
Across the Omniverse With No Sense of Direction

well you know where this is going, MC gets reincarnated with a system and can travel the omniverse. Novel is purely wish fulfillment and just a fun read. Updates are sporadic and currently no update schedule. This is my first novel and would love your support and input. Again this is my first novel so forgive me if their is something I get wrong or if something isn't to original. Also quick shoutout to ''multiverse: gamer system'' and ''I Will Live A Better Life'' which inspired me for this story go check them out. Quick disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters in this novel other than the MC. all characters belong to their respected owners, except Morgan Freeman, he's not a fictional character, even if he shows up in your dreams. Just updated the tags, I'll add new ones as the MC travels worlds or gains powers.

Kill_it_with_fire · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
30 Chs

Chapter 6: Twin Amazoness (Part 1)

It's been well over a year since my Training routine began and I can now say I'm thoroughly used to this new lifestyle. At first it was extremely straining but now I can properly keep up with it.

My new routine begins with light stretches in the morning, then doing the [Training (Body)] mission, and going to do the [Hunting] mission before lunch. After eating I would finish the day off with the [Training (sword)] mission, before going to bed. Sometimes I would switch the [Training] missions around, now I can say I'm fairly strong in my own right. I've also discovered that I've developed a habit of talking to myself and Uriel out loud. Probably from the lack of human interactions, which is why sometimes I go to the village in between my [Daily Missions] and other times I find a traveler now or then, other than that it's been pretty tame so far, well until now that is.

As I look in front of me at the screen with the words '[World Mission (New!)]' on it. Confused at the indicator, I asked Uriel about it.

''Uriel, why do I have a [World Mission]? I haven't even reached the dungeon city yet.''

[That is true however, this mission pertains to a character rather than the main plot.]

''Who!?'' I asked, rather surprised.

[Opening the [World Mission] for more details…]


[World Mission: Knight in Shining Armor]

Info: The 2 amazonian sisters have just made it to level 2 after leaving their home land and the Kali familia they'll get over confident and land in some trouble. Become their knight in shining armor and save them.


Save Tione and Tiona from a large pack of monsters and bring them back to your house for treatment.


[World Mission: Knight in Shining Armor (part 2)]

[Tiona and Tione's gratitude]

[Gacha tickets] x5



Note* If you fail this mission it will not affect canon as an adventurer from their new familia will find them and use a stun skill to grab the twins and escape.]

Looking at the system my eyes widened at the mention of 2 powerful canon characters. Although I had little interest in them while watching the show, it'll be helpful to build a good relationship with them and the rewards look pretty sweet. Although I was a little intimidated by the mention of a pack of level 2 monsters, I made up my mind to help them. Confident in the skills I've gathered this month.

With my breath steady, my sword to my site, and a look of confidence in my eyes, I tried forward.

[You're going the wrong way]

''...'' I halted and with the same vigor and no change in my facial features, I said…

''Uriel, lead the way''

[Take a right, here.]

''Onwards, to the future'' I said, as I hastily took a right.

Looking into a dark cave, I took out a torch and walked forward.

Exiting the cave's other side, I found myself in a forest and deeper in I could hear the sounds of fighting.

I hastily put out the fire and rushed forward.

Soon, I came across 2 amazoness that appeared to be twins barely 6 or 7 years old fighting what looks to be a large pack of wolves.

One had straight black hair and a modest chest already starting to develop, with slightly revealing clothes and a pair of kukri knives.

The other had shoulder length hair in 2 tassels by the side of her face, and held a scimitar in her hands. She also wore revealing clothes with a tube top on her non-existing chest and a sheet of fabric around her waist.

Looking at the large pack of wolves I realized how wrong I was about what to expect. Instead of an easy fight, I was sure I could barely take on 5 of those things.

Contemplating if I should still help, with the distance I was at I could probably get away, without being noticed by the wolves.

''Stupid mutt!'' said the straight haired one.

''Die, doggos!'' said the other.

Looking at this scene, I thought 'do they even need my help?'

''Tiona, look out''


Suddenly I heard a shriek and my neck snapped to the direction, there I saw the amazoness twin with 2 tassels of hair at the side of her face, had dropped her scimitar. Clutching a mutilated arm and taking a knee, she grunting in pain. I noticed one leg was profusely bleeding, with deep teeth marks and some missing flesh. The other young amazoness with kukri knives, whose own injuries were starting to build up, was surrounded by wolves and could not reach her.

Without thinking I started running towards the heavily injured amazoness. Taking out my sword I reached in front of her and slashed the head of a leaping wolf clean off, slightly surprised by my own strength I heard the ringing of 2 notifications in my ears.

[Title; [Harem Protag] reacting strongly…[Greatly boosting all skills and abilities] for 5 minutes]

[Ability; [Plot Armor] reacting strongly…[Greatly boosting all skills and abilities] for 5 minutes]

[Skill: [Aura of a Hero (D-)] temporarily granted]

[Skill: [Aura of a King (D-)] temporarily granted]

[Skill: [Apex Predator] has been temporarily upgraded to C- grade]

[Fear effect has been activated.]

As I looked at the pack of fear stricken monster wolves around me, who were now shaking with their tails tucked between their legs and afraid to even move. I angrily glared at them and said with a firm and cold voice, which was amplified by the effects of [Apex Predator] I said…

''Fuck off.''

As my words fell upon the wolves ears, they couldn't understand my words, but their instincts told them that 'this would be their only chance to run'. Almost in sync every wolf ran off in every direction, terrified by the 'predator' behind them.

In a now quite clearing stood 3 people, a cute, yet intimidating boy with free flowing white hair and sword in hand, as well as a pair of tanned girls who just stared at the boy, all looking about 6~7 years old.

The Boy turned to face them, with a shy and goofy smile, one could only call cute, he asked the 2 girls.

''So…Need a hand'' he spoke with his unchanging smile.

[Tione POV]

It's been a few months since me and Tiona left Telskyura and with it the Kali familia. After leaving that hell, it seems both me and my sister had become a little over confident. I mean we had both already reached level 2 and together, could take on the world.

A few days ago we had joined a new familia as we planned to go from one familia to the next as we traveled.

Today was just like any other day of me and my sister fighting to improve and fight. Tomorrow we were to go hunt monsters in the woods, we weren't too worried about it as we were both level 2 and it's rare to find an overly powerful monster on the surface. Even if something did go wrong, our familia would send a level 3 adventurer to check up on us and get us out of trouble.

As me and my sister laid down in our separate beds in our shared room, my sister, Tiona went on and on about the new hero's tale she had discovered. Talking about his heroic feats and commenting on every action she had a dreamy look as she thought of the hero who protected the weak and fought the strong. I couldn't really understand those feelings, as an amazoness we sought out the strong to continue our bloodline, but it never really mattered if they were good or bad people. But I could understand the appeal of a hero who could slay dragons and take down tyrants over a fat king who only drank and slept all day.

However this was the real world and all the heroes are dead. With that thought I slowly succumbed to sleep, as my sister tiredly yawned and snuggled up her blanket, probably fantasizing some grand heroic tale.

Waking up the next morning me and my sister went off to our hunt, however I felt a foreboding feeling for some reason. Us amazonians aren't too bright but our instincts aren't something to scoff at, so I had asked my familia to send someone right away if we did not make it back on time.

After finishing up my business with my familia and picking up some rations, me and Tiona made our way to our destinations however with slightly more caution.

Tiona and I reached a clearing, where we found a monster, it looked like a wolf but had black fur, snake-like eyes, and reptile-like scales around the base of their paws and neck. They were serpent wolves. An annoying type of wolf monster our senior familia member warned us about, however me and Tiona weren't paying much attention as we could easily take this thing, but I do remember a bit about it. I think it was that their scales are hard to cut or something and they usually live in dark caves, but this one probably wandered off.

What we didn't know at the time was that the serpent wolf is annoying to fight because they are known for eating any living thing whether it be an animal, person, or even another monster and using the power their magic stones gain from that to quickly multiply. One more thing that's dangerous about this monster is that they are crafty.

''Tiona, let's compete for who can kill it first!'' I challenged my sister.

''Ha! easy, loser pays for dinner!'' My sister chimed back.

And we both rushed to the serpent wolf at our top speed, by the time it reacted it was already dead. Both of our blades embed into it, my kukri knives through its eyes and Tiona's scimitar through the base of its jaw out through the roof of its neck. As it turned to dust and dropped its stone, me and Tiona argued about who killed it first.

''My scimitar went through it's head first!'' Tiona shouted.

''No, my daggers stabbed it's eyes, first!'' I countered.

''All you did was blind it! I killed it!'' She stupidly stated.

''You idiot, if you get a dagger in your eye you die!'' I Yelled.

''I could take it'' She countered.

I just looked at her stupidly, as she danced around thinking she'd won the argument, which kinda pissed me off for some reason.

But before I could chastise this idiot I noticed the wolves enclosing around us. My eyes widened as a serpent wolf leaped towards my sister, who wasn't paying attention, with its jaw wide open.

My breathing quickened as I pushed my sister out of the way, using my arm to stop the bite. I took out my kukri knife in my other hand and stabbed its neck, which only bounced off.

As the serpent wolf began to try to rip my arm off, I grunted and prepared to lose an arm, only to be met with my sister's voice.

''Haaaah'' She screamed as she chopped the serpent wolf in half through its stomach.

As the serpent wolf turned to dust I noticed another, biting onto Tiona's legs, and without hesitation, I took a spar dagger out and pierced it through the head.

Recovered from the sneak attack, I covered Tiona's back as she covered mine and took a stance.

''Let's get back at these flee bags, Tiona!'' I said with a bit of rage leaking out at the mutts, who attacked my precious little sister.

I continuously cut down wolves but my body began to accumulate injuries, while I tried my best to cover Tiona. I kept a confident look on my face but I realized we were starting to become overwhelmed especially with one of my arms too mangled to hold 1 of my kukri knives. Tiona was holding up a lot better than me due to the length of her scimitar, however she too was getting slower as her leg injury started to bleed out more.

'Where are those heroes Tiona talked about when you need them?' I inwardly lamented.

''Stupid mutt!'' I screamed as my kukri knife sliced through the face of one of the dogs and gushed its eyes out, turning it into black dust, as its magic stone dropped.

''Die, doggos!'' My sister said as she sliced a serpent wolf in half making sure to avoid the scaled neck as it was too hard to cut.

As Tiona continued to fight, the bleeding finally took its toll and she lost her footing as a serpent wolf bit into her arm and mangled it.

''Ahhhh'' she let out a high pitched scream, something rare for us amazoness.

With a grunt she pulled out a backup dagger and implanted it into the monster's eye. After which she collapsed on one knee, while grasping her mangled arm.

As I saw this my heart stopped and I rushed to her only to be cut off by a group of wolves launching at me, with their mouths open.

Taking a deep breath I prepared myself to use my own body to shield Tiona until a familia member came to rescue us.

However as I desperately tried to reach her I saw a larger fully scaled serpent wolf, most likely the alpha, pouncing at her and my heart sank further as I realized I was too far to intercept it.

'Please, someone, anyone save my sister' I begged and prayed in my heart.

But it seemed the gods did not hear my pleading as the wolf taunted me as it slowly grew closer to my sister. I closed my eyes as tears began to form in my eyes, something that was never allowed in Telskyura for us amazons.


But rather than the sound of a bone shattering bite or screams of my sister, I was met with the sound of a clean slice that even silenced the wolves.

Opening my eyes I saw a boy maybe a year younger than us standing in front of my sister with a majestic aura and sword drawn.

The pouncing alpha serpent wolf was no more as its head flew off, even those seemingly unbreakable scales sliced cleanly through and its body slowly turning to dust.

The boy's finer details were concealed by the sun behind him, but his majestic white hair blew gently in the breeze as his refined clothes were clear of all blood, his silhouette highlighting his young yet noble appearance. His blade, still drawn as it revealed its pure silver color, so clear I could see my crying reflection in it.

In my head I only had one thought…

'So this is what the heroes in Tiona's stories looked like.' I marveled as my heart skipped a beat.

The mixture of the intense situations and the arrival of a 'hero' seemed to make the short half a second feel like an eternity as I absentmindedly stared at our savior.

As he lowered his sword, the serpent wolves around us had gotten quiet, too terrified to move. Their defining barks now gone, silenced by the 'hero's' aura, as their tails tucked between their legs, and bodies continued to shake, they stood still as if waiting for his judgment. As he looked at the wolves a soft voice as smooth as silk and soothing as the spring breeze leaked from his mouth, but the words he spoke were anything but that.

''Fuck off.'' He spoke as dominating and overpowering aura suffocated the serpent wolves, they lowered their heads as if to pay respects to the king, and ran as fast as they could.

Seeing this my amazonian blood became more excited than ever before. Everything about him from his power, to his dominating and majestic aura was perfect, his very being shouted power. His 'hero' like figure now resembled that of a powerful and iron-fisted 'king' atop a golden throne.

As the wolves cleared away I looked at my sister, Tiona, who had an entranced look upon her face. Clearly smitten with the boy who looks as if he had come from a legendary tale or about to embark on a world changing epic to carve his name into the hearts of people and bring hope to the ones without. Her amazonian blood played a small part in it after witnessing the display of dominance and power.

As the wolves had cleared out and the clearing once again became quiet, the gentle breeze brushed by the boy's face and lightly carried his flowing, pale-blue tipped, white hair.

The boy turned around and the personage of a legendary hero or great king was now replaced by the image of a caring and kind handsome boy, with a hint of mischief and fun. His eyes, a deep purple one could fall into and be lost in with a bit of red gradient revealing the makings of a beast.

He turned to the girls and smiled with his eyes closed and an adorable yet endearing smile, which caused the 2 amazonian's hearts to once again skip a beat. He looked at Tiona in front of him as he kneeled down and offered his hand he said…

''So…need a hand?'' he asked with a hint of mischief and caring aura around his adorable and sun-like smile.

As his words fell Tiona's blood red face reached its melting point as she let out steam from her ears and passed out with a happy smile, as she dreamed about what just transpired.

I however continued to stare at the boy, who now looked surprised and dumbfounded at the girl who had just passed out.

''Wait, did she lose to much blood!?'' He said to himself with a worried and slightly panicked tone.

As I stared at mine and my sister's life savior I had made a decision…

'He's the only one for me, I'll make him mine' I said to myself with a smug smile as I lost consciousness with a smug smile and tired body, the last thing I heard was…

''Crap, the other one passed out too''

Slightly hurt and being called 'the other one' and amused at the antics of her new loved one, she fell asleep with an even more smug smile than before, trusting her body to the one who saved her family…

'What was his name?' not realizing she had not even asked his name.

Bit of a longer chapter, how do you think it was, between the writing style of Mc POV and Tione POV.

Also first appearance of a cannon charactor!

The romance in this is kinda weird, but I was trying to play at their amazonian nature and how Tione fell completly in love with Finn after getting her ass handed to her.

(I think i did a good job, But it dosent matter what I think, it matters what you all think. : ) )

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Kill_it_with_firecreators' thoughts