
Action: The YouTube Adventures of the Ironfam

Peter stepping into the limelight, as seen through videos.

Emily_Weaslette · Filmes
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51 Chs

Smoothie Challenge

The video opens to show Peter and Tony sitting behind the kitchen counter. Two blenders are sitting next to them, and twenty bags are next to those. 

"Hey guys!" Peter says brightly. "Welcome back to the Ironfam! Today, Mr. Stark and I are doing the smoothie challenge!" 

"Why do I keep allowing you to talk me into eating weird things?" Tony sighs. 

"I don't know. I've wondered that myself." 


"If you don't know how this works," Peter picks up like nothing happened. "Clint and Natasha went out and got us twenty mystery items, which are in these bags. Mr. Stark and I are going to oull a piece of paper out of this bowl that has a number on it, and whichever number we get, that's which bag we open. Whatever's in the bag, we dump the entire thing into the blender, unless it's in wrapping or a dish or something. We put all the food that's in it in the blender. Then we mix it up, and drink it. Whichever one of us drinks the most gets a prize. You ready Mr. Stark?" 

"As I'll ever be, kid." 


"Rock paper scissors to see who goes first," Peter says, holding his hands out. "Best two out of three. Winner goes first. Ready?" 

"Sure," Tony puts his hands in front of Peter's. 

"Rock, paper, scissors, shoot!" 

Peter wins with rock. 

"Rock, paper, scissors, shoot!" 

Peter wins with scissors. 

"I win Mr. Stark!" Peter cheers, delighted. He reaches into the bowl of paper. "Number 14.  Where's number 14?" 

"Here," Tony says, dropping it in front of him. 

Peter closes his eyes, takes a deep breath, and opens the bag. He immediately begins cheering. 

"Strawberries!" he exclaims. "We're off to a pretty good start!" 

"Yeah, yeah," Tony rolls his eyes. "In it goes." 

Peter dumps a bowl of strawberries into his blender. 


"Number 2?" Tony says, searching through the bags. "Here it is. Alright kid, here we go…" he opens the bag. "Ham. Ham? Seriously? Who puts ham in a smoothie?" 

Clint is laughing from behind the camera. 

"You, apparently," Peter shrugs. "In it goes." 

"Can I at least chop it up so it doesn't ruin the blender?" Tony sighs, pulling a whole ham out of his bag. 

"I suppose," Peter sighed dramatically. "Go on. Go chop your ham."


Tony's blender is now full of pieces of ham. Peter reaches into the bowl. 

"3," he declares. "Where's number three?" 

"It's heavy," Tony warns, passing a bag to Peter. 

Peter rips it open, and begins laughing. "Milk, Mr. Stark! So far, we've got a strawberries and cream smoothie. And you've got… ham." 

"Oh, shush," Tony snaps, but there's no real heat behind his words. "Have fun putting an entire gallon of milk in your smoothie." 

Peter stares at him for a moment, and then looks down at the jug in his hand. "Um, we may have a problem." 


Milk is now sitting in Peter's blender, coating the strawberries.

"Okay, we changed the rules a bit," Peter says.  "You have to put 1 cup of whatever you get in, because otherwise, nothing will fit. So we adjusted what was currently in the blenders accordingly." 

"And now it's my turn," Tony says, reaching into the bowl. "Seven." 

Clint starts laughing again. 

"What did you do, Barton?" Tony asks, staring behind the camera as he takes the bag Peter's handing him. 

"Just open the bag," Peter says. 

Tony reaches into the bag, still staring at Clint, and pulls out a plastic bag of-

"Gummy bears?" he asks, looking questioningly at Clint. 

"They're cinnamon bears, Mr. Stark!" Peter says excitedly. "Oh, I love those!" 

He reaches towards the bag Tony's holding, and has one halfway to his mouth before Clint speaks up.

"Um, I wouldn't, Pete," he says, his voice shaky with laughter. 

Peter freezes, looks suspiciously at the gummy bear in his hand, and sets it down. "Why not?" 

"Because," Natasha enters the frame briefly. "They're sugar free cinnamon gummy bears." 

Tony and Peter stare at her blankly. "Ok?" 

Natasha's eyeroll is almost audible from behind the camera. "So," she says, drawing it out dramatically. 

"They'll make you poop," Clint cuts in. "Really hard. For a really long time." 

Tony stares deadpan towards the camera for a few moments, before Peter bursts out laughing. 

"Are you ******* kidding me, Barton?" he snaps. 

"No, I'm not," Clint's laughter is mixed with the sounds of Peter's and Natasha's laughs. "Good luck with that. This kid I know ate one, and was on the toilet for a solid hour. Have fun with twenty." 

"I only have to put in a cup," Tony protests. 

"Yeah. I measured it out. That's a cup right there, which is the equivalent to twenty," Clint says. 

Tony glares at the camera. 

"Just put it in, Mr. Stark," Peter says nonchalantly. 

Tony's glare shifts to Peter.


A pile of red gummy bears has joined the mound of ham in Tony's blender. 

"Moving right along to number…" Peter pulls a paper out of the bowl. "Twenty. Where's number twenty?" 

"Right by your right arm," Tony points it out. "There you go." 

Peter opens the bag, and laughs. "Churros! I love churros! Once, I helped this old lady across the street, and she bought me, like, three!" 

"Kid!" Tony exclaims. 


"Mr. Stark pulled number 9, which is…" Peter drumrolls on the table. 

"Whipped cream," Tony deadpans, scooping a cup out of the package and dropping it into the blender. "Next." 

"Well, okay then," Peter shrugs. "Someone's salty about his gummy bears." 

"Shut up."


"Well, I've got number 16…" Peter says, showing the slip of paper to the camera while searching through the bags. "Which gives me…"

"Eggs," Tony says, gently setting the bag down in front of Peter. "Two whole eggs." 

"Ew," Peter opens the bag and pulls out the eggs. "I guess… in they go." 


The eggs are sitting at the top of the mound of food in Peter's blender, uncracked. 

"You didn't want to crack them first?" Tony asks, laughing a bit, as he rifles through the bowl of numbers. 

"No," Peter says. "I'm no coward. I will drink a smoothie filled with eggshell if that's what the viewers ask." 

"You're an idiot," Tony laughs, pulling out a paper. "5." 

"Ew, Mr. Stark," Peter hands Tony a bag, the bottom of which is tearing, revealing a spice container inside. "Garlic salt. Have fun with a cup of that mixed with your poop bears." 

"Really mature, Pete," Tony says, unscrewing the top of the container and dumping the entire thing into his blender. "Moving on." 


"More berries!" Peter exclaims, pulling a bowl of raspberries out of a bag labelled '11'. "I'm on a roll, Mr. Stark, I've only got one bad thing! And you have… only one good thing. Good luck with that." 

"I will have you know that I am perfectly happy with my smoothie," Tony says indignantly, pulling a number out of the bowl. "Even with it's addition of…" Tony searched through the bags, pulling out number 8. "Apple cider vinegar. Wonderful. That'll be pleasant." 

"You could lose now, Mr. Stark," Peter says solemnly. 

"Oh, no way, kid," Tony says, pouring the jug into his blender. "I know what the prize is, and I am here to win." 


"Number 4 is ice cream!" Peter cheers, pulling out a tub of vanilla ice cream. 

"And number 6 is chocolate sauce," Tony adds, adding a generous amount of the syrup to his smoothie. "Finally, a good one." 

"How good is it going to be with your apple cider vinegar and poop bears?" Peter asks, laughing. 

"Would you move on from the gummy bears?" 


"We've both got 4 more items to go," Peter says. "And we've decided we're going to each take 4 more papers, and unveil them all at the same time. Mr. Stark's going first, because he's got the worst luck so far in this challenge. Ready?" 

"No," Tony deadpans, grabbing four papers out of the bowl, one at a time. "Alright, my numbers are… 1, 12, 15, and 13." 

Peter sets all four bags in front of him. Slowly, Tony opens them. 

"And they are… mayo, asparagus, bluleberries, and mountain dew." Tony wrinkles his nose. "This is disgusting. I don't know how I'm going to drink any of this without puking." 

"Better figure it out, if you want the apparently amaxing prize," Peter shrugs. "Okay, my turn. I've got numbers 17, 19, 10 and 18, which are… Maple syrup, blue cheese, chicken, and pineapple." Peter looks behind the camera. "Blue cheese? Blue cheese? Are you trying to kill me? The blue part of blue cheese is mold! There's no way it's actually edible!" 

"I mean, it definitely is, kid," Tony shrugs. "And it's really not bad." 

"Have you had it?" Peter shrieks, giving Tony an incredulous look. At his nod, Peter turns back to the camera. "Tony Stark ate blue ******* cheese. I can't… I can't. That's it. I just can't."


The blenders are gone, replaced with two cups full of liquid. Tony's is a disgusting brownish-green colour, with chunks of red here and there. Peter's is pinkish, with a yellowish tinge to it. 

"Alright, here goes," Peter says, lifting up his glass and sniffing it. "Mine doesn't seem too bad… I can smell the strawberries, but I can also definitely smell the chicken. What about you, Mr. Stark?" 

Tony is holding his glass out as far away from him as possible. "Mine just smells like apple cider vinegar. It's disgusting." 

"Well…" Peter takes a deep breath. "Here we go. Bottoms up," he clinks his glass with Tony, and both raise their glasses to their lips. 

Tony takes a few gulps before he pulls away, gagging. He tries to take another swallow, but retches, almost puking. He sets his glass down and pushes it away from him, which causes it to slide off the edge of the counter and shatter. Peter, however, is chugging his down, swallowing repeatedly, tipping the glass further and further back. Tony stares at him incredulously, as Peter finishes his smoothie and slams the glass down onto the counter so hard it shatters. 

"BLEGH!" he exclaims, immediately leaping up. The camera is picked up and turned, so it shows Natasha standing beside the kitchen sink. Peter turns the water on and begins gulping down mouthfuls, while Tony laughs. 


Peter and Tony are sitting on the couch in the living room. 

"That was disgusting," Peter declares. "It tasted like… like someone tried to make a strawberry milkshake, but then put an entire rotten chicken in it."

"Well, you drank the whole thing, and I only managed four swallows," Tony shrugs. "Which means you get the prize. Natasha?"

"Close your eyes, Peter," Natasha's voice instructs. 

Peter rolls his eyes at the camera, before doing as instructed. 

"Hold out your hands," Natasha enters the frame, holding a King Charles Spaniel puppy. 

Tony is grinning like a kid on Christmas, as he watches Peter's hands go out in front of him expectantly. Natasha very carefully places the dog into Peter's arms. Peter gasps. 

"Oh my god, it's alive!" he exclaims, adjusting his hold on the dog as it wriggles around. "Oh my god, is this a puppy? Mr. Stark, is this a dog? This feels like a dog!" 

"Open your eyes, Pete," Tony laughs. 

Peter's eyes immediately fly open, and he squeals, enveloping the puppy into an embrace. "Oh! My! God! The prize is a puppy? Are you serious? I get a puppy just because I'm stupider than you?" 

"You were gonna get the puppy anyway," Tony informs him. "This just seemed like a good way to do it." 

"This is amazing!" Peter exclaims. "Boy or girl?" 

"She's a girl," Natasha tells him. "She's two and a half months old. One of Laura's friends has a dog that just had puppies, and she said we could have one." 

"I love her," Peter says, cradling the dog and staring down into her face. "She's precious. She's my baby. Her name is Lady and she's precious and she's my baby." 

Tony, Clint, and Natasha are all laughing fondly as they watch Peter fawn over Lady. 

"Oh my god, I have to go tell Ned," Peter declares, standing up, still cradling Lady. He walks away. 

"Well," Tony laughs, turning to the camera. "I guess it falls on me to do the outtro. Please like and subscribe if you'd like to see more of… this, which I suspect you might, given that there is a new member of the Ironfam. We will see you all next time!" 




Laughinglola: this is sooooo cute!

ExcusableNote: I love that Tony was so against that outtro and calling them the Ironfam at first, but he did it exactly the way Peter does when Peter wasn't there to do it. So adorable!

Disneyfan001: Did Peter name her Lady because of Lady and the Tramp? 

Patientporcupine: Oh my god, probably! 

DoritoGod: #IronDad