
Action: The YouTube Adventures of the Ironfam

Peter stepping into the limelight, as seen through videos.

Emily_Weaslette · Filmes
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51 Chs

Introducing Ismay! Also Q&A - LIVE

The video opens to Peter, MJ, Ned, Betty, Harley, and the red-haired mystery girl sitting on the floor in front of the couch in the living room. 

"Hey guys, welcome back to the Ironfam!" Peter says brightly. "As you can see, there are two new faces with us today. So like two months ago, sorry about that, we posted a video of MJ and I pranking our friends, and we received a shit ton of comments asking who the redhead was. So, we made this video specifically to introduce our new friend, explain more about our 'private' lives, and also to be a general Q and A."

"Holy shit, there are already so many people on here," Harley mutters. 

"We should probably not swear," MJ points out. "I mean, we're live, so it can't be edited out." 

"That's true," Peter nods. "I don't want to get in trouble with the YouTube gods or anything." 

"YouTube gods?" Harley asks, rolling his eyes. 

"Yeah, the guys who sit around banning people from YouTube for breaking rules," Peter says, as if this were common knowledge. "I don't wanna get banned." 

"There's a ton of people on here, we should get started with the actual talking," Ned nudges Peter. 

"Right. First things first," Peter claps his hands together, and turns to the redhead and Betty. "Want to introduce yourselves?" 

"Sure," the girl shrugs, her voice still heavy with a French accent, and looks to the camera. "Hello, everyone. My name is Ismay Jacques. I just moved from Paris, and as of a few months ago I started attending Midtown High and dating Harley."

"My name is Betty Brant," Betty informs the camera. "I also go to school with these guys, and I am dating Ned." 

"So we put on Instagram for people to ask us questions for a Q and A, but obviously none of those included Ismay, and a bunch of them were just asking who she was," Peter explains. "And we went through comments on a bunch of videos and put together a list of seven questions for each of us. So… let's get started!"

"So the first question is for Peter," MJ reads off her phone. "Do you ever regret becoming Spider-Man?" 

"Well…" Peter hesitates for a moment. "Sometimes I do. I mean, I love being Spider-Man, and I'd never give it up, ever, but… when my friends and family are in danger, or when I'm digging a bullet out of my shoulder, or when I feel the effects of some of the trauma it's brought… Those are moments when I'm not too thrilled with it, and I wish I could just be normal. But also, being Spider-Man means I can help people, and also it's really cool." 

"I mean, yeah, it's really cool!" Ned gushes. "He's got these super awesome powers, and also he's saved so many people, and it's just great!" 

Peter laughs. "Thanks, Ned." 

"Next question is for Harley," MJ reads. "Do you miss Tennessee?" 

"Not really," Harley shrugs. "Like, I love my mom and sister, and I miss them, but I lived in this super tiny little down in the middle of abso-fucking, sorry, absolutely nowhere, where there's nothing to do and also I had to build a potato gun when I was eleven to fight off bullies who kept beating me up. So, besides my mom and sister, no, I absolutely do not miss Tennessee." 

"Fair enough," Betty shrugs. 

"Now for me," MJ says. "What's a weird habit of Peter's that pisses me off." 

She looks directly into the camera. 

"Constantly getting stabbed. Next question. Ismay. How long have you been dating Harley?" 

"Um…" Ismay seemed to be counting in her head. "Seven months? I moved just before New Years Eve, and we met at a party we were all at. One thing led to another, and now here we are!" 

"Another reason I don't miss Tennessee," Harley grins, and gives Ismay a quick kiss.

"Ok, moving on," MJ rolls her eyes. "Ned, do you like being friends with Spider-Man?" 

"Obviously?" Ned sounds confused. "Why wouldn't I?" 

"Um, because of the constant threat of death to him and also you?" Harley asks like it should be obvious. 

"Oh," Ned thinks about this for a moment. "I mean, that part's not great. And Peter stresses me out a lot, like one time, he showed up at my house at three in the morning by slamming into my window covered in blood, and when I let him in he'd been stabbed three times and shot one. So I had to stitch him up and also dig a bullet out of his side. Which was not fun. But it's also one of the coolest things to ever happen to me, and also Peter and Spider-Man are the same person, so if I didn't like being friends with Spider-Man then I wouldn't like being friends with Peter, and Peter's one of the greatest people in the world, so." 

"Wow," Peter says after a moment of silence. "That's… thanks, Ned." 

"Don't go getting sappy on me, losers," MJ breaks the tense silence. "Betty. Are you a dog or a cat person?" 

"I'm a cat person," Betty shrugs apologetically. "I mean, I love them both, but there's just something about cats that I love so much." 

"That's fair," Peter shrugs. "I could never pick. I love Chloe, but also Lady is one of the biggest joys of my life." 

"Alright, we'll do Betty again, to go back around," MJ shrugs. "How long have you been dating Ned?" 

"About seven months," Betty says. "We got together at the same party Harley and Ismay did." 

"It was a night of romance," Ismay says, causing everyone to laugh. 

"Ned, would you rather go to Paris or London?" MJ asks. 

"You're going through these so fast," Ned laughs again. "But London. Definitely. Sorry, Ismay, I'd love to go to both but London has been a dream of mine for my entire life." 

"I suppose that's fair," Ismay shrugs. 

"Ismay," MJ says. "Are you going to be in more videos?" 

"Yes," Ismay says, looking back at the camera. "I'll probably not be as regular as Peter, Ned, MJ, and Harley, but we all intend for Betty and I to be here more often." 

"So be excited for that!" Peter says excitedly. "The Ironfam is not exclusively run by MJ and I. Everyone else, basically anyone in this tower, the team included, has access. They could all film and post if they wanted to." 

"A question for me," MJ reads. "Would I start a revolution?" 

She looks straight into the camera for a moment. 


She continues to stare into the camera, her eyes intense, apparently having a staring contest with the Ironfam. 

"MJ?" Peter finally says, and she looks at him. "Keep doing the questions?" 

"Oh, right," MJ looks back at her phone. "Harley. Does pEter have any embarrassing nicknames he doesn't tell people?" 

Peter groans and covers his face with his hands, as everyone else laughs. 

"Yes, he does, actually," Harley laughs. "Tony calls him Underoos. Never got the background on that, but he's always called him that. Not on camera, though, I think." 

"Thanks for telling the world that," Peter lifts his head and rolls his eyes. 

"Anytime," Harley grins smugly, and Peter smacks his arm. 

"Peter," MJ says. "What's a weird habit of mine that pisses you off?"

"I'd be careful how you answer this," Betty jokes. 

"Well, this one is actually easy, because it's like, the only thing she does that irritates me," Peter shrugs. "Whenever she has anything that has frosting on it, she licks all the frosting off. Like donuts, cupcakes, cake, cookies, anything. The frosting comes off first, then she eats the rest of it plain." 

MJ shrugs. "It's not my fault you don't know the correct way to eat a donut." 

"That is not the correct way!" Peter exclaims, but MJ cuts him off. 

"Another question for you," she says. "What's the scariest movie you've ever watched?" 

Peter rolls his eyes at the change in subject, but accepts it. "Blair Witch Project. I've heard other people didn't think it was that scary, but it really creeped me out." 

"That one was good," MJ agrees. "It's one of the only satisfactory horror movies. Harley. Cheat or be cheated on?" 

"Easy," Harley says. "Be cheated on. I hate cheaters, I could never cheat on someone, I would literally rather die than hurt someone like that." 

"Wow, intense," Peter says. "Well, Ismay, that must be good to know." 

"It is," Ismay kisses Harley. "I would never cheat on you, either." 

"I know," Harley smiles at her. 

"Ok, moving on," Peter makes a face at the couple. 

"Would I ever consider living abroad," MJ speaks before Harley can. 'So the history and culture in Europe is amazing and fascinating and I would love to temporarily live there. I would do something like studying abroad or being an exchange student or something, but I wouldn't want to permanently move abroad. As much of a shit show as America can be. Ismay. What is your favorite song?" 

"I don't have a specific favorite song," Ismay shrugs. "However, my current favorite artist is Olivia Rodrigo. Some will say I just jumped on the bandwagon, and maybe I did, but I can't help it that she's amazing." 

"Absolutely true," Peter agrees. 

"If she's right she's right," Ned shrugs. 

MJ rolls her eyes. 

"Ned," she asks. "Do you believe in karma?" 

Ned looks slightly startled. "I mean, sort of? I think good things happen to good people, but also really bad things can happen to good people and good things can happen to bad people, so… sort of. Also I feel vaguely threatened by this question. Did I do something that karma would be after me for?" 

Everyone else is laughing. 

"I hope not," Harley says. "Seems like this person thinks you might have, though." 

"Ok, Betty," MJ says, once everyone stops laughing. "Would you rather live in a five bedroom apartment alone or a one bedroom apartment with five kids?" 

"Random question," Betty giggles. "But one bedroom with five kids. I don't like the idea of living alone." 

"Fair," MJ and Ismay both agree. 

"Betty again, do you speak any other languages?" MJ asks. 

"Yeah, I can speak French fairly fluently," Betty says. "I was taking it at school, and then once Ismay got here I got way better." 

"It's fun to talk in French in front of this lot," Ismay adds. "They don't know any, and it makes them mad." 

"Rude," all three boys grumble in unison. 

"Bold of you to assume I don't know French," MJ says, not looking up from looking for questions. "Ned, can you swim?" 

"This one right after the last one?" Ned looks unsettled. "I feel kind of threatened. Yes, I can swim, but I'm not about to win any olympics, so please don't ditch me in the ocean or something." 

"That was asked by the same person," MJ adds. 

Peter and Harley laugh. 

"I think someone's planning to kill you, Ned," Peter says. 

"God, I hope not," Ned shudders, but he's also laughing. 

"Ismay, short hair or long hair?" MJ asks.

"Depends on my mood," Ismay shrugs. "At the moment, clearly long, but I could decide to chop it off at any moment." 

"Mood," MJ and Betty say. 

"Ok, for me, what's the hardest drug I've ever done," MJ reads. She looks up at the camera. "So the only drug I've ever done was nicotine this one time with Peter, we tried a cigarette once. Honestly, it wasn't great. I wouldn't do it again."

"Yeah, they're just gross," Peter makes a face. "I dunno why people like them so much, it was disgusting and didn't do anything." 

Everyone looks vaguely surprised at the knowledge that Peter smoked a cigarette, but nobody says anything as MJ reads the next question. 

"Harley, what was the most embarrassing moment you've ever had at school?" 

Harley thinks for a moment. 'Okay, so technically this was worse for Peter, and I was mostly embarrassed on his behalf, but this one guy, Flash, he's a dick, kept making inappropriate jokes about Peter and I. I won't go into them, but he was being a real asshole and people were believing him even though Peter's with MJ. I was mostly embarrassed for Peter, but it wasn't great on my end, either." 

"Flash is a dick," Peter, Ned, Betty, and Ismay say in unison. 

"Peter," MJ reads, after a moment of uncomfortable silence. "Would you rather have an American accent or a British accent?" 

"Hmm…" Peter says thoughtfully. "As an American, I really like British accents and part of me will always wish I had one. However, I am generally glad that I'm American, most of the time, so… accent wise, British." 

"Peter again," MJ says. "Hardest drug you've ever done." 

"I've never done any, like, hard drugs," Peter shrugs. "I've had alcohol twice, and as MJ said I had nicotine that one time, but I'm not really a fan of either." 

"Fair enough," everyone says. 

"Harley, what's your biggest fear?" MJ asks. 

"My stepdad," Harley says without hesitation. "Well, ex-stepdad. My mom divorced him once he went to jail." 

There's a moment of silence. Everyone looks unsure how to respond to that. 

"Wait, I shouldn't have said that," Harley suddenly says. "Peter, edit that out." 

"I can't," Peter says uncomfortably. "It's live." 


There's silence for another moment. 

"MJ, move on," Harley says. 

"Ok, the next question for everyone is just their biggest fears," MJ says. "Which I'm not going to answer, because I don't want to give anyone anything to work with." 

"Fair," Ismay says. "However, mine are super lame so I'll tell them to you. I am terrified to death of heights and spiders, and yes, I'm aware that's ironic given that Peter's Spider-Man."

"So my biggest fear, besides like everyone I love dying, is… well, I'm not fond of bugs. Of any sort. And now I'm vaguely afraid of karma and YouTube user LessEmilyPlease." Ned says. 

"I'm with Ismay," Betty shrugs. "Not a fan of heights." 

"Betty, what's your favorite color?" MJ asks. 


"Ned, have you ever had any drama with Peter or I?" 

"Not with you, no…" Ned thinks for a moment. "Oh, there was this one time when we were eleven that Peter and I got in this giant fight and we didn't speak to each other for like a month and we were so mad for so long. I don't even remember what it was about, but obviously we worked it out when we both realized we didn't have any other friends." 

Peter snorts. 

"Ismay, do you speak any other languages?" MJ asks. 

"So besides English and French, I am also fluent in American Sign Language and Russian," Ismay says. "I'm aware that it's odd for me to be fluent in ASL when I'm French, but I always intended to move to America so I thought it would be more useful for me." 

"I'm so close to being fluent in Russian," Peter grumbles. "But Nat and I haven't had time to work on it in a while." 

"My favorite movie?" MJ thinks for a moment. "So Blair Witch Project was absolutely amazing, but, now don't mock my choices, Harry Potter and the Narnia movies will forever hold places of honor in my heart." 

"Ok, Narnia is a good fucking series and anyone who thinks otherwise should unsub right now," Harley says. 

"Agreed," Peter nods. 

"Harley, what was your first impression of Peter?" MJ asks. 

"I mean, you could kinda see it in that video," Harley shrugs. "But I guess I just thought he was this scrawny little Youtube kid, and I wasn't coming from a great place, what with my stepdad just being arrested after doing some shitty things to my sister and I, so I thought Peter was a spoiled snob. He proved me wrong when he saved my life though, and we became great friends after." 

"Fair analysis," Peter nods. "To be fair, I am definitely spoiled. Blame Dad." 

"Fair enough," Harley laughs. 

"Peter, it's your turn to tell us your biggest fear," MJ says. 

"So besides like, my family and friends all up and leaving, or getting hurt, or dying?" Peter says. "I mean, I'm ridiculously claustrophobic."

"Which you would be, too, if you'd experienced what he did," Ned says. 

"What's your favorite memory with me?" MJ snorts slightly as she reads this question. 

"Honestly?" Peter shrugs."The Disney trip when I asked you to prom, because that was a really fun trip and it was also when we got together." 

"Oh, good answer," MJ says. "Harley, what's your favorite holiday." 

"Halloween, cuz I like to scare the shit out of people," Harley says, completely serious. 

"Can confirm, he does everything he can to scare Dad and I," Peter nods 

"What's my favorite memory with Peter…" MJ thinks for a moment. "I mean, it would probably be that Disney trip, but I don't want to just copy Peter, so… this one time, we went out for lunch to this little cafe I used to go to with my parents, and he was filming and taking pictures on his phone and stuff because he's just that kind of person, and he dropped a little cake thing in his lap. Then he tried to pick it up and just got icing all over his hands, and it ended up all over his face and hair and it was just so funny, and obviously I took pictures and I also have a sketch of him glaring at me while covered with icing." 

"Ok, so it wasn't great when it was happening, but those are some of my favorite pictures," Peter laughs. "That was a fun day." 

"Ismay, art or math?" MJ asks. 

"Art," Ismay says, with no hesitation. "Even though I go to a STEM school, I like art and music more. I love theater, watching and performing, and I can play the piano, guitar, and ukulele, and I'm learning harp. I do still like math and science though." 

"Stupid fancy French schools teaching you more fun things," Harley grumbles. 

"I'll teach you instruments if you want," Ismay says. 

MJ cuts Harley's reply off. 

"Ned, what's your favorite pizza topping?" 

"Ok, I already know I'm going to get hate over this," Ned sighs. "I actually only like pizza when the only toppings besides, like, cheese, are pineapple and mushrooms." 

"Together," Peter adds, making a face. "It's an abomination." 

"Ok, last question," MJ says. "Betty, what's your favorite TV show?" 

"Criminal Minds," Betty says. "It's fascinating. Also I would die for Spencer Reid." 

"Same," everyone says. 

"Alright, well, that's gonna be it for this live," Peter says. "I hope you enjoyed getting to know us all a bit better, and meeting Ismay! She's gonna make more appearances, so like and subscribe to join the Ironfam and see more of… this. Bye everyone!" 

{this live has ended.}