


I'm Alexa peace and this is my story.

I was born in Nigeria and in a middle class family. I was really happy and never cared if we had money or not. I love my family and they loved me too. I'm the first child of my parents with five younger siblings, their names are; Luke, Elena, Emily, Harry and Fredrick. Elena Emily, Harry and Fredrick are quadruplets. My family is not perfect but we were ok and the one thing I hate in my family is the arguments, we argue alot. Everything has a history even the tiniest thing such as arguing. The arguments in my house started from my parents then I and my brother carried on the legacy followed by Elena and Fredrick and lastly Emily and Harry. We argue alot but it actually brings us closer.

Growing up I was always a bright child but easily distracted, carefree and lazy. My parents were so proud of me but but always complained of my being lazy but I never took it to heart . In my primary school I was the youngest and shortest person in my class but I never really cared . I was loved and pampered because I was really innocent. But things changed when my sister who was six months old died. It was actually traumatized me and my brother, the picture of her dieing kept replaying on my mind and I couldn't get a good night sleep.

Months passed and I was getting better physically but not mentally i lost my focus in books, grades falling and not focused my parents sometimes made things worst by not understanding but pushing me and insulting me and calling me all sorts of name. At grade nine I changed school and things got worst . My new school was not bad but influenced me badly. I was really popular because of my joliness. My second day was crazy. one of my classmates came to tell me that I had an admirer I was shocked. I never expected it because I didn't like paying attention to all these stuff. But this boy Rex never gave up, he kept buying gifts which I always threw away. I always threw away. I always so tired of throwing stuff so I decided to confront him ' Rex I'm so tired of you giving me gifts all the time it irritates me. What am I going to do.with chocolate or flowers I don't want to have a boyfriend, I don't even which too. if you continue this madness I will inform my parents. it's not Just an empty threat '. From that moment he stopped and he didn't disturb me again. After that boys stopped coming and started hiding their fake love. The popularity entered my head and I no read my books, my notes were incomplete, I hardly ever pay attention in class and I hardly ever paid attention in class and a violent character which I never knew was in me came out. Bad news good my parents decided to change my school I actually felt good because I needed a chance to wash off those bad energies