
Action: The YouTube Adventures of the Ironfam

Peter stepping into the limelight, as seen through videos.

Emily_Weaslette · Filmes
Classificações insuficientes
51 Chs

Oh my god, they're getting married! *part one*

The video opens with a close-up of Peter's face. He's breathing hard, and appears to be either speed-walking or running somewhere. 

"Okay, sorry for probably terrible quality," he pants. "But I'm already late. I'm supposed to be at dinner with Mr. Stark and Pepper, but I was out doing… extra-curricular activities, and totally forgot until Mr. Stark texted me just now, asking where I was, and I said I was coming and he specifically told me to bring the camera and record and I dunno why, it's just dinner, but you know… whatever. I'll film dinner, sure. You all can watch what the Stark's do when they're out at dinner. I can see it now, the video titled 'Dinner with the Ironfam'. That's totally stupid, I dunno why anyone would watch that…" 


The video now shows Tony and Pepper sitting at a restaurant table. Peter appears to be on the other side. 

"Welcome back to the Ironfam!" he exclaims, flipping the camera around to show himself and giving a big smile. "We're out at a restaurant, I cannot disclose its location because that's a bad idea, but it's one of Pepper's favorites. Say hi to the Ironfam!" 

He turns the camera back to Pepper, who smiles and waves. 

"Hello, Ironfam," she says, laughing lightly. "Peter, why are you YouTubing dinner?" 

"I dunno, Mr. Stark told me to," Peter shrugs. "It's kinda fun though, give the Ironfam a peek into the domestic life of Tony Stark." 

Tony and Pepper both roll their eyes, while Peter laughs. 


The food has arrived, and the whole table, along with Tony and Pepper, are in the frame. 

"Okay, so this shows you all how immature I am," he says, zooming in on Tony's plate. "Mr. Stark got some fancy kind of steak, fancy potatoes, and fancy… Pepsi or something, I dunno," he says, turning to zoom in on Pepper's plate. "Pepper got a really pretty salad, a fancy soup, and some kind of super fancy wine," he moves to his own plate. "And then there's me, who felt like a complete idiot ordering a cheeseburger, fries, and chocolate milk." 

"The cheeseburger I understand," Tony cuts in. "Fries, too, but I have to ask… why chocolate milk?" 

"I dunno," Peter says, presumably shrugging. "I just felt like it, I guess." 

Tony rolls his eyes again. 


The camera is awkwardly zoomed in on Tony's mouth as he takes a bite. As he chews, the angle shifts slightly to the left, showing out the window behind Tony. A crown is lining up outside the restaurant. People are holding balloons, a cake, and a bunch of other seemingly random stuff. The camera shifts down to Tony's pants pocket, where a suspiciously small, square lump is noticeable. The camera zooms out. Tony is staring at Peter, looking confused. The camera angles down to the table, and zooms in on the peppermint that came with Tony's meal. 

"Peter?" Tony asks, sounding confused and concerned. "What are you doing?" 

The camera zooms out so that both Tony and the mint are visible. Slowly, Peter's hand becomes visible as he reaches out towards it. 

"Peter?" Tony and Pepper both as questioningly. 

Peter snatches the mint, and sets the camera down on the table so that he's visible, his eyes darting between Tony and Pepper. The mint is clutched to his chest. 

"Peter, what the **** are you-" 

Peter jerks his head slightly towards the crowd. Tony's eyes go wide. 

"Peter, please, Peter, don't you-" 

Peter shoves the mint into his mouth, plastic and all, and swallows it whole. 

"Oh my god, Peter!" Tony exclaims, suddenly in the frame as he grabs Peter's shoulders in a panic. "Pepper, call Happy right now, we've got to get him back to the tower, to the MedBay-" 

"What - why?" Pepper asks, sounding confused but also panicked. "Tony, what's going on?" 

"Peter just swallowed a mint whole and he's deathly allergic to peppermints!" Tony shouts, as Peter's eyes roll back in his head. "Peter! Oh my god, Peter!" 


"Drive faster, Happy, damn it!" Tony shouts towards the front seat of a car. 

"I'm going as fast as I can without getting arrested, Tony!" Happy snaps back. 

"Why would Peter eat a peppermint if he knows it could kill him?" Pepper asks, sounding terrified and confused. 

"Because he's an idiot, that's why!" Tony snaps. "Peter, I swear, if you survive, I'm going to kill you!" 

"You're welcome, Mr. Stark!" Peter slurs. 

"There is nothing for me to be thankful for right now, Peter!" Tony rolls his eyes. 

"You'll thank me later," Peter sighs. 

"I will not," Tony snaps. 


Peter is pretending to be asleep on the couch. The camera is angled so you can see his face, and also Tony and Pepper standing behind him. 

"I don't understand why Peter would do something so stupid," Pepper sighs, running a hand down her face. 

"Because… because he knew I was trying to do something…" Tony says slowly. "And he knew I was going to do it wrong, and that I was gonna crash and burn. So, he decided to cause a panic so I wouldn't do it. However, what he didn't know what that… if I don't ask this question today, I'm going to have to wait another entire year, so…" 

Tony kneels down onto one knee. Pepper's hands fly up to her mouth, as Tony pulls a box out of his pocket and opens it, revealing a diamond ring. 

"Pepper Potts, will you marry me?" he asks. 

  Before Pepper gets a chance to respond, Peter sits bolt upright. He's apparently still loopy from whatever drugs they gave him to save his life. 

"Yaaaaaaayyyyyyyy!" he shouts, before falling forward and faceplanting into the carpet. The camera is engulfed in darkness, but Pepper's laughter is still audible. 

"He's such an idiot," Tony sighs. 

"Yeah, but he's our idiot," Pepper says, her voice filled with happiness. "And, just so we're clear, I will marry you." 

"Oh, thank god," Tony sighs again, in relief this time. "I was worried it had gone totally wrong. I'd planned this all out before Peter was in the picture, so… he was a bit of a wild card." 

"Well, he had to be there," Pepper says, her voice filled with laughter. "You would have been so depressed if he wasn't. Besides, someone needed to film it to upload it to YouTube." 

"Yeah, maybe I won't let him upload this one…" Tony muses. "Maybe it'll just be for us." 

"Are you kidding me?" Pepper's voice is indignant now. "I said hello to the Ironfam. For the first time. This is a momentous day, that we'll have to celebrate for years to come." 

"Was the proposal not enough?" Tony asks, sounding slightly offended. "Or the fact that twelve years ago today was the first time I ever met you?" 

Pepper just laughs. 
