
Accel Academia (BNHA)

Just writing this to improve my writing skills. Please give it a read and tell me your thoughts and advises or some techniques to improve my writing! Remember; Protect Eri-chan Cover's not mine. Credits here: https://www.pinterest.cl/pin/773211829761242888/

Accel00 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
3 Chs

Chapter 3

Gon originally ordered only some light lunch for him and Eri, and yet the restaurant's manager and also cook and the nosy waiter did something inappropriate.

"How's the apple tart, Eri-chan?" The manager who happened to be the wife of the waiter/server from earlier asked Eri who was eagerly munching on the apple tart that the couple brought to their table saying it was on the house.

"Umm…*munch* *munch* It's really delicious. *munch*" Eri replied and looked at Gon and brought her fork with the apple tart to his face.

Gon didn't refuse and ate it. "Hmm… Not bad. Still… stop bringing more dessert for the kid. She'll upset her stomach." He told the manager who was calling for her husband that was bringing another dessert to their table.

"Ohh? Ahaha don't worry I already said it's on the house kid." She smacked Gon's back lightly as her husband put a pudding dessert to their table in front of Gon.

"And this one is for you for being such a good older brother. Enjoy!" The husband patted Gon's head and rustled his head, getting a frown from Gon.

'Tsk. I forget I got a kid's body now…' He glared at the couple as they walked away with satisfied smiles on their faces. 'Well, I won't refuse free food.'

Gon scooped a spoonful of the fluffy pudding and ate it. Eri watched curiously as Gon suddenly widen his eyes for a bit before crossing his arms while looking sharply at the pudding.

"Gon, what's wrong? Is it not good?" Eri tilted her head, she was puzzled at the sudden behavior of Gon.

"Hmm…. this texture…the right amount of sweetness, the precision put in making in it is admirable." Gon absentmindedly leaked his thoughts while analyzing the flavor of the glorious pudding in his mouth.

"Glad you like it!" Gon realized he was talking out loud when he heard the loud reply from the manager who happens to also be the cook of the restaurant. He looks towards her then just nod impassively.

Turning back to look at Eri, he saw her sticking her fork in her mouth while eyeing the pudding with interest. Gon get another spoonful of the pudding and this time offered it to her.

"Just a taste okay? You've had eaten to much already." Eri's eyes brightened as she opened her mouth and ate it. Just by looking at her eyes Gon could see she was amazed by it despite not seeing in her expression.

'Now that I think about it. I haven't seen her smile at all.' Gon thought.

"It's good right?" Gon asked Eri while smiling brightly, trying to see if he could make her smile.

"Uhh! It's de – "Eri's words were cut off suddenly as she froze and even dropped the fork she was holding. Her was looking behind Gon with fear planten in her eyes.

Seeing the look on her face, Gon quickly stood up and turned around to block Eri's view with his back. Standing face to face with the perpetrator, Gon stared face to face at a man wearing a strange black plague mask, black cape and black bowler.

"I finally found you… Eri-chan." The plague mask wearing man ignored Gon as he tried to walked past Gon and straight towards Eri.

Gon didn't let the man past him as he pushed the man hard by his chest tripping him down. The man grunted as the people in the restaurant turned to look around them. Gon looked around and outside to see if the man had other people with him.

Standing just right outside was two other strange men wearing plague masks as well. One blond man wearing yukata and a very large, muscular man wearing metal knuckle gloves in booth hands.

Gon stayed calm while he analyzed the situation as he walked back towards the frozen shocked Eri. While keeping his attention on those three men he picked up Eri and carried her, he could feel her trembling in his arms. Eri buried her face to his neck and held tightly at him.

"Hahaha. I didn't expect a brat to be so rude and violent." The man who fell on the ground laughed lightly as he gets to his feet but the tone of his voice was menacingly furious.

"Oba-san, I'll leave this shopping bags here for now." Gon said loud enough for the manager to who was reaching out for the telephone in the counter.

"I don't want to ruin this place, let's go some place else." Gon walked past the man and walked out of the restaurant.

The black caped man wearing plague mask followed behind him as the other two man waiting outside blocked his path. "He got you good there Nemoto! Let's fight, brat!" The muscular man energetically pounded his metal gloves while provoking Gon.

"Stop that Rappa, we're only here to retrieve Eri. We've gained too much attention already; stop your battle maniac craze for now." The man behind Gon reprimanded the muscle head named Rappa and continued walking as the blonde man followed silently.

"We're gonna dispose of this brat anyway, right? I want to fight him before that, that should be fine, right? Tengai?!" Rappa walk beside Gon and Eri as they followed behind the other two man in front.

��Stop being so loud Rappa. What happens to the brat is up to the young master." Tengai, the blonde wearing yukata didn't look back as they walked towards a black sedan. Tengai got into the driver's seat while Nemoto opened the passenger back seat and looked at Gon.

"Now, get in kid. Or we'll just take Eri and leave you here after Rappa beat the shit out of you." Nemoto gestured for Gon to enter the black sedan while threatening him.

Other people passing by tried to walk past them quickly and turning a blind eye at the situation as they avoided them. Gon looked at Nemoto and to Rappa beside him, both were oozing out a dangerous vibe he was familiar with while working with this kind criminals in his past life.

Eri was still holding tightly in his arms while trembling, Gon closed his eyes for a moment. There's one thing that Gon knows that will happen in this situation; they'll take Eri and kill him if he gets in that car. These are the yakuza he is dealing with; he doesn't know if it was the same in this world but Yakuza are dangerous bunch when they mean business.

"Oi, don't just stand their kid." Nemoto talked a bit more threatening this time. Gon opened his eyes then saw a familiar protruding of a gun hiden inside Nemoto's black cape.

"Eri-chan cover your ears and close your eyes for a bit, okay?" Gon whispered gently to Eri and waited for her to do what he said. The moment Eri did as she was told, he felt the huge hand of Rappa reaching out to him from behind.

Holding Eri tightly with his left arm, he quickly sidestepped evading Rappa while drawing his pistol out with his righthand and shooting Nemoto's right shoulder and his left leg.

"Argg!" Nemoto dropped his revolver as he took cover behind the car door.

Gon run towards a nearby alley while firing two rounds at Rappa who blocked the bullets with his Metal gloves. Suddenly a yellow barrier materialized as the Tengai fellow got out of the car, he fired three more shots but bullets weren't able to penetrate the barrier, still though, Gon and Eri made it by the alley.

"Eri-chan. I need you to listen to me." Gon put down Eri as he wiped her tears when she opened her eyes and look at him nervously.

"Hide behind that dumpster and wait for me to return, okay? I'll come back for you later." Gon told Eri as gentle as he can, while taking a peek at the three yakuza.

Tengai help Nemoto up while he couldn't hear what Rappa was rambling around while furiously flapping his arms at Tengai and Nemoto.

"…N-no, they'll *hic*… p-please don't go… *hic*" Eri cried out to Gon while holding tightly at his sleeves.

"Don't cry, Eri-chan. I promise I'll come back." Gon was forced to remove Eri's hold at him and urge her to go when he saw the barrier disappearing. It hurt Gon to force Eri away, but he had no choice as Rappa walked towards them.

Gon didn't even know if Eri managed to hide behind the dumpster as he walked out the alley and successively fired what's left of the magazine at Rappa. Rappa easily blocked the bullets with his fist like it was just a ball being thrown at him.

*click* *click*

'Tsk. This freaking monster. How the hell can he deflect bullets with his arms.' Gon threw the gun aside after emptying it. He took out the knife he got the other night as he held it in reverse while keeping a distance at Rappa.

Gon knew he was outmatched with Rappa with his massive body alone, but he doesn't have any other options but to fight this monster head on. Luckily, the other two was only watching on as Tengai put a pressure at Nemoto's leg while the latter was leaning by the car.

"Oh! How nice, it's boorish fighting people with guns, well I don't like blades as well but that'll do. But," Rappa bump his fists together producing a loud metal clank as he took his stance. "Men should fight with their own strength! Now, come!"

Gon didn't bother answering the loudmouth as he charge at him. Rappa didn't move from his position but he could feel him following him behind those plague mask. Gon was barely half the height of this massive guy, so his aim was mostly behind his knees and the Achilles heel.

Feinting a sidestepped to his left he saw his body react to it as he went low to Rappa's left side and went for slashed at his left knee. But then, Gon heard Rappa scoff a laugh as he saw an incoming hook to his rapidly approaching face. At that instant Gon could only see certain death as Rappa's fist rapidly closed in on his face, his mind went overdrive and intuitively used the power he used yesterday, he disappeared in a flash from his position a couple meters away from Rappa.

*Boom* A crater formed and cracked the road by propelling his body with his legs backwards as Rappa's punch met noting but thin air.

"*huff* *haaa* *huff* *haa*!!!" Gon took a huge breather, he just barely escaped from certain death with the help of the power he forgot until just now.

Experiencing it two times now and his mind going overdrive Gon can understand how his powers worked at least at that moment. Just now he adjusted the vector at his feet and ground to move really fast by increasing the velocity.

"OHH! You're really fast brat! That's great!" Rappa was a bit surprised by the speed of Gon, but he didn't let him recover as he charge once again.

Gon still haven't recovered his senses after that high-speed movement earlier, but seeing Rappa charge at him again he controlled the velocity at his feet and the ground more precisely this time to propel himself away two-meters away from the rapid series of punches of Rappa. Even from a distance of two meters away, he could feel the air pressure from Rappa's punches.

'I'll be finish if that really get's me. Fuck, I hate this world and their powers.' Gon thought while glancing at the other two yakuza that was watching from the side.

'It should be that blonde who made that barrier from earlier. I still don't know what that Nemoto have, but I should take care of this brute first before worrying about those two.' Gon thought as he scanned the surroundings, it seems that the people have scrammed after the fight started. As there were literally no civilians in sight on the road.

"Stop running and let's make this more thrilling brat!" Rappa almost disappeared from Gon's vision while he got distracted with his thoughts.

Gon thought more faster this time, calculating the distance and vector needed he moved in a flash and appeared from behind Rappa. He made a slash at Rappa's right armpit right after he punched the air where Gon was before. But the cut was to shallow as Gon felt the muscle density of this monster only drawing a bit of blood from the cut.

Gon backed away seeing no damaged done at his opponent but he winced when he felt his legs pounding ache. The strain from moving that fast gave his leg muscle a shock, Gon realized this was really bad if this continued.

"Rappa! Stop playing with the brat, the heroes will be here soon. We still have to get Eri back!" Nemoto shouted angrily at Rappa while aiming his revolver at Gon.

*bang* *bang* *bang*

Gon saw Nemoto's finger on the trigger, he rushed behind a car to take cover as he barely avoided the bullets by a hairline.

"Stop meddling in our fight Nemoto!" Rappa shouted while pointing angrily at Nemoto who kept firing until his revolver was out of bullets.

While he was taking cover from the gunshots, Gon saw Eri from the alley he left her. She was curled up like a ball crying and blocking her ears with her hands.

Gon felt really furious seeing the little girl in that state once again. The moment the gunshots stopped; his eyes turned cold as he quickly dashed towards Rappa who was distracted at Nemoto. Gon boosted his legs and his velocity as he accelerated, he increasing the magnitude on the knife's inertia as he appeared behind and above Rappa going for a thrust through his head.

At the last moment a yellow barrier appeared covering Rappa. As the knife Gon tried boosting with inertia collided with the barrier, it cracked like a glass and continued to sail towards Rappa. Tengai who put up the barrier was gob smacked that his barrier was not able to stop a mere knife.

But it was also thanks to the barrier that Tengai made Rappa register an attack coming towards him as he quickly backed away barely just in time to evade the knife. The moment Gon landed on the ground he threw his knife with increased velocity aiming for Rappa's head.

Rappa managed to blocked the knife with his left palm as it penetrated his hand. But the force of the velocity of the knife knocked his left arm away leaving his front wide open as he was stunned by its firepower.

Gon saw this opening as he accelerated at high speed at Rappa and coated his hands with various forces to boost his fire power by magnitudes. The wide open Rappa only saw Gon when he was a few feet in front of him and preparing to releasing a punch packed with power felt from the force being generated at such close range.

Rappa, instead of blocking or avoiding the punch got more excited and tried meeting the punch head on with his right hand with all he got. But at the last moment a series and layers of barrier erected right before the two fists collided producing a huge shockwave and destroying the barriers completely as well as the building windows around the area, Rappa was blown by the force of the pressure of Gon's punch that was cushioned by the layers of barrier.

Gon was also thrown away by the rebound of the shockwave along broken right hand. He didn't get to calculate the upcoming rebound from the unexpected barriers that suddenly appeared just milli-seconds before his punched connected with it.

He might have broken several bones in his body also, his right arm was really bruised and mangle, he tried getting up but the pain was horrible. Gon was barely even awake at this point due to the pain, but he just can't lose consciousness now or they'll get Eri again.

"*cough* *cough*" Tengai cough mouthful of bloods as it leaked out from his plague mask then he collapsed to his knees.

"Oi! Tengai, are you allright?!" Seeing Tengai collapsed and coughing bloods, Nemoto forgot his wounds for a moment as he looks in shock at Gon who was blown dozens of meters from the rebound.

'This is serious! Even Rappa can't broke through Tengai's barrier, and that brat demolished layers of it.' Nemoto thought gravely while he dragged Tengai with difficulty to the car due to his wounds.

"Rappa! Quickly get up! Forget the brat, go grab Eri!" Nemoto ordered Rappa who was dazzlingly getting up.

"Like. I'll. Let. You bastards!" Hearing Nemoto's orders, Gon gritted his teeth and stood up with all his will power while glaring with the intent to kill at the three Yakuza.

Rappa who was ordered to retrieve Eri was unusually being quite seeing the still standing Gon and his murderous glare. Suddenly a small girl walked up in front of Gon while crying her eyes out as she spread her little arms shakingly to protect him.

"Please stop! *hic* Gon Nii-san! *hic* *hic* Stop hurting Gon Nii-san!" Gon got his attention fully on the three Yakuza that he didn't see or sense Eri walking in front of him.

"Rappa!" Nemoto who was starting the car ordered Rappa once again seeing the other guy just standing there, while the kid they're after was now just standing in front of their eyes.

"Shut up Nemoto! I finally met someone as strong as him. Don't interrupt us again or I'll kill you, both of you!" Rappa glared at Nemoto and Tengai behind his mask. "Now, let's continue brat! It's a battle to the death!" Rappa charged with blood shot eyes at Gon and didn't even consider if he'll hurt the little girl standing in front of Gon.

Gon screamed at his body to quickly move as he grabbed Eri with his remaining functional arm and wrapped her small body.

*Crash* *Boom*

At that moment, just before Rappa's frenzied charged reached Gon and Eri, a familiar Hero they met just earlier landed in between the kids and Rappa.

Rappa stopped on his tracks when he saw the new arrival. The usual smile that Gon have only seen in the hero's face from the news and earlier this morning was nowhere to be seen.

"It's fine now." A raged filled frowning face All Might stood in front of the Rappa while his back protectively covered the two kids. "I am Here!" All Might gritted his teeth in anger as he glared at Rappa and the other two yakuza.

etuuu.... what are your thoughts on this chap? I hope I did good though.

Accel00creators' thoughts