
Action: The YouTube Adventures of the Ironfam

Peter stepping into the limelight, as seen through videos.

Emily_Weaslette · Filmes
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51 Chs

Sardines in Stark Tower

The video opens to the entire team, except for Thor and Vision, squished onto one couch. Natasha and Clint are sitting on the floor in front of it. Peter is in the middle. 

"Hey guys!" Peter exclaims. "For my second video on this channel, I thought I'd get the rest of the team in on it! Everyone say hello to Steve, Bucky, Bruce, Rhodey, Wanda, Mr. Stark, Clint, Nat, Scott, and Sam. Plus my two friends, Ned and MJ. Everyone say hi!"

A loud chorus of 'hello' echoes throughout the room. 

"Thor and Vision couldn't be here because Thor is fighting his evil sister in Asgard and Vision said it sounded stupid, so they're not here, but everyone else is," Peter explains. "Anyway, we decided that for our first team video, we'd play Sardines throughout Stark Tower! In case you don't know, how this works is one person hides while everyone else counts to 2 minutes, and then everyone else tries to find them. When you find the person and/or people that are hiding, you hide with them. Everyone got it?" 

Everyone nods. 

"Okay, so, since there's so many of us, we're only going to have two people hide, because otherwise this video would be hours long," Peter says. "We've decided that I'm going to hide first, then Clint. Everyone ready?" 

Nods again. 

"Alright. You all stay here, I'm going to go hide. Start the timer… now!" 

Peter grabs another camera and sprints out of frame, as Tony tells Friday to start a timer for 2 minutes. 


"Okay, guys," Peter says, still running through the tower. "I'm heading down to level 12, because I'm going to hide in the vents and that's the floor that has easiest access to them. It's a little risky… Clint really likes to hide out in, and travel through, the vents, so there's a chance he'll find me super fast, but I don't think anyone else will… we already told Wanda she's not allowed to read anyone's minds to find out where they are, not that I think she would, but Nat… probably already knows where I'm going, she's just super smart like that, being a spy-assassin and all…"


"So, where do you all think he's going to hide?" Ned says, attempting to end the awkward silence. 

"I know exactly where he's going," Nat says, cleaning under her nails as she talks. "And I'm not about to tell you people." 

"Mr. Steve Rogers Captain America Sir?" Ned says timidly. "Do you have any ideas?"

"Just Steve, kid," Steve says kindly. "Um… not really, no. I think he'll have stayed on this floor, though."

"There's no way he stayed on this floor," MJ says confidently. "He'll have picked the most random floor that's also the most obvious, and he'll be in a spot that's also completely obvious but nobody except for Nat and Clint will find him for ages."

Everyone stares at her for a moment.

"I like her," Clint finally breaks the silence.


It's dark enough that a rough outline of Peter is barely visible. 

"Sorry if you all can't see me," he whispers. "I'm in the vents now, which is perfect timing because the two minutes should be up right about now."


"That's time!" Tony shouts. "It's every person for themselves!" 

The team scatters.


"Jesus, they're loud," Peter whispers, barely audible over the sounds of shouting and stomping coming from above. "It's probably just because I'm in the vents, it's pretty echoey in here." 


"So," Nat says, as she casually walks through the hall. "I'm heading down to the 12th floor. Peter hid in the vents, and that's the floor that has the easiest access to them. And he'll be right by the opening, because Peter's not a fan of being in dark, enclosed spaces when he can't see the way out, so he'll have stayed put just barely after he got in."


"I'm right by the opening," Peter whispers. "Because I'm not a fan of being in dark, enclosed spaces without being able to see the way out. This way, I can see what's going on beneath me, but nobody can see me. It's pretty foolproof - ****." 

The camera turns to see Natasha entering the room, walking straight towards the vent, the camera aimed directly at Peter. 

"Hey, Pete, you might want to back up a bit, I'm coming in," she says, climbing onto the desk immediately under the opening and hoisting herself up onto a shelf. 

Peter shuffles backwards as she opens the vent and climbs in.

"How'd you find me so fast?" he whispers. 

"It was pretty obvious," she whispers back. 

"Only to you," Peter grumbles. 


Another camera is being pushed through the vents, followed by a grunt and slightly heavier than normal breathing. 

"I hate the vents on floor 12," Clint mutters. "They're so much smaller than all the other ones. Obviously, I'm travelling through the vents to get to Peter, who, also obviously, is by the opening in conference room 13c. I'm gonna try to scare him." 

The camera rounds a corner and focuses on Nat and Peter, whispering to each other.


"Can you hear that?" Peter whispers. 

"What?" Nat asks. 

"That scraping sound," Peter sounds vaguely terrified. "Like there's something-"

"Argh!" Clint yells from directly behind Peter. 

Peter lets out a very high-pitched scream. 


Tony's frozen, the camera pointing up at him, as Peter's scream echos throughout the room. The camera turns to see Steve at the other end of the hallway, also stopped, and then pans to a doorway, where MJ emerges, rolling her eyes. 

"Of course," Tony mutters, beginning walking briskly. "The vents down on floor 12. Pete loves hanging out up there, trying to scare me. Damn, I'm stupid." 


"Clint, you idiot!" Peter whispers furiously. "Now everybody's going to find me!" 

"I'm sorry," Clint gasps around his laughter. "I didn't know you'd scream so loud!" 

"Clint, that's just rude," Natasha says. "You had to go freak him out." 

"Look!" Peter snaps, turning the camera to point out the opening. "They've all found me now!" 

Tony, Steve, MJ, and Bruce enter the room together, followed closely by Bucky and Sam, who are bickering loudly, then Rhodey, Wanda, Scott, and Ned. 


"Alright, Pete," Tony shouts, pointing the camera to the opening. "We all know that you, Nat, and Clint are in there, so if you could come out so we don't all have to climb up there, that would be great." 

Silence for a moment, then - 

The cover to the opening falls off with a crash, and Peter emerges, dropping to the floor with surprising grace and agility, followed by Nat, who is somehow even more graceful, and Clint, who falls on his face. 

"That was not fair," Peter declares, walking towards the group. "None of you would have ever found me if Clint didn't sneak up on me!" 

"Hey, it's not my fault you screamed so loud," Clint shrugs. 

"Oh, shut up," Peter snaps. "Just go hide already." 

Clint leaves the room, laughing, as Peter sits down on the floor. 

"Come on, Peter," Ned sits down next to him. "Just prank him or something, get him back." 

Peter rolls his eyes. "Yeah, sure." 


Clint is hurrying up a stairwell. 

"I'm heading up to what they call my 'nest'," he says. "Which nobody will think to check, because its such an obvious place and none of them would think I'm that stupid." 


"So he's definitely going up to his nest," Peter declares. "Because it's such an obvious place and he's definitely stupid enough to think we'd never think to check there." 

"He's probably right," Wanda shrugs. "It's a very likely place." 

"We should all just go together," Ned suggests excitedly. "He'll be so annoyed that we all found him after about thirty seconds." 

There's a chorus of laughter. 


"Alright, so I'm in my nest," Clint says, settling in a pile of blankets. It's on the common floor, in the living room, up in a corner of the ceiling. They insisted on putting in a ladder, so they could get me in case I fall asleep in here, which I'm not ashamed to say has happened before. So… yeah, we'll see how long it takes them."


"That's time," Scott declares. "Up we go." 

The group begins walking together. It's impossible to tell who's filming. 


Peter's filming himself as he climbs a ladder. He holds a finger to his lips, turns the camera around to see everyone else gathered below him, and then jump over the edge of the nest, landing right on top of Clint, who screams and sits bolt upright.

"We all found you," Peter announces. "Everyone else is down there."

"How the hell did you do that so quickly?" Clint demands. 

"We all decided before we even left," Nat shouts up. "That this was definitely exactly where you'd go. Pete came up with it first." 

"I hate you all," Clint grumbles. 

The group begins laughing.


Everyone is gathered back on the same couch they started in, except Scott and Sam are not there anymore.

"Alright, we lost Scott, and Sam and Bucky are duelling in the lobby," Peter begins. "So they're not here for the outtro. But anyway, I hope you enjoyed this video! It was super fun to film and everything. Like and subscribe if you want to see more of… this." 

"Seriously, kid?" Tony asks incredulously. 

"Yes, Mr. Stark!" Peter says enthusiastically. "It's our branding! Our outtro. What we say at the end of every video." 

Tony pinches the bridge of his nose. "Wonderful." 


Sam runs past the camera, a jousting stick tucked under one arm and two broomstick horses held aloft by the reigns with the other. 

"I won!" he shrieks, as he sprints past. "I won!" 

Bucky follows closely, another jousting stick held straight out in front of him with his metal arm, which appears to be stuck. 

"No you didn't, you filthy cheater!" he bellows. "No you did not!" 
