
Across the Omniverse With No Sense of Direction

well you know where this is going, MC gets reincarnated with a system and can travel the omniverse. Novel is purely wish fulfillment and just a fun read. Updates are sporadic and currently no update schedule. This is my first novel and would love your support and input. Again this is my first novel so forgive me if their is something I get wrong or if something isn't to original. Also quick shoutout to ''multiverse: gamer system'' and ''I Will Live A Better Life'' which inspired me for this story go check them out. Quick disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters in this novel other than the MC. all characters belong to their respected owners, except Morgan Freeman, he's not a fictional character, even if he shows up in your dreams. Just updated the tags, I'll add new ones as the MC travels worlds or gains powers.

Kill_it_with_fire · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
30 Chs

Chapter 10: Free Loot.

At night a white haired boy lies awake at night, thinking about the two little Amazons who confessed to him earlier.

'Well, there goes canon' he thought to himself, not paying much mind to it.

'Fuck it, I was never going to follow it either way' He huffed and smiled as he thought of the Tione's smile after he had given them the condition for accepting their confession.

[Maybe not.] Uriel stated, breaking his peaceful silence.

Hearing this however caused Izumi's eyes to instantly open and back to straighten as he sat up, considering the implications.

'You saying I'm gonna be cucked by a midget.' He asked with an accusing and angered tone, but also a little panic under his tone.

[No, the chances of that are slim to none. What I meant was that some worlds have a habit of fixing their plot lines to follow a certain path. This is usually the case with worlds with a strong concept of fate. However in this world's case, it only applies to a certain level and can't change a person's emotion or nullify a big event.] Uriel clarified.

'So no being cucked?' Izumi decided to ask for clarification.

[Yup, Tione is extremely single minded towards attraction towards a mate, both as an Amazoness and her normal personality. Her feelings for you are simply too strong to stop loving you and your [Harem Protag] title also nullifies any chance of you being cucked or 'Greenhat'ed] Uriel confirmed.

'That's good.' Izumi sighed in relief as he no longer worried about a certain blond 40 year old midget who was obsessed with knocking up another brown haired 15 year old midget.

[Oraria: loki familia]

''ACHOOO~'' A blond haired boy sneezed loudly in the dining room of the loki familia.

''You ok, Captain?'' asked a black haired boy with a worried expression.

''I'm fine, Raul, probably just a cold.'' Finn reassured the young adventurer who had recently joined the familia. But strangely he felt as if he lost something, though he quickly forgot about it as he didn't feel anything in his thumb and the thing that mattered most to him was his race.

'Now that I think about it weren't you telling me something about the system, something about combining something?' Izumi asked as he had been occupied with two Amazoness before.

[Rather than combining, Integrating an item with a high enough compatibility and rarity. This is due to the system being adaptive.] Uriel clarified.

'Yah, that.'

[Yes previously, I was informing you, that you already have an item that meets the criteria and has good compatibility to the [Family] function.]

'Wait really what?' Izumi asked.

[The [Potential Scanner Glass (S)], an item you had received through the [Gacha] over a year ago.] Uriel notified, referencing back to the first S-rank item, Izumi ever got.

'Oh, I forgot about that. Where is it?'

[In your eye, you had equipped it but never activated it.]

'Wait I had to activate it?'

[Yes. Now do you wish to integrate it into the [Family] function?]

'Ah, yup please do.'


[Attempting integration of [Potential Scanner Glass (S)] into [Family] function…]

[Item rank:...S]


As many notifications popped up in front of him running many tests, Izumi became bewildered and asked Uriel.

'Uriel, what is all this?' he asked, panicked.

[It is an extensive series of tests, to check the item and simulate possible integration outcomes based on the item selected, after which it'll provide the best based on success rates and utility. As you upgrade more the compatibility to success rate drops significantly and time between upgrades becomes bigger.]

'What happens if it doesn't succeed?'

[In that case the function will stay as it is before integration and the foreign element (the item) will be lost. And an extensive cooldown time will take affect.]

'How long is the cooldown time?'

[Cooldown time of failure is approximately 100 years every time and time for successful upgrade will be 10 years plus an additional 10 years each time already upgraded excluding the first one. In a mathematical form 10+10(x-1), x = number of times upgraded.]

'A hundred years!?' Izumi exclaimed.


'And even if it works I still have to wait 10 more years to upgrade anything else.'

[Yes basically. However only some functions can be upgraded and the cooldown time may differ between functions, also each upgrade cooldown time is treated as independent from all others.]

'I still don't completely get it…' Izumi answered confused.

[You don't need to know the specifics now as the only upgradable feature you are qualified to upgrade now is the [Family] feature.]

'Ok, just explain it to me when I need to know how it works.' Izumi relented shifting back to the endless lines of notifications seeming to slowing down.

[All criteria have been met and best integration simulations have been chosen.]

[Listing potential 'upgrade paths' from best to worst...]

[upgrade to [Relationships] function (success rate high)]

[upgrade to [Harem] function (success rate high)]

[upgrade to [Lovers] function (success rate medium)]

[upgrade to [Loyalty] function (success rate low)]

[Please choose the desired upgrade path.]

'Uriel, What does each one do?' Izumi asked, while looking through the options.

[All have their own unique pros and cons, however [Relationships] functions is the highest recommended as it is a combination of most.]

'[Relationships] is kinda vague, though.'

[As it's supposed to; it incorporates all types of relationships and many aspects of relationships, including lovers, family, loyalty, favorability, sexual and physical desires, etc.]

'That's a lot.'

[Which is why it is the best, however you are given a freedom of choice over it, so you may still choose another if desired.]

'Why would I want one of the others? This one is the best.'

[It may not apply now but later upgrades may differ two key aspects of the integrated item, specializing a different key aspect.]

'So it's not important now?' Izumi asked.

[...Yes, basically] Uriel answered in a slightly disappointed tone. Izumi awkwardly laughed as he tried to get back on track seemingly embarrassed from Uriel's reaction.

''*cough*cough* please upgrade to [Relationships].'' he said aloud, so embarrassed that he momentarily forgot he could simply think it instead of speaking aloud.

[Upgrading [Family] to [Relationships]...]

[Upgrade successful]

[[Family] function will now be replaced by [Relationships] and cooldown period will begin.]

As a completion notifications sounded in his ear another simultaneously appeared, shocking Izumi.

[Hidden Mission: [First Steps (I)] has been completed]


Upgrade first system function (1/1)

Time limit: none]


[World Gift Pack (Danmachi)]

[Plot change]

[Random Template (Blank Specification)]]

'Sweet, free loot.' Izumi thought to himself.

'But first, Uriel show me the [Relationships].'



[Tione Hiryute] - [Fiance (Temporary)]

[Likability: +85 (Eternal love)] [Loyalty: 100% (complete devotion)]

[Kinks: Unavailable (must be lovers)]

[Emotional State: [Love] [Joy] [Embarrassment]]

[Tiona Hiryute] - [Fiance (Temporary)]

[Likability: +85 (Eternal love)] [Loyalty: 100% (complete devotion)]

[Kinks: Unavailable (must be lovers)]

[Emotional State: [Love] [Joy] [Worry]]

'Huh, this is extensive.' Izumi thought, slightly bewildered at the amount of information. Looking though it he momentarily paused staring at the screen.

'I can get Tione being embarrassed, but why is Tiona worried?' he asked, confused.

[She is self-conscious. She has a complex about her chest.] Uriel answered, blowing away all his questions thinking about the little Amazoness who had been lately drinking a lot more milk while mumbling something about their 'still being time' and 'they'll grow soon'.

'I don't think her breast size matters.' Izumi said.

[But that's not what she thinks.] Uriel started the cold hard truth.

'Then what should I do?' Izumi asked Uriel searching for ways to affirm his tiny Amazon.

[You should shower her with attention and care to slowly let her grow less worried, but she'll inherently still wish to have at least a chest rather than a cliffside. But if that's the case you may find something in the [Gacha] to help enlarge her breast.] Uriel stated, giving a feasible solution and backup plan to his current problem.

'Wait there's something like that in the [Gacha]!?' Izumi exclaimed, while inwardly being shocked the [Gacha] would have such a legendar-...something as strange as that.

[The [Gacha] can hold anything, however due to your [Plot Armor] and [Harem Protag] the chances of getting certain items increases. Some of said items, due to the [Harem Protag] ability, allow a person's chest to grow.]

'That's useful.' Izumi thought, with a disgusting grin on his face. However inwardly he swore to make sure Tiona doesn't ever feel insignificant or self conscious and if all else fails, he could always resort to using something from the [Gacha].

Feeling content himself he moved on to the next order of business, his new rewards. Having Uriel display all of the rewards and their effects he was flabbergasted.


[World Gift Pack (Danmachi) (S-)]

A 'gift pack' containing a special set of items that are 'helpful' in survival in Danmachi. The items inside will vary depending on the gift pack's rank. Items may range from Zald's lost sword to a Danmachi race or even a large amount of valis.

[Plot change]

1 aspect of the 'plot' of your world has changed. This change is made from scanning your subconscious and choosing 1 thing you would desire or like.

Note* Since this change is collected through your subconscious mind, you do not have power over consciously choosing what will change. However the change will not negatively affect you.

Note* This is not an item and takes effect as soon as you use it.

[Random Template (Blank Specification)]

A Random Template that allows the user to choose from which category the template is from. i.e Fighter, Swordsmen, Smith, Survivalist, Alchemist, Magician, etc.]

Looking through the rewards Izumi became slightly panicked while also strangely excited.

'So something from canon is changed, but I don't get to know what.' Izumi smirked to himself.

'It won't hurt me so there's not much to worry about but now I'll be on my toes.' Izumi said as he evilly smirked.

[...] Uriel seeing this simply watched his antics. If Uriel had a head right now, it would be shaking side to side while she looked disappointedly onto Izumi.

Sneaking this Izumi promptly stopped and cleared his throat as he continued on to his other rewards.

'So…the [gift pack] is just a gift pack and the template lets me choose the class I want it from!' he asked slightly excitedly for a new template.

[Yes, however you clearly don't understand the true value of the [World Gift Pack]. It may even be better than the templates because it assures a useful reward whereas a template is still randomized, even more so at S- rank] Uriel chastised, while explaining the usefulness of the [World Gift Pack] and it's benefits compared to the template.

'Sure, sure. I'm sure it'll be great.' Izumi said not fully understanding the usefulness yet, but not being dumb enough to disagree with Uriel, considering his last S rank item was currently useless to him.

[You clearly aren't aware of an S- rank item's usefulness. Even though the last S rank item you received, the [Potential Scanner Glass] wasn't very useful as compared to other items, its real prestige lied in its effects. Being undetectable to even gods of magic, completely indestructible, as well as being soul bound.] Uriel diligently explained, causing Izumi to marvel at how useless yet useful it was.

'Ok! in that case open the [Gift Pack] first!' Izumi said excitedly, inwardly hopping it wouldn't be something stupid.


[Opening [World Gift Pack (Danmachi) (S-)]...]

[Congratulations you've opened an 'S-' rank gift pack of 'Danmachi']

[Soul Of Divine Beauty (S-)]

[Race Ticket (S-)]

[Single Use: Skill Copy (Danmachi)]

[Single Use: Magic Copy (Danmachi)]

[Remove Falna Magic Limitation (S-)]

[World Tree Seeds (Danmachi)] (10)

Izumi, seeing all the rewards, quickly asked Uriel to display all of their effects.

[Soul Of Divine Beauty (S-)]

A skill incorporating the Beauty of the stars. Your soul is the embodiment of art, once one looks at it they will be awed and captivated with it. Like a starry cosmos, your soul is filled with infinite colors and vibrant lights. As like the cosmos your soul embodies infinity and eternity.

Note* This skill gives resistance to most soul based attacks and all charms.

Note* For reference in terms of beauty bells soul would be considered (C+)

[Race Ticket (Danmachi) (S-)]

This ticket allows you to choose one race from Danmachi that has ever existed and incorporate it within your being. The race will be pure and even forgotten races or extinct races are plausible.

Note* If you chose 'God' as your race you will not receive an Arcanum and Divinity or be able to grant Falna's.

Note* Due to the power of some races this ability can only be used after the age of ten and will take an additional ten years to fully incorporate.

[Single Use: Skill Copy (Danmachi)]

Allows you to copy one skill from a character in 'Danmachi' after seeing it once.

Note* When copied the skill experience will not be transferred. The skill will be at its bottom level and must be trained.

Note* Skill must be physically possible to execute with your own body.

[Single Use: Magic Copy (Danmachi)]

Allows you to copy one magic from a character in 'Danmachi' after seeing it once.

Note* When copied the magic experience will not be transferred. The Magic will be at its bottom level and must be trained.

[Falna Magic Limitation Remover(S-)]

Removes the limitation of three magics. Allows the user an extra magic slot every level.

[World Tree Seeds (Danmachi)] (10)

Seeds of the original [World Tree] of Danmachi, the origin of all sacred trees. Grows to the desired size of the planter. Produces extremely high durability branches resistant to most physical and magical impacts.

Note* once every year produces a golden apple which can heal any wound or illness, going as far as regrowing limbs, also slightly increases the users magic perimeter permanently and when eaten has the effect of increasing life span by 5 years.

Suddenly Izumi felt a feeling of weightlessness as the [Soul of Divine Beauty (S-)] activated.

Swallowing all the saliva in his through, Izumi looks at the rest of the items he received. Quickly deciding to save the [Single Use] items and use the [Falna Magic Limitation Remover (S-)] straight away, however right now its abilities couldn't be shown because Izumi hadn't yet received a Falna. With only the [World Tree Seeds (Danmachi)] left he quickly stored them in his inventory. Feeling a sense of euphoria as the rush of the [Gift Pack] suddenly reaches up to him.

Izumi with a happy smile looked at his next reward.

'Ok, now let's roll the [Random Template] but set the specification to only swordsmen, since I've been training with swords.' Izumi said to Uriel.


[Template: [Ozaki] from (Demon slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba)]

Looking at the obscure name in front of him Izumi couldn't help but mumble out.

'Who is this?' not recognizing the name from the anime.

[She is a demon slayer, who appeared in the Mount Natagoumo arc.] Uriel informed.

'Is she strong?' Izumi couldn't help but ask.

[No. She died straight away after making her first appearance.]



A strong silence descended as Izumi stared blankly at the template. After training for over a year purely on swordsmen he had gotten his hopes up waiting for his first swordsmen template.

Suddenly Izumi remembered something as a smile crept onto his face.

'Uriel, use the Template rank up, now!' Izumi said in a rushed manner, not knowing if there's a timeframe in which he can use it.

[Understood using [Template Rank Up]...Rerolling]

[New Template Found]

[Template: Ghislaine Dedoldia from (Mushoku Tensei)]

[Unlock rate: 1%

Note* due to the low compatibility, unlock rate of [Ghislaine Dedoldia] will be much slower.]

Looking at the new template Izumi became excited as he tried to see the abilities his new template gave him. Only to be unable to see anything.

'Uriel, what happened! Why doesn't the template give me anything!?' Izumi asked Uriel with an angry tone, feeling cheated.

[template [Ghislaine Dedoldia] has low compatibility with host therefore it will take longer to unlock her techniques and experiences. This problem intensifies due to the host's lack of training in swordsmanship and not having a teacher or any form of guidance. Simply put, you must train more to unlock her abilities.] Uriel explained.

'So, I have to train a lot more…huh.' Izumi sighed.

[Yes, your last template [Shinomiya Hokage] was a human and most of his abilities lied in survival techniques and knowledge, whereas [Ghislaine Dedoldia] has a much higher physique and her fighting techniques, which were forged through countless near death fights. Many of her techniques aren't even achievable for the host now as they are too taxing for the host's body.]

'So I couldn't use her abilities even if I increase the unlock rate?'

[Yes, basically. However you do currently have a method of increasing your strength through the [Daily Missions].]

'I guess I'll just have to grind for a while then.' Izumi relented.

Well where do we begin, this chapter might be a little...confusing, but you don't have to pay much attention to the upgrade feature as it's going to be a background thing and may not even be relevent as time goes on. Just chalk it up as more [Plot Armor] bullshit if you want.

Next chapters containe a few timeskips and his first big mission befor going to Oraria.

Also big thanks to everyone who's left a review (2 people) and everyone who' commented on the chapters your opinons are helpful and I make sure to read through as many as I can. Well see you in the next chapter! Bye!

Kill_it_with_firecreators' thoughts