is that it? Are we done?" 

"Yes, we're done," Tony reaches over and pulls the blindfold off of Peter's head. 


The kitchen has been cleaned up, and Peter and Tony are sitting behind the clean counter. 

"Well," Peter begins explaining. "I only got one wrong. Tony got three wrong, which means I win, and Tony has to drink all the bad things blended together into a smoothie." 

Tony makes a face. "Fun." 


A large glass full of a chunky, disgustingly greenish-brown liquid sits in front of Tony. 

"You have to drink it all," Peter informs him. "I'd just chug it." 

Tony makes a face at Peter, then grabs the glass, and starts chugging it. Peter watches, looking grossed out but also impressed, as Tony reaches the bottom of the glass. He immediately slams it down on the counter, lurches up from his seat, and stumbles out of view. 

"You okay?" Peter calls. 

"No!" Tony shouts back. The sink turns on, and it sounds as though Tony is rinsing his mouth out. "That was rancid! That was worse than when we did the smoothie challenge!" 

Peter laughs. 


Tony has rejoined Peter behind the counter. 

"That was gross," Tony says casually. "Also, oddly terrifying. You don't realize how scary it is having someone feed you random things while you're blindfolded until you do it. I'm… scarred for life." 

"You're being dramatic," Peter rolls his eyes, and turns back to the camera. "Well, that's it for this challenge! Like and subscribe if you want to see more of… this. I hope you guys enjoyed! See you all next time!" 
