
Across a Sea of Stars to Find You

Known as the seven princesses of Moonland, Azaleia(Aza) and her six older sisters- Helenya(Yaya), Mellina(Lina), Maylana(Lana), Stellara(Lara), Roselina(Rosie), and Rosalia(Lia)-have journeyed across the stars to a new universe to learn more about the nature of the universes that they live in, in order to be able to govern it properly. They will meet their fated ones and face dangers and experience things they've never experienced before, but they will persevere with their talents and blessing from the gods and goddesses-and of course, the human empires that can deal with all the human problems that they use their highly advanced technologies to create. * this novel is suppose to be lighthearted and sweetly romantic, the serious parts are few and far apart *everything is made up out of my crazy brain so whatever coincidences you notice or think is real, forget it cuz it's not

XueLian_5299 · General
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12 Chs

Ch 9: First Meeting 5

Aza's POV

I'd climb every moun~tain, and swim every o~cean, just to be with~ you, and fix what I've bro~ken

Singing one of my favorite earth songs as I hike up this mountain, I couldn't help but feel grateful for our customs. If we didn't have to go on this growth journey, my father would probably keep me locked up like that one disney princess in the human stories. Her name was Rapunzel if I remember correctly.

Ahh, no good no good, I'm getting lost in my thoughts again. I hit my head, focusing on the road.

"Focus Aza," I chastised myself. Suddenly, I sense someone's eyes on me. It doesn't feel threatening though. Another hiker? Most likely, but I better be cautious. Just in case. Yaya says I have to be wary of strangers after all. I don't know what exactly to be wary of, but I'll just follow Yaya's words to not go with a stranger NO MATTER WHAT.

Before long, I reach the top of the mountain where there's a cliff on one side and a grassy area with shade on the other. I took out my camera and walked to the cliff. One could see almost the whole city from there. It really isn't too bad of a scenery, just not as good as the one on Moonland.

"Need help?" A man's voice suddenly called out to me. I know he's talking to me because there's only the two of us here. Turning around, I see a man who looks about eighteen or nineteen years old with dark brown hair and light grey eyes, looking weirdly at me.

"Help with what?"

"Taking pictures. I think it will look even more beautiful with you in it, instead of just the trees."

He was smiling weirdly at me while saying that. I don't get what he means but having some pictures of me might be nice. During our trip around this world, I only took pictures of other thing and places, so I don't have any with me in them. Well there's the ones with everyone in it, but none with only me.

"All right, but first please tell me who you are and provide proof, too."

He had a "I'm confused" face at my words so I explain to him.

"It's just in case you run away with my camera. It's my favorite so of course I have to take precautions. You're a stranger after all."

He laughs a little at my words, making me feel a little unhappy. I'm not joking you know.

"Alright, alright, I'll do as you say. You're absolutely right. We are just strangers. Here's my ID, my name is Nate, as you can see. May I also know your name?"

"I'm Aza. Nice to meet you."

He smiles a different weird smile at me after I tell him my name. I smile politely back this time, and after looking at the name on the card, I give it back to him. I hand my camera to him, put my backpack on the ground, and walk a little distance away. Nate helps take a total of fifteen pictures with five different poses for me.

"Thank you Nate, for not running off with my precious camera," I smile my grateful smile at him and say, "I'll treat you to the best brownies in the world as thanks."

"Sure, I'd love that. But are you sure they're the best in the world?"

He's questioning my skills? I'll show him. I even have the medal as proof.

"Of course I'm sure, my brownies are officially acknowledged as the world's best. I'll show you the proof after we've eaten."

"Oh, so it's your brownies that you're talking about?"

"Yes, and you'll definitely believe me after tasting them. Let's go."

After saying that I picked up my backpack and walk towards the grassy area. After finding a somewhat flat area, I set my backpack down. Unzipping it, I take out the foldable giant umbrella, set it on the ground, and pressed the button to unfold it. This umbrella was made by Lia and Rosie and we also sold it in the company. It is high-tech, strong, durable, and beautiful. It has a type of function that can secure itself into any type of soil and the top covering is made of material that can withstand any earth weather. It can also cover anything that's under the top covering from all sides and the ground, but today I want to enjoy the scenery so I only activated the top covering.

Next, I take out the picnic cloth that I made myself when we were in Thailand. I found the process interesting. After putting the cloth under the shade of the umbrella, I started taking out all the containers of food. I packed fried fish and shrimp, crab, riceballs, fruits, and brownies, but there was only one portion of each because I planned for a solo trip today. It was fine though, I can share and buy some snacks after getting back to the city.

"Alright Nate, come here. Might as well eat lunch with me. I'll feel bad making you watch and wait just for a brownie."

"Absolutely not, Aza. I can't take your food, just a brownie is fine. And I was so stunned by your beauty that I couldn't even help you set up. If my mother knew I watched a girl do rough work without helping, she would kill me."

I laughed at his ranting. He's really so exaggerated.

"It's okay Nate, that wasn't hard at all. And beside, you would regret it forever if you don't try my delicious and rare cooking."

I manage to get him to agree to taking two bites out of each dish. And of the three brownies, he gets one and I get two.

From his expression, I can tell he likes my cooking. It gives me a proud feeling. So weird.

After we finish eating, we-well it was mostly Nate-packed everything up into my backpack as neatly as possible. Nate also insisted on hiking back down the mountain with me. Well, it wasn't a big deal really, since I already know it was him trailing up the mountain behind me.