
Acheron in Tensura

Rain poured down, mingling with the blood that soaked the ground. Death and loss surrounded a girl clutching a long katana. Her black hair framed two long red horns protruding from her head—she was an Oni, a rare evolution of the ogre species. She stared at the monster that had destroyed everything—her friends, her family, her home. It resembled a dragon but was something else entirely, its form shifting between liquid and solid blackness. Disclaimer: I do not own any anime or the characters in them.

Apandora · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
22 Chs

1. Loss

The rain poured down, drenching the landscape, while houses burned fiercely, their flames dancing wildly in the storm. Shattered katanas lay scattered among the charred remains of bodies, the air thick with the metallic scent of blood and ashes.

In the midst of this devastation, a lone woman and a monstrous entity faced each other.

The woman, her long black hair adorned with two red horns—one longer than the other—stood gasping for breath. Clad in a white kimono with red accents, blood trickled down her face. She glared at the beast that had taken everything from her: her family, her friends, her home, her swordsmanship. It had destroyed her world.

Opposite her loomed a creature that resembled a dragon, its form shifting between solid and liquid states, black as the void. Its gaze was fixed on the woman, a burning rage in its eyes.

"Uugh," she groaned, forcing herself to stand. She gripped her long katana, activating the new [Unique Skill] she had gained in the wake of the dragon's destruction: [Unique Skill: Nihilist].

A black and red aura enveloped her as she charged. The dragon responded by spewing strange black flames. But the woman's [Nihilist] dissipated the fire into nothingness. With a swift, horizontal slash of her katana, she struck the beast.


The dragon roared in agony. She prepared to attack again, but a moment later, she noticed its front leg was a meter away from her.

She lay helpless on the ground, her strength failing. The dragon's jaws closed in, and she resigned herself to her fate.

Then, unexpectedly, the dragon vanished. Before her stood a man with long red hair cascading down his back.

"Hmmm, someone was still fighting here," he observed. "Looks like she doesn't have much time."

Energy surged through her. She saw four figures surrounding her—two men and two women.

"Are you okay?" asked the man with golden hair, his concern evident.

"Heee, it looks like our first hero has picked up another woman," the red-haired man teased.

"Guy, this is serious. We could die at any moment," the golden-haired man replied, his tone authoritative.

The black-haired Oni took the golden-haired man's hand. "Thank you," she whispered, her voice trembling with gratitude.

She felt a murderous gaze and turned to see a woman with azure blue hair styled in twin buns, her deep gold eyes filled with jealousy.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to take your man," the black-haired Oni apologized.

The blue-haired woman blushed. "Humph, apology accepted."

The golden-haired man looked puzzled, not understanding the exchange.

"I'm glad everyone is getting along, but we have 1 minute and 23 seconds before Ivarag returns," said the other woman, her voice calm and steady.

"So, let me quickly introduce myself. My name is Rudra Nam Ul Nasca. You may call me Rudra. The woman who just spoke is my sister, Lucia Nasca. The woman with blue hair is Velgrynd. And the nasty man behind me is Guy Crimson. What's your name?"

The woman with horns looked at them blankly. "I no longer have a name."

"Alright, stop chatting and let's fight," Guy Crimson declared, charging toward the dragon, followed by the others, including the nameless woman with horns.

As Rudra assessed the dragon, he noticed a horizontal wound across its belly. Time seemed to slow, and beside him stood the woman with her long red katana drawn, her expression emotionless.

(Image here)

Suddenly, time resumed, and the woman moved behind the dragon, leaving a red trail. Another slash appeared on the dragon, forming a large X with the first wound.


An hour later, the woman with horns was exhausted, yet the dragon still stood. A light appeared in the sky, and a man with white wings descended, followed by more winged figures. They circled the dragon, creating a spatial rift. The dragon was sucked in, struggling aggressively but ultimately disappearing into the rift.


Silence followed, as if the dragon had never existed. The woman with horns collapsed from exhaustion, but before she could hit the ground, Velgrynd caught her.

Normally, she would have let her fall, but her brother's orders were clear: bring the woman to him.

"Hehe, that woman was quite strong. I'd love to fight her," Guy mused.

'And maybe take that ability she used against Ivarag.'

As Guy contemplated her ability, Rudra pondered her swordsmanship.

'If we fought with only swords, I would surely lose. I need to work on my strength.'

Rudra glared at Guy and walked away, followed by Lucia and Velgrynd, who carried the nameless woman.


"Hmmm, highly interesting," Veldenava mused, observing the woman who had obtained the experimental ability. This ability had been created long ago but remained elusive and unstable.

"Teacher, thank you for sending the angels. Without them, we would have perished. That woman was a great help too." Rudra said gratefully.

Veldenava nodded, yearning for peace and sleep.


Veldenava, Rudra, and the others looked at the woman, who was slowly opening her eyes. She scanned her surroundings, her gaze landing on a giant dragon reflecting the stars like a night sky.


A moment of silence ensued as the nameless woman stared at the dragon, awe and fear in her eyes.


Veldenava cleared his throat. "Hello, my name is Veldenava, and I am the creator of everything. What is your name?" he asked in a majestic voice. Inside, he panicked. 'Oh no, what do I do now? I asked her name even though I know her ability [Nihilist] took it from her.'

The woman responded, "Unfortunately, Veldenava, creator of everything, I have forgotten my name, or rather, I no longer have one."

Everyone in the room exchanged confused glances.

"So, it was you who obtained [Nihilist]."

The woman nodded.

"Alright, would you like a new name from me? Of course, you won't have to obey me; you'll be free as a bird and can do whatever you want," Veldenava offered, trying to sound kind and reassuring.

Veldenava was kind to her for one reason: [Nihilist]. This ability, in exchange for immense power, took the holder's only remaining possession: their name.

The woman deliberated for a moment, then nodded. "Yes, if the creator of everything, Veldenava, wants to give someone like me a name," she said, her voice filled with faint hope.

Veldenava extended a finger and pointed at her. "Acheron."

(End of chapter)