
Across a Sea of Stars to Find You

Known as the seven princesses of Moonland, Azaleia(Aza) and her six older sisters- Helenya(Yaya), Mellina(Lina), Maylana(Lana), Stellara(Lara), Roselina(Rosie), and Rosalia(Lia)-have journeyed across the stars to a new universe to learn more about the nature of the universes that they live in, in order to be able to govern it properly. They will meet their fated ones and face dangers and experience things they've never experienced before, but they will persevere with their talents and blessing from the gods and goddesses-and of course, the human empires that can deal with all the human problems that they use their highly advanced technologies to create. * this novel is suppose to be lighthearted and sweetly romantic, the serious parts are few and far apart *everything is made up out of my crazy brain so whatever coincidences you notice or think is real, forget it cuz it's not

XueLian_5299 · Geral
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12 Chs

Ch 8: First Meeting 4

Rosie's POV

As Lia and I walk down the sidewalk leading to the big plot of empty land at the edge of town, I notice more and more people looking at us strangely. I know it seems weird to them because they don't usually see people our age that's dressed cleanly around this area. That's one of the reason we're here though. We just bought a plot of land and was planning on turning it into a place that helps people. This part of town is the poorest and most dangerous, but that doesn't matter to us because we have our t-bugs.

Of course, Lia and I could take down anyone who blocks our way easily by ourselves, too, but that would draw too much attention.

Once we arrived at the plot of land, Lia and I start to plan. We first let out the currently invisible t-bugs to scan the area with our powers. They would calculate how big we can make the building and still have enough land in both the back and front of the building to be able to do activities in the back and make a parking lot in the front.

Before they finished, we heard some noises coming from outside the fences we put around this area. When we got to the door, there were five guys about to touch the fence.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you," I warned him, "the gates are electrified."

They all looked at us, then laughed as if they heard the funniest joke ever. Hmm, I think they have a problem with their brains.

"If these gates are electrified, then how did you get in?" one of the asked.

"We turned it off of course. Before unlocking the gate."

"This is private land that's been bought by us already. Please leave before I call the police."

"You think calling police works on us? We own this turf, kid," he smirks and continued, "and don't even try to fool us, electrified fences are expensive as hell. No way kids like you could afford it."

I smiled politely at him and said, "If you do not believe me, then go ahead."

Once I finished saying that, I took Lia's hand and we walked back to where the t-bugs were. They were finished with their work already. I heard a scream behind us and smiled. I warned them already.

"I've warned you," I said. Wanting to finish this quickly and go have fun, I ordered the t-bugs to make them faint and call the police. I report them as trespassers on private land. Once the police arrived, I told them what happened, using the cameras on top of the fence as evidence. Since we were underage, they couldn't take us to the station forcefully, so we settled everything there and left.


Lia's POV

I held Rosie's hand tightly as I followed her down the sidewalk. I really just want to curl up in my tech-cave and play with my inventions, but I know that my sisters are right about needing to get out more. That's why I'm here, walking with Rosie. We're here to get art supplies and knick knacks that Lara and Yaya and Aza will use to make unique decorations for our school lockers and rooms. Rosie and I knew nothing about art and decorating so we'll just get a couple of everything, but the experience is good, too.

"Lia, I think that's the one right?"

I look to where she's pointing at and notice a colorful store across the street full of the things Yaya showed us pictures of.

"Yep, that's definitely the one Rosie. Let's go quickly."

"Wait, do you still have the list, Lia?"

"Of course, it's right here," I say, pulling the paper Yaya gave me out of my purse. I don't blame her, I usually lose thing very very easily.

"That's good. Now then, let's go," she says, pulling my hand.

We quickly crossed the street and entered the store. The interior looks very colorful, and despite all the things mixed together it looks nice and nothing looks odd or out of place. There was a nice looking grandma who was sitting on a couch by the front window knitting a scarf. Behind the register was a girl that looks about the same age as us. There wasn't any customers right now so the girl was sitting down looking at her phone. She looked up when we opened the door then looked back down. We didn't care though. Rosie and I each picked up a basket and started walking through the aisles.

Halfway through our list, I hear the door to the store opening again. We were in a place that we could see the door but it couldn't see us, so we could see that two handsome boys came in. They were twins with light brown hair and grassy green eyes, looks about our age. That girl behind the counter greets them really enthusiastically, unlike with us. We ignored that and turn back to our list.

"Lia, for these glitter glue how about we just get two of the big pack since it has more colors?"

"Mm, let's get it. Lara might get sudden urges to mix and match again. Better safe than sorry," I replied, laughing a little.

"Keep going Rosie, I'm going to go back and change the construction paper. I'd better get all the colors instead of just getting the requested ones."

"Okay, hurry."


I walked back to where I first got the plain construction paper and put the two packets that I picked back on the shelf. After looking around, I noticed that the packets with all the colors that I wanted was up too high for me. Well, maybe if I stood on my tiptoes I could grab one? I decided to give it a try first. If this fails, call for help. Standing on my toes, I stretched out my hand, trying to grab at least one packet of construction paper.

A shadow suddenly fell over me and a hand easily grabs the two packets that I was trying so hard to get.

Turning around, I saw a tall and slightly muscular guy who looks about eighteen years old. He had a pair of green eyes that was even darker than mine and light brown hair. He was quite good looking. I looked at the two packets of construction paper that were already in his hands and sighed mournfully. I'll have to go get Rosie to help. Before I could turn to go though, he handed the two packets to me.

"For me?" I looked hopefully at him with my puppy eyes.

He nods, saying, "Uh, y-yeah. I saw you having trouble reaching it so..."

Weird, his face is red. Fever?

"Thank you. Um, are you okay?"

"Y-yeah, I'm okay. W-why?"

"Well, your face is red. Do you have a fever? And you're stuttering."

"No no I'm fine," he tries saying that strongly but I could hear his voice shaking a bit. Oh well, not really my business.

I shrug saying, "Okay then. Excuse me, but I have to go now."

"Wait, where are you going?"

He grabs my arm lightly, stopping me.

"Well, first I have to pay for these things with my sister. Then I'll continue shopping around I guess."

"If that's the case, then can my brother and I tag along? You're new here right? We can show you around."

Ah, that might be better, actually. But I'll ask Rosie first.

"I have to ask Rosie first. Ah, that's my sister's name. And mine is Lia."

"Oh right I totally forgot to introduce myself. I'm Kendrick, and my older brother is Keelan."

After meeting up with Rosie, who had already coincidentally met with Keelan, and paying for all the stuff we bought, we went around with Kendrick and Keelan, buying a bunch of other miscellaneous things we thought might be needed. In any case, it's better safe than sorry. Having more is better when it comes to Lara's decorating sprees. Good thing we have the boys helping us carrying the things.

I also found out that they were twins like us, but are fraternal instead of identical. Their eyes are different and their faces although similar, it's not too hard to tell them apart. Not like Rosie and me, who could be each other's mirror image.