
Action: The YouTube Adventures of the Ironfam

Peter stepping into the limelight, as seen through videos.

Emily_Weaslette · Filmes
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51 Chs

Passing Out Prank! *gone wrong*

The video opens to see Peter sitting alone in what appears to be his bedroom, judging by all the Star Wars posters on the wall. 

"Okay, guys, here's the gameplan," Peter jumps right into the video. "I've decided I want to prank Tony. I've asked around my friends and, like, the team, and we've reached the conclusion that I should do the 'passing out' prank on Tony."

He takes a deep breath, before continuing. 

"So what I'm going to do," he explains, gesturing wildly as he talks. "Is go down to the lab like I normally do. I've already got a camera installed, and I hacked Friday so she wouldn't snitch on me. I'm gonna go down, start working, doing whatever, and I'm going to drop a few hints. Just like, 'oh, it's hot in here,' or, 'I'm a little hungry,' stuff like that. He totally freaks out if I don't eat breakfast and/or lunch, because I skipped once and got super lightheaded and stuff, so that'll lay the foundation down pretty well. I think I'll mention being hungry last, because as soon as I say that, he'll shut down whatever we're working on and make me go upstairs to get a snack. So he'll tell me to go get some food, and I'll be all like, 'no, I'm fine, we can keep working' because that's what I always do when he tells me to take care of myself, and if I don't he'll be suspicious. Then I'll 'give in', stand up, and kind of grab the table, like I just got dizzy or something. When he asks me what's wrong, I'll say nothing, take a few steps forward, and just collapse. Hopefully, he reacts in a funny way." 

Peter pauses, seemingly thinking, before he speaks again. "I mean, I hope he does something. Freaks out, maybe. Calls Bruce, or something. It would be kind of sad if he just left me on the floor. I mean, I don't want him to call Bruce, because everyone has more important things to do than fuss over me and a prank, but still. Hopefully he notices, too. Damn, now I'm stressing out that he's not going to do anything and this prank will suck. Oh well, no way to find out except to do it, I guess. I'll see you all in a bit!" 


The camera is obviously hidden behind something in the lab. Peter and Tony are both sitting at different desks, seemingly working on separate projects. 

"Dang, it's hot in here," Peter comments idly, taking his sweatshirt off. 

Tony glances at him. "Really? I'm actually pretty cold." There's a moment of silence, and then- "Are you feeling alright, kid? You're usually a lot colder than I am." 

"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine," Peter waves him off. "It's probably just a cold or something." 

"If you say so," Tony slowly turns back to his desk, throwing a worried look Peter's way every few minutes. 

Peter starts shifting around in his chair, fidgeting, twisting his head around, as though he's uncomfortable and can't figure out how to fix it. At one point, he closes his eyes and rubs his forehead. 

"You sure you're alright?" Tony asks, setting down the tool in his hand and giving Peter is undivided attention. "You're acting… weird." 

"Yeah, just a headache," Peter says. "I didn't have much lunch today, that's probably it." 

"Peter!" Tony exclaims. "We've talked about this! You can't skip meals! Go grab a snack, go on." 

"No, no, Mr. Stark, I'm fine, really," Peter insists. "We can keep working, it's fine." 

"Yeah, no can do, Underoos," Tony says, standing up. "Come on, I've been meaning to go grab some coffee for a while now. Come on." 

Peter stands up, sways a bit, and grabs onto the table. Tony grabs his shoulder, steadying him. 

"Woah, kid, you alright?" he asks, looking extremely worried. 

"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine," Peter insists, a bit dazedly, pulling his arm out of Tony's hand. "Let's just go… upstairs…" 

Peter takes about three steps before he drops like his strings have been cut. Tony cries out, barely catching him before he's hit the floor. He staggers under the sudden weight of the teen, and gently lowers both of them to the ground. Peter's head is resting in his lap, and Tony starts patting his cheeks. 

"Kid. Underoos, come on," Tony says urgently, giving Peter's shoulders a gentle shake. "Pete. Peter! Come on, kid, wake up. No-no sleeping on the job, come on kid, up you get." 

Peter doesn't move. Tony begins patting his face a little more urgently, shaking his shoulders a bit harder. 

"Peter. Kid! Friday, call-call Bruce, call Steve, call anyone-" Tony's voice cracks, and Peter immediately sits up. 

"Hey. Hey, Mr. Stark, I'm fine, it was-it was just a prank, I'm fine, nothing's wrong," he says earnestly. 

Tony scoots backwards a bit, startled, as he takes in Peter's perfectly fine face. 

"What's… what?" he asks blankly. 

"It was-it was a prank, all the comments were saying I should prank you, and I talked with the team to decide which one I should do, and they all thought 'passing out' was the way to go," Peter explains, a bit frantically. "Obviously… it wasn't." 

"It… yeah, no ****!" Tony exclaims. "So what, there's a-a camera in here somewhere?" 

"Yeah, over there," Peter points at the camera. "I'm… I'm sorry, Mr. Stark, it was a really stupid idea, I just…" 

Tony stands up and stalks out of the lab, leaving Peter sitting on the floor. 


Tony and Peter are sitting in Peter's room, in the same spot Peter started the video. 

"So," Peter says. "That was obviously not the best idea. So I will… not be doing that again. Mr. Stark and I talked it out, and everything's good now. Sorry for scaring you, by the way." 

"Yeah, well…" Tony sighs. "Just expect me to get you back when you least expect it, kid. You have no idea what can of worms you just opened. Also, Barnes? Rogers? Barton? If any of you are watching this, which I assume you are, prepare for a cloud of hellfire to rain down on you for somehow convincing my kid that this was a good idea. ****. You." 

"Okay!" Peter interrupts. "That's all for this video! Like and subscribe if you want to see more of… this. Bye!" 



Avengerscenter: Omg, this is amazing

Emma: Did anyone notice Tony call Peter 'his kid' at the end, when he was threatening the rest of the team? 

DancingMonkey: This is so cute, Tony was so worried about him!

OoferDoofer: Awwww!

DoritoGod: #Irondad