
Action: The YouTube Adventures of the Ironfam

Peter stepping into the limelight, as seen through videos.

Emily_Weaslette · Filmes
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51 Chs

I Never Existed Prank on MJ

The video opens to the group of teenagers, except MJ, sitting on the couch in the living room. 

"Hey, guys, welcome back to the Ironfam," Peter says cheerfully. "So, before I disappeared for two months and then returned to drop the bomb that I'm getting another sibling, MJ and I pranked this lot that we were fighting and breaking up and being all mean to each other." 

"Also the video where we introduced this lovely human for the first time!" Betty says cheerfully, gesturing at Ismay. 

"Yes," Peter nods. "That was after MJ told me she was moving to ******* California, which was a lie, and we did that one because I couldn't think of a retaliation prank. But I thought of one. And it's great." 


Peter's face is uncomfortably close to the camera. 

"I'm going to convince MJ that I don't exist." 


Peter is back on the couch. 

"I'm sure you're thinking, Peter, how the hell are you going to do that, you're famous on the internet and a superhero," Peter says. "And I thought about just asking you guys to get in on it, but someone out there would be an ***hole and not cooperate and ruin it. So instead, I just hacked the tower's wifi and got Friday and these ***holes in on it. Also Ismay and Betty. Because they're not ***holes." 

"Rude," Ned and Harley say in unison. 

"Aw, thanks," Betty and Ismay say in unison, at the same time as the boys. 


"So what I did," Peter begins explaining. "Is hack into the tower's wifi. You know how you can block things, like schools' wifi won't let you access certain things? I did sort of that, but better. Now, on this wifi, any mention of Peter Parker or Spider-Man is just not going to show up. She can search anything to do with those, and all it'll do is show a blank thing with "no search results" or something. Also, since she's sleeping over tonight, and we're doing the thing tomorrow, we're gonna hack her phone and put all pictures that include me into a secure server thing, so that they'll go right back on her phone the way they were once we're done." 

"He's got the whole team, and Pepper and Tony and everyone in on it, too," Harley adds. "Morgan's just going to have to be removed from the situation, because at any mention of Peter or spider-anything, she starts going 'petey! Petey!' Which, yeah, cute, whatever, but it'll ruin the prank." 

"Yeah," Peter nods. "So MJ's sleeping over tonight, so are all of these guys, so the girls will be in one room and the boys in mine. Ismay's gonna get me MJ's phone, we'll get the pictures, there are already all the other pictures gone, and then Dad's gonna do some weird illusion tech thing he can do that'll make it look like there's just not a door where the door to my room is. That way it'll completely look like I never existed!" 

"Peter!" Tony calls down the hallway, his voice accompanied by the faint ding of the elevator. 

"****, MJ's here," Peter says. "Ok, we'll see you tomorrow, Ironfam!" 


Peter looks very tired. He's also very close to the camera, and his surroundings appear to just be silver metal. 

"Good morning, Ironfam," he yawns. "It's the next morning, like six in the ******* morning. MJ's an early riser so we had to make sure I was nice and hidden before she gets up. I'm currently chilling in the vents, but not my favorite spot because MJ could check there. We got Friday to be on our side, along with everyone else. There's hidden cameras in literally every room because why not. Wherever MJ goes, we can follow." 


Peter hasn't moved. 

"So getting MJ's phone was a little harder than we thought," Peter informs the camera. "I mean, we got it, but getting the pictures was harder. We were up like all night editing pictures and ****. I mean, really Friday was doing the editing, but we had to be conscious to make sure it was done right. Not right, obviously it was gonna be done right, but that… ok, you know what, whatever." 


He still hasn't moved. 

"So if it was just me, we put them in the secure server thingy," Peter says. "If it was me and MJ, they were either removed or edited with someone else. Like the one of MJ and I sitting at a cafe table, and MJ's flipping off the camera and I'm eating the mayo out of a packet? Harley's now eating the mayo. Stuff like that. Morgan and Mom are out somewhere, I dunno what they're doing so early, but whatever, and any pictures Dad or anyone on the team has of me have been changed or removed accordingly. Now we're just waiting for MJ to wake up and freak out when her phone background has changed." 


"Also," Peter whispers. "Ned and Harley are just in Harley's room, cuz we're pretending mine doesn't exist so obviously they couldn't be in there. Forgot to mention that earlier."


A camera in a guest room shows MJ sit up in a sleeping bag. Ismay and Betty remain asleep. MJ stands and leaves the room. 


MJ returns to the room and grabs her phone from where it was charging by the wall. She opens it, and freezes. She stares at it for a moment, before looking up and kicking Betty. 

"Betty! Ismay!" she says. "Did one of you take my phone?"

The other two girls groan and roll over, rubbing their eyes and looking at her. 

"Your phone?" Ismay asks. 

"No, why?" Betty adds. 

"Because my background is different, who changed it?" MJ demands. 

"What do you mean, it's different?" Betty looks at the phone over MJ's shoulder. "That's the same background as you had yesterday, Em." 

"No, it's not!" MJ insists. "Yesterday it was the picture of Peter and I at Disney, when he asked me to prom." 

Ismay and Betty look at each other. "Peter?" the ask in unison. 

"Yeah, Peter," MJ says, looking back at her phone. "Whatever, I'll go get him, he'll be able to tell what happened." 

Betty looks startled. "MJ, we don't know a Peter." 

Now MJ really freezes. "What do you mean, we don't know a Peter? I've been dating him for over a year?" 

The girls look extremely concerned. 

"MJ, you haven't been dating anyone," Ismay says. "We don't know any Peter's." 

"Don't be ridiculous," MJ looks between them. "We're literally in Stark Tower right now, how else would we have gotten here?" 

"Harley?" Betty says. "Come on, Em, what're you on about?" 

"We're only here because Peter is Stark's kid, and Spider-Man!" MJ says incredulously. "We wouldn't even know Harley, or you, Ismay, if it wasn't for Peter!" 

"MJ, Harley showed up at school almost two years ago," Betty says. "Tony had taken him in because his stepdad was arrested, and his mom didn't want him there while they were goung through court. You and Ned became friends with him. Then I started dating Ned, and Ismay started dating Harley at New Years, and now we're all friends." 

MJ gives Betty a blank look. "Are you ******* with me?" she asks. "You have to be ******* with me. This is so stupid. I literally have pictures with Peter." 

"Show us then," Ismay shrugs. 

"I will!" MJ snaps, opening her phone again. 

MJ scrolls through her phone for a moment, her expression growing more and more confused. 

"What the hell?" she mutters. After a moment, she tosses her phone onto her sleeping bag. "Ok, so my phone's glitching or something. He's like right down the hall, I'll just go get him." 

"By all means, go get him," Betty gestures at the door. 

MJ gives Betty a look somewhere between annoyed and angry, then stalks out of the room. 


A different camera angle follows all three girls down the hallway, before they stop in front of a blank piece of wall. 

"What the ****," MJ says. "This was Peter's room yesterday. Where the hell are Ned and Harley?" 

"In the other guest room?" Ismay says, leading the other two to a different door in the hall, and entering. 


In the other guest room, Harley and Ned are sprawled out on the floor in sleeping bags. The three girls barge into the room and unceremoniously kick them awake. 

"Ow, what the ****?" Harley grumbles, rolling over and squinting at the light. 

"Where the hell is Peter?" MJ demands. 

"Peter?" Ned props himself up on his elbows. "Peter who?"

"Peter, you idiot!" MJ says furiously. "Peter Stark, previously Parker, adopted child of Tony Stark, Spider-Man?" 

"Spider-Man?" the other four teenagers ask in unison. 

"Oh my god, Spider-Man!" MJ facepalms. "I totally forgot, look, you dumb***es." 

She grabs Harley's phone, as hers is still in the other room, and begins typing. 

"How did you even get into my phone?" Harley asks, incredulous. "I've never told you my password." 

"Please, it was obvious," MJ says dismissively. She stops typing, staring down at the phone. "What the ****." 

"There's nothing there, is there?" Betty says. "That's because there's no such person as Peter Stark, or Spider-Man. I dunno where you're getting these things from, Em, but I think maybe we should go see Doctor Cho?" 

"I don't need a ******* doctor, Betty-!" MJ began snapping, but was cut off when the vent near the ceiling swung open and Peter came toppling out of it. 

"Oh my god, Peter!" MJ exclaims, rushing over to him. "Are you okay?" 

"I'm fine," Peter says, laughing a bit. 

"Look!" MJ points at Peter. "******* Peter. Now you can all feel stupid." 

"We're not going to be the ones feeling stupid," Harley begins cracking up. 

MJ looks around at all of them, who are breaking into grins and giggles. "Are you telling me this was a mother******* prank?" 

"Yes, that's exactly what we're telling you," Ismay says. 

"MJ, stop swearing!" Peter says at the same time. 

"What the **** kind of prank was this?" MJ says, completely ignoring Peter's words. "Let's make MJ think she's going crazy?" 

"Sort of," Peter shrugs. "It was the 'I never existed' prank. We were just trying to convince you that I didn't exist. I was gonna keep it going longer, but clearly, I fell out of the vent while I was trying to spy on you." 

"Peter, you son of a-"


  Peter, MJ, Ned, Harley, Betty, and Ismay are sitting in Peter's room, on his bed. 

"Well, guys, that's it for this week's video!" Peter says brightly. "I hope you enjoyed watching us make MJ think she was losing her mind!"

  "I cannot believe you went to that much effort for a ten minute prank," MJ shakes her head. "I'm going to get you back so good and you will never see it coming."

Peter laughs. "Anyway, guys, if you enjoyed this video, like and subscribe to join the Ironfam and see more of… this. See you guys next week, bye!" 
