
Action: The YouTube Adventures of the Ironfam

Peter stepping into the limelight, as seen through videos.

Emily_Weaslette · Filmes
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51 Chs

Mr. Stark's Revenge - Heart Attack Prank *bad idea*

The video opens to a close-up of Tony's face. He fiddles with the camera for a moment, before setting it down and backing away. He appears to be in the living room. 

"Alright, here's what's going on," he begins explaining. "Peter is at school right now, so I thought I'd set this up. If you're new to the Ironfam, you should know that a few weeks ago, Peter decided it would be a good idea to prank me.' 

{static cut} 

Peter takes about three steps before he drops like his strings have been cut. Tony cries out, barely catching him before he's hit the floor. He staggers under the sudden weight of the teen, and gently lowers both of them to the ground. Peter's head is resting in his lap, and Tony starts patting his cheeks. 

"Kid. Underoos, come on," Tony says urgently, giving Peter's shoulders a gentle shake. "Pete. Peter! Come on, kid, wake up. No-no sleeping on the job, come on kid, up you get." 

{static cut} 

"Now," Tony continues. "Peter thought it was hilarious. I, however, did not. I was so mad for a bit, but you know, we talked it out, everything's good now. Of course, I did say-"

{static cut}

"Yeah, well…" Tony sighs. "Just expect me to get you back when you least expect it, kid. You have no idea what can of worms you just opened. Also, Barnes? Rogers? Barton? If any of you are watching this, which I assume you are, prepare for a cloud of hellfire to rain down on you for somehow convincing my kid that this was a good idea. ****. You." 

{static cut}

"I did rain a cloud of hellfire down on Barnes, Rogers, and Barton," Tony shrugs towards the camera. "It was not my fault that certain people are easily convinced with one million dollars to pack up and pretend they've abandoned their loved ones. It's also not my fault that Steve had never had a pot brownie. Just as it is not my fault that Barnes's metal arm has fantastic nerve sensors that pick up on itching powder very well. That's Shuri's faults." 

{static cut}

Clint and Tony are sitting on a couch in an unknown, but cozy, living room. Clint is sobbing into Tony's shoulder. 

"She just left!" he sobbed, brandishing a piece of paper. "She just said she hates me and left! She even took everyone with her! She didn't even leave me a chicken!" 

"There, there," Tony says, awkwardly patting Clint's head. He then turns and winks at the camera.

{static cut}

"I ******* love America," Steve declares, sitting on the couch on the common floor of the Tower. Tony is sitting across the room, laughing his butt off. "It's so… it's just so good. It's so ******* good. America is the ****. It's just… it's so ******* amazing. Like… patriotism. ****. It's amazing. It's fantastic. It's… America, man. Hey, that's me! I'm America Man!" 

Steve begins laughing uncontrollably. Insane, unbridled laughter fills the room from both Steve and Tony. The elevator dings, and Bucky enters the room. 

"Are you… are you okay?" he asks uncertainly, looking mildly afraid. 

"I'm ******* fantastic," Steve announces, standing up, walking over to Bucky, and kissing him full on the mouth. He then steps away, turns on his heel, and struts out of frame. "God bless ******* America!" he shouts over his shoulder. 

Bucky is standing, shell-shocked, in front of the elevator. 

"You good?" Tony asks, finally getting his laughter under control. 

"I…" Bucky turns to stare at him. "I am not sure what just happened. And I am not sure how I feel about it." 

{static cut}

Bucky is violently shaking his metal arm. 


Tony begins laughing from off camera.

{static cut} 

"Yeah…" Tony shrugs, looking slightly sheepish. "Clint was still crying in that last one. I was beginning to feel kind of bad. Anyway," he claps his hands together. "I got my sworn revenge of everybody I said I would. Except for Peter. He decided to take something he knows I worry about, and make me think it was happening. So, I'm simply going to return the favor." 

He leans back in his chair. 

"As most of you know, I have heart problems," he begins explaining. "My arc reactor, all that ****, everyone knows all that stuff. Doctors have said it's not out of the realm of possibility for me to experience heart attacks in my later life. So, I am going to have one tonight."


"I told Peter I'd get him back when he least expects it," Tony picks up like nothing happened. "So I picked tonight. Tonight is movie night. I am going to have a near death experience tonight. Peter is going to freak out tonight. Let's get this show on the road." 


The camera is set up across the living room. Peter and Tony are visible, sitting cuddled together on the couch, a mound of blankets surrounding them, a pile of food on the coffee table in front of them. Lady is sleeping in the blankets on Peter's lap. Star Wars is playing on the tv. Peter reaches forwards and grabs a bowl, only to look disappointed. 

"Popcorn's almost gone," he sighs, beginning to detangle himself from the blankets. 

"Nah, kid, you stay put," Tony protests, standing up. "I'll get it." 

"Are you sure, Mr. Stark?" Peter asks, looking uncertain. "I can do it." 

"No, it's fine, kid," Tony stretches and grabs the bowl from Peter. "This is your favourite part coming up, I don't want you to miss it. Plus, you'd wake Lady up." 

As Tony begins to leave, he rubs at his chest, making a pained expression. Peter, who's been watching him, immediately notices. 

"Are you alright, Mr. Stark?" he asks, leaning forward as though to stand up again. 

"Yeah, kid, I'm fine," Tony waves him off. "My chest is just a little tight, happens all the time, nothing to worry about." 

Peter looks as though he thinks it is something to worry about, but says nothing, leaning back into the couch and scratching Lady's ears, glancing worriedly into the kitchen a few times. The camera picks up the sounds of the popcorn popping and being poured into a bowl, and then Tony is reentering the frame. He's rubbing his chest again, looking very pained and uncomfortable. 

"Mr. Stark, are you sure you're okay?" Peter asks, sitting up and pausing the movie. "Maybe you should go see Dr. Banner." 

"No, kid, I told you, I'm fi-" Tony says, sounding a bit annoyed, before cutting off. His expression morphs into one of extreme pain and slight panic. He makes a strained grunting sound as the popcorn tumbles from his hands, both of them flying up to his chest as he staggers backwards. 

"Mr. Stark?" Peter asks, standing up, sending Lady tumbling. "Mr. Stark!" 

Peter leaps forward as Tony collapses, but is a split second too late, as Tony hits the floor. Peter falls to his knees beside him, panicked, tapping and shaking him urgently. Lady, after recovering from her rude awakening, is dancing around and barking loudly. 

"Mr. Stark!" Peter exclaims. "Mr. Stark, oh my god, you're gonna be alright, it'll be…" 

Peter abruptly leaps to his feet and runs out of the room, Lady following him. 

Tony lays still for a moment, before sitting up, staring after Peter, and then turns to the camera, giving a confused and slighty offended shrug. 

"Maybe he went to-" Tony begins, looking bemused, when the elevator dings, so he immediately drops back down into his previous position. 

Peter reenters the frame, followed by what appears to be most of the team, excluding Thor, Wanda, and Vision. 

"I don't know what's happening, I think he's having a heart attack," Peter's rambling, immediately returning to Tony's side. "He was all… he was rubbing his chest, and kind of messing with his left arm, and he looked like he was in pain but started getting all annoyed whenever I brought it up, and then he came back with the popcorn, and just kind of dropped it and fell backwards and-" 

"Okay, easy, Pete," Steve says, laying a hand on Peter's shoulder. "Bruce'll take a look at him." 

Bruce leans down next to Tony, and begins 'taking a look.' Natasha puts an arm around Peter and starts mumbling in Russian. Peter has dissolved into silent tears. Tony, unaware of the reaction Peter is having, doesn't move, until Bruce sits back, an extremely annoyed expression on his face. 

"He's fine," he declares, standing up. 

Tony sits up. "Way to ruin the prank, Brucie," he says goodnaturedly. 

"I don't think Peter thought it was very funny, Tony," Natasha snaps. 

Tony glances around, making eye contact with Peter and seeing for the first time his panicked face, tears still falling. 

"I - ****," Tony stands up immediately, moving towards Peter. The rest of the team leaves the room, not wanting to be present for either the angry blowup, or emotional meltdown-turned-to-heartfelt-conversation that was sure to follow. "Pete, I'm sorry, I didn't know you'd be so panicked -"

Peter takes a step forward and slaps Tony across the face, before immediately diving into a hug. 

"I hate you," he sobs into Tony's shoulder, but the desperate clinging negates those words. 

"I'm so sorry, Pete…" Tony whispers, carding his hand through Peter's hair and holding him tightly. 


"That was clearly a bad idea," Tony declares. 

He and Peter are sitting on the couch. The blankets are back in their lap, Lady asleep in Peter's lap once more. Peter's eyes are still a bit red and blood-shot, but he appears to be fine. 

"Yeah, no duh," he rolls his eyes. "What did you think was going to happen? You have heart problems, I have literally had nightmares about that hapenning." 

"I know, I know, I'm sorry," Tony sighs, guilt overtaking his face. 

"It's fine," Peter grins at the camera. "We've agreed no more pranks on this channel. Clearly, those are a bad idea. Sorry for any of you hoping for a prank wars or anything." 

"Yep, never doing that again," Tony promises. "At least we know that everybody cares." 

"We already knew that," Peter rolls his eyes again. "Anyway, guys, we're going to finish movie night now. Like and subscribe if you'd like to see more of… this. Please join the Ironfam, we'd love to have you! See you all next time!



maxiesJAMAISVU: Love this! Lady is sooooo cute. Probably a good call to not do any more pranks, though. 

musicluvr1O: This was simaltaneously super funny and also really sad. I felt so bad for Peter once he started crying, and Tony not realizing… it was really kind of horrible. 

Grimmly: Who were Clint's 'loved ones' that he thought abandoned him? Does he have a wife and/or kids? Why would he have chickens?

DreamCatcher06: Tony Stark is the best at getting revenge on his teammates. 

Angel: Peter crying makes me want to cry. 

DoritoGod: #IronDad