
Across the Omniverse With No Sense of Direction

well you know where this is going, MC gets reincarnated with a system and can travel the omniverse. Novel is purely wish fulfillment and just a fun read. Updates are sporadic and currently no update schedule. This is my first novel and would love your support and input. Again this is my first novel so forgive me if their is something I get wrong or if something isn't to original. Also quick shoutout to ''multiverse: gamer system'' and ''I Will Live A Better Life'' which inspired me for this story go check them out. Quick disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters in this novel other than the MC. all characters belong to their respected owners, except Morgan Freeman, he's not a fictional character, even if he shows up in your dreams. Just updated the tags, I'll add new ones as the MC travels worlds or gains powers.

Kill_it_with_fire · Anime & Comics
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30 Chs

Chapter 9: Twin Amazoness (Part 4/Final)

Waking up early in the morning a tiny 7 year old boy stood in the kitchen with an apron on top of a stool cooking breakfast. It was a scene similar to a child trying to cook for his mother, an adorable site, however that image was destroyed by the boy's masterful cooking skills and serious face. He chopped fruits and veggies to make a salad, he flipped the pancakes on the pan with a single flick of his risk revealing a perfect golden brown, a testament to his mastery. While he finished making the salad, he added spices with one hand while the other loaded the large fluffy pancake onto the top of several more perfect pancakes. The boy then took a small bit of butter to the top and dripped maple syrup onto the pancakes making a mouth watering display of culinary perfection.

As the boy finished the pancakes he brought the dishes over to the table, where atop it now sat piping hot scrambled eggs, another stack of pancakes, a salad and a plate with a cut up loaf of bread all lightly buttered.

Finally the boy finished his cooking, he took off his apron and allowed the heavenly smell of his food permeate the room. Finishing with his own clean up, he opened a door and allowed the scent of divine food to travel the entire house.

In another room, a pair of dark skinned little girls slept atop the same bed. One who seemed to be older slept within her blanket tucked in nicely. While the other was sprawled atop the bed like a starfish only half covered by the blanket, with drool down the side of her face.

Suddenly, the younger sprawled out Amazoness, started to stir a bit, with her eyes still closed she sniffed the air only to be met with the scent of delicious food. Registering the smell, her eyes shot open as her previously sleeping body bounces up, with a sparkle in her eyes, running out the door screaming; ''FOOOD!!~'' with a childlike joy.

The loud screaming wakes up the older Amazoness, as she stretches with a yawn and gets up to join the breakfast, while wearing an amused smile at her sister's antics.

Taking a seat at the table she steals glances at the boy who made all of this. Slowly taking a small bite out of the stack of golden brown pancakes doused under a sweet syrup, humming happily as she tastes the sweet flavor and fluffy texture.

On the other end, Tiona is devouring the stack of pancakes at an alarming pace, somehow resembling a starved man who had not eaten in months. Taking breaks to chug some cold apple juice that Izumi had prepared knowing if he had not the tiny Amazoness would most likely choke.

Izumi and Tione, who were still enjoying the food slowly, were interrupted by Tiona as she had just finished eating. Tiona, clearing her throat to get their attention, stood up and stared directly at Izumi, which caused a bit of confusion for the boy, but he decided to hummer the odd little Amazoness.

''Is there something on your mind, Tiona?'' He asked as he continued to eat, while Tione continued to eat, not really caring about her younger sister's weird antics, already used to them.

''Yes, there is.'' She said with a straight face and clear eyes.

''So… would you like to share what 'that' is?'' Izumi answered, slightly intimidated by the odd atmosphere around the little girl. All the while Tione began to feel a bad premonition as she cleared her throat with apple juice, expecting to have to deal with some stupid arguments about heroes or something.

''Izumi, I want you to 'become my bitch'.'' Tiona declared, with a straight face and her chest puffed out, seemingly proud of herself.

Hearing her words, Izumi's mind went blank as he stared at the Amazoness speechlessly. Tione however had a much more violent reaction, she spat out some apple juice and began to choke on what was left in her throat.

Tiona, seeing this, gasped as if realizing this and once again spoke.

''You will also be Tione's bitch as well', obviously.'' She started with even more confidence and a dumb smile on her face.

Hearing that Tione choked even harder as she bashed her face into the table, breaking it. Izumi on the other hand was still frozen.

'Is this just how Amazoness act?' he questioned in his mind.

''...your 'bitch'?'' He asked for confirmation to make sure he did not hear wrong.

''Hmm…maybe I said that wrong? What I meant was me and Tione wish to join your harem!'' She rephrased, looking troubled, how to explain it.

Tione, with her head still embedded in the table, just started to cry, thinking this had to be a nightmare.

''Um…'' Izumi, not knowing how to respond, just stared dumbly.

''Huh, but this is what they said to do back in Telskyura. Did I do it wrong?'' Tiona whispered to herself.

Taking a breath Tiona opened her eyes and stared directly into Izumi's deep purple eyes.

''I'm not good at setting moods or reading emotions, but I know how I feel and basically, I fell in love with you!'' She declared as she jumped onto Izumi and kissed him. Izumi, still slightly lost, just stared blankly at her as he was being kissed.

Pulling back Tiona breathing slightly heavily, with a big smile on her face, looked at Izumi.

''Of course you'll also have to take Tione, since she's already head over heels for you!'' She said brightly.

''Two for one, no?'' She declared loudly while on Izumi's lap.

Unbeknownst to Tiona, her sister had gotten up and with a terrifying look grabbed onto Tiona's head. Surprised by this Tiona looked back at her sister, only to instantly regret it she began to shake. Picking Tiona up by the head, the older Amazoness smiled 'sweetly'.

''Tiona, I think we need to have a talk.'' she said with a scary tone as she gripped Tiona's head tighter.

''W-wait, wait, didn't sis want to confess her feelings to-humph'' She tried to justify, but was cut off as Tione coerced her face with her other hand, and dragged her back to their shared room.

''I-Izumi, h-help me! Please~!'' Tiona screamed as she was dragged into a room and thrown to the inside wall, landing with a large crash sound.

Tione, sticking her head slightly out the door, unable to stare directly at Izumi said; ''Where just gonna have a little 'talk', sorry for the table.'' She said in a slightly mumbally and shy tone as she blushed, not being able to keep eye contact.

Izumi however just stared absentmindedly into space, only awakened by the loud sound of the door shutting. Blinking slowly, Izumi starred in the direction, the Amazonians had left. Standing up he walked outside, ignoring the muffled angry screams and frantic screaming coming from the other side of the door, choosing not to know what happened behind the door.

Stepping out of the house Izumi, processed what had just transpired.

'Uriel, I thought the quest reward was only their gratitude.' He inwardly asked the only person he thought would have answered.

[Yes, you received their gratitude.] She affirmed.

'But then, what was…'that'?' he asked, still slightly confused.

[You had received their gratitude, but the method you completed the quest, your actions towards them, and your personality seemed to have made them fall for you.] She answered with a hint of amusement in her voice.

'It 'seemed to'.' he retorted with sarcasm heavily laced in his words.

[Yes, in fact if you had just dropped them off at their Familia their feelings would have just dulled, but instead they only strengthened.] Uriel pointed out.

'You knew!?' He realized.

[Yes, it was quite obvious, you should have too if you weren't treating them like younger siblings.]

'But they're fucking seven!' he said accusingly.

[And you're maybe even a few months younger.] Uriel countered.

'But mentally-' he tried to retort.

[This isn't your last life and I doubt you'd be able to convince them even if you told them your real age, Finn was over 40 remember?] Uriel justified, cutting him off.

'But still…' he said, not being able to accept the current situation.

[Stop holding on to your past life. Only your current feelings matter now, if you're not ready to talk to them about it, just don't disregard their feelings.]

'What about canon!'

[What about it? You already weren't going to follow it] Uriel retorted, shutting down all of Izumi's arguments.

'...I can't not now...' He said taking a firm stand.

[That's fine, just talk to them, they confessed their feelings, the least you can do is give them a solid answer.] Uriel advised, giving Izumi an ultimatum.

'I guess you're right.' Izumi acknowledged with a sigh.

[Always am] Uriel replied slightly smugly.

Going out to complete his [Daily Missions], Izumi let Tiona and Tione cool down and sort their feelings, mostly for Tione. After returning he was met with a slightly funny scene, Tione was sitting in the living room waiting for him and Tiona sat beside her quietly and obediently, with a large bump on the top of her head.

Putting away his gear, Izumi sat in front of them with a sigh and rested his butt onto the sofa, showing he was fully ready to listen to them.

Tione seeing that immediately began to talk; ''um…Izumi, I apologize for the stupid things Tiona said and did she didn't mean any of it, it was a joke, we've caused you a lot of problems already so we better go'' She said in a quick tone, with a bit of sadness hidden beneath her smile. Tiona also seemed sad at the thought of leaving.

''No, but I actually do, like you!'' Tiona stated, causing Tione to glared at her, clearly upset, prompting Tiona to shut her mouth with a downcast look.

''We will both be on our way then.'' Tione said getting up, but suddenly her arm was gently grabbed by Izumi, as they were about to walk past him.

''Do you actually like me…?'' Izumi said after a bit of deliberation and staring into Tione's eyes, with a serious tone.

Tione opened her mouth to deny it but no words came out, as she stood there silently she finally defeatedly nodded.

''I'm sorry you probably don't wanna lose and violent Amazon in your house, right.'' She said, clearly stating a detest for Amazons and their culture, seemingly disgusted by herself for being one and having such feelings due to her past.

Izumi, noticing a hint of self loathing hidden beneath her body language and words, quietly sorted his feelings and emotions.

Expecting Izumi to share her feelings and lash out at her with a look of disgust she had her head down. Inwardly she was excited at the thought, but this just caused her to feel more disgust to herself.

Izumi, still not letting go of her arm, stood up and pulled them both Amazoness into a hug. Surprising them both greatly, as the younger one reciprocated it and the older stood there frozen.

''I don't know what you two have been through, but the Tione I know is an amazing person; a caring older sister, an aggressive and powerful fighter, and a confident person. You are amazing'' Izumi stated, trying to comfort the frozen Amazoness who had been quietly ripped apart by her inner demons.

Like a floodgate, tears streamed out of Tione's eyes as she collapsed into his embrace and wailed loudly, rapping her arms tightly around Izumi and burying her face into the crook of his neck. Izumi seeing this just put all his attention on her as he gently pet her head and repeated ''it's alright now.'' and ''I'm here.'' gently into her ear.

Tiona, seeing a rare show of weakness from her older sister, stepped back and allowed her sister some space with a smile on her face. She may not be very sharp, but her instincts told her she should spoil her older sister a little right now.

As Tione wailed loudly she slowly felt more and more tired until she finally fell asleep.

Waking up in the morning she yawned and stretched feeling strangely more rested, looking at the window she saw some tears stains under her eyes and remembered what had transpired yesterday.

Widening her eyes she screamed into her pillow and kicked her legs, embarrassed at her previous state. Looking up from her pillow she searched around the room for her sister, only to see her standing beside her bed, with her head resting on her arms with a huge grin plastered on her face.

Seeing this Tione felt annoyed and threw the pillow she was just screaming in straight at Tiona's face at full force. Which caused Tiona's neck to snap back as she was thrown across the room and collided with the opposite wall.

Content with the feeling of literally smacking Tiona's smug smile off her face, Tione readjusted her appearance and with a slightly fast pace walked out the room. Headed towards the heavenly smell of food where she knew the one she had fallen in love with would be, she hopped towards the dining room.

Reaching there however Tione was unable to make a word as a certain boy stood there waiting for her. Wanting to say something she awkwardly said ''hi.'' with a blush on her face both embarrassed and nervous.

Hearing her greeting which was usually seductive and flirty, now quiet and awkward, Izumi smiled slyly and replied with his own ''Hello~ Beautiful~'' similar to how Tione usually acted. This however was super effective and caused Tione to bleed as she thought lewd thoughts.

This teasing atmosphere was completely destroyed as the professional mood killer, Tiona, appeared shouting ''FOOOD!!~'' as she did nearly everyday before.

Tione and Izumi, seeing her antics, laughed as the atmosphere now became jolly. Yet when Tione sat at the table she was overcome with an awkward and nervous feeling becoming unable to talk as she silently ate. Izumi too ate in silence as he was preparing to discuss the unfinished talk from yesterday.

After eating and cleaning the dishes, they all stayed seated at the dinner table. Tione sitting with her hands in her lap and fiddling with her fingers. Tiona with her usual jolly mood and crumbs dotted around her face. Izumi however was serious as he reopened the discussion from yesterday.

''So…do you to have feelings for me.'' Izumi questioned, as Tione felt sucker punched due to the lack of remorse in his wording.

''Yes.'' Tiona said unhesitently.

''Um'' Tione nodded, with a bit of nervousness.

''And your thoughts about not being the only lover'' Izumi.

''Yup! Your our hero, so it's not weird you have your own harem.'' Tiona said, recounting the numerous stories about hero's she'd read.

''I-It's unfair we pushed this onto you, so we're ok if you have someone else you love now or in the future.'' Tione added on resolutely, now being committed to her decision to love him.

Seeing their answers Izumi sighed and took a deep breath as he prepared himself.

''I'm sorry…'' hearing his words, the Amazonians' attitudes visibly plummeted.

''...I can't except your feeling yet.'' Izumi finished.

''That means you can in the future!'' Tiona jumped in with gusto, causing Tione to quickly look back up looking for confirmation.

''If you two still have the same feelings for me when we're older…at least… 16 maybe 15 and only if you still feel the same then, I'll accept your confession.

Hearing him both the Amazoness brightened up and lunged towards him and hugged him tightly. While doing so Tiona and Tione swore in their hearts that no matter how many lovers he had or time that's gone by they will never let go of the feelings in their chest.

While being hugged however, Izumi's thoughts wandered to the screen that had just popped up in front of him…

[World Mission: [First Love] Completed]


[Family] function unlocked

Note* Due to congestion acceptance being conditional only half the reward is rewarded.]

'When the hell did I get this function?' Izumi thought to himself.

[While you were asleep two nights ago.] Uriel answered.

[also [Tione Hiryute] and [Tiona Hiryute] have been added temporarily under family]

[they will be permanently added when/if you fully accept their confession on the agreed upon time.]

'Huh, nevermind, Uriel open [Family]' Izumi sighed and accepted the reward.


[Tione Hiryute] - [Fiance (Temporary)]

[Tiona Hiryute] - [Fiance (Temporary)]

'So does it do anything?'

[As of now it only shows the names and relationship status of people you are close to however this feature can evolve if you have an item that can be integrated into it while also being strong enough to handle the integration process so for now only things S grade or above.]

'Where am I gonna find something like that?' Izumi thought, looking at the insane criteria.

[You are already in possession of such an item] Uriel answered, greatly surprising Izumi.

As Izumi thought of what the item could be he was brought out of it by the two Amazonians who were in his lap hugging him tightly.

'Tell me about it later, for now I'm going to spoil these two munchkins.' Izumi said to Uriel as he focused on the now.

Well longer chapter today, I kinda rushed to get it done today so it may seem a bit rushed.

next chapter slight timeskip and begining of a journey.

Kill_it_with_firecreators' thoughts