
Accel Academia (BNHA)

Just writing this to improve my writing skills. Please give it a read and tell me your thoughts and advises or some techniques to improve my writing! Remember; Protect Eri-chan Cover's not mine. Credits here: https://www.pinterest.cl/pin/773211829761242888/

Accel00 · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
3 Chs

Chapter 1

It's almost midnight when Gon got a room at a relatively small hotel. The receptionist first raised an eyebrow when he saw two kid trying to check-in on their hotel in the shady part of the city, but their establishment does not pick their customers. Besides the receptionist taught both of them where siblings with their similar uncanny white hair.

Gon laid the little girl gently on the bed, he looks at her lithe figure and the frowning pained expression she was making while asleep. He touched her forehead and felt it burning with fever.

Gon frowned seeing the horrible condition of the little girl. He checked her bandages limbs and found some nasty scars that even he found disturbing and her feet had wounds from running bare footed.

"Tsk. This troublesome kid, I just got here and you're already giving me lots of troubles." Gon got up and went to the bathroom to get a basin with water and a towel.

After a few minutes cleaning up the little girl and her wounds, and trying to cool down her fever for hours he could see the sun's already coming up from the window. He didn't get a single second of sleep looking after the girl.

"It's already morning," He looked at the time at a clock inside the room. "Her fever's gone down a bit. But I need to get some medicine for that wound on her feet as well as some clothes for both of us."

"Ah…" Gon watched as the girl woke up and stared at him for quite some time before looking at her surroundings in caution. He could see confusion and uncertainty in her face then she looked like he remembered something as she mumbles something he could not hear.

"Speak up kid." He was not good with dealing with a child, so Gon treat her same way he treats any other person.

"…Ano… where am I?" The child nestled more in the bed like a trapped puppy while asking in a low voice.

"In a hotel somewhere." Gon honestly don't know where they are right now. He just got here in this world and he's not that familiar with the parts of Japan even if it's the same as the one he knew.

The girl winced at the cold answer. She shuffled in discomfort as a lingering silence continued for some seconds. Her stomach suddenly made a loud grumbling sound of hunger as she blushed in embarrassment while taking a peek at Gon.

"Let's first get you something to eat before we talk. Wait here." Hearing her stomach rumbling, Gon walked towards the door to buy something to eat. Behind him he could hear her scrambling to come out of the mattress, then heard her pained whimper.

Gon looks back at her and saw her wincing in pain as her feet touched the floor. "Don't push yourself, I'll be back in a few minutes."

"…no…Please… don't leave me." The little girl made a begging expression while looking at Gon with watery eyes. Gon was taken back upon seeing the afraid look of little girl.

'Tsk. Stop looking at me with those eyes… You shouldn't…' Gon thoughts was the exact opposite of what he did, as he quickly walk towards her and kneeled at her eye level and gently hugged the girl who was on the verge of tears.

"It's okay… I won't leave." The girl hugged tightly back at Gon like it was her life on the line.

They stayed there for a few seconds as Gon waited for the little girl to calm down.

When he felt she finally calmed down a bit he carried her in his arms as he walks towards the phone by the table. The little girl was still hugging his neck silently as he pressed the buttons and made a call for the reception.

After ordering up some light breakfast for them, Gon just waited inside the room while carrying the child in his arms. Gon just gently caress her head quietly while they wait for the food. A few minutes later a knock came at the door.

Gon checked the door peephole to make sure it was the food, after seeing the rolling cart with the tray of food and the woman carrying it, he opened the door and took the food inside.

The woman was a bit surprised upon seeing a teenager kid with a younger one he was carrying in a hotel like this, but didn't say anything as she took back the cart and leave quietly.

After setting the food on the table he put the little girl on a chair and sat on the other chair.

"Go ahead and eat." Gon told the girl when he saw her waiting for him patiently to touch his food despite the look of hunger in her face. Gon watched as she ate the food with gusto despite eating at a decent pace.

"What's your name kid?" Gon asked as he ate his food leisurely.

"*munch* *munch* *gulped* …I'm Eri. Thank you… for saving me." Eri introduced her self in a shy manner while looking down.

"I see… You can call me Gon. After eating we'll get that feet treated and get you some clothes, okay?" Gon didn't bother asking her full name, it might be something sensitive for the kid.

"…Mmm." Eri seems to brighten up a bit upon knowing Gon's name as she nodded with her eye's shining brightly. Both of them continued eating their breakfast silently with Eri constantly staring at Gon. Gon find Eri's antics of staring at her quite funny whenever she looks away after he caught her staring at him.

After finishing eating their breakfast, Gon carried Eri to the bathroom to wash up after seeing her struggle to walk properly with her wounded feet to the bathroom.

Gon thought it be better to wash at the same time than to let her wash with her injured feet, which would be troublesome if she slips or something. The same thing could not be said to Eri however. She tried complaining about having Gon bath her, but Gon didn't listen to her and told her to stay put as washed her like a baby.

Gon didn't notice the embarrassment Eri was feeling while he was bathing her. He was not bothered by washing a girl butt naked considering his actual age. What he was more concerned about were the scars he can now see clearly all over her arms and legs.

He has seen many scars like this in his last life. But he has never seen it on a child at Eri's age, seeing those knife scars on her lithe body made him grit his teeth quietly as he continued washing Eri silently.

"Eri-chan how old are you?" Gon asked suddenly after both of them are nice and clean while Gon dries Eri's hair with a towel while the said girl keeps on her pouting with her frustrated face.

"Ehh?... I'm six?... I actually don't remember… I'm sorry." Eri's pouting face quickly turned depressed after Gon asked him her age.

Hearing her reply and seeing the look on her face, Gon didn't frown and keep a passive face. Learning that Eri didn't even remember her actual age shows that she might have been under whatever abuse she's been long enough to forgot something that important.

"It's alright if you don't remember." Gon patted her head gently. Eri looks up at him and just stared at him quietly. (A/N: Remember, Eri said he forgot how to smile in the canon. I found that heart wrecking as hell)

"Come, let's get out of here and get that feet treated. Afterwards let's buy some clothes." After combing her long white hair and getting her dressed up, Gon lifted and carried her as they went and pay in the reception and checked out of the hotel.

Gon first asked the receptionist where the nearest clinic or some pharmacy is nearby before leaving the hotel. They headed there first and got Eri's foot treated at a small clinic as well as changed the bandages on her limbs which got me some questioning looks from the doctor.

After paying a huge amount of cash to Eri's treatment and buying for his silence on the matter if someone asked for them, Gon headed towards the proper part of city while still carrying Eri.

Thankfully he got quite some cash in total from those thugs and the yakuza. They spent the rest of the morning buying clothes and shoes for Eri as well as some for Gon. Considering Gon doesn't know what type of clothes Eri likes the shopping was quite a long affair. Gon also have to personally get Eri to fit each clothes the saleswoman recommended considering the bandages on her body.

After the tiring shopping for clothes for him and Eri and changing Eri's old clothes to something that hid the bandages on her arms. Gon's hand was fully occupied with carrying Eri and the massive shopping bags as they walked in the streets which earned quite a bit of attention to them. Worse of all even catching the attention of someone Gon didn't want to meet at all.

............ ..............

Yagi Toshinori was visiting the police office to see a good friend and invite him for a cup of tea. Upon entering his office in his weakened state not in his muscled form, he was greeted his sleep depraved detective friend with eye bags in his eyes.

"Tsukauchi, how's it going?" Toshinori waved at his friend who looks at him and smiled back.

"Ohh Toshinori-san. I ahh… just some police problem recently, nothing for you to concern about." Tsukauchi tiredly replied while putting down a paper he was reading.

"Can I help in anyway?" Toshinori asked in concern seeing the tired look at his friend face.

"Well… We recently had a teenager with an amnesia who visited yesterday. The strange thing is we couldn't find his family anywhere in the database register, but then he disappeared suddenly out of nowhere. We could not find him anywhere since yesterday, and we're really worried considering the police arrested some beaten up thugs yesterday night near from here who called it in, and told us about some kid who beat them up and it matches the amnesiac kid we are finding." Tsukauchi narrated it all clearly to Toshinori who was listening attentively.

Despite the appearance of a skeleton of his friend Toshinori, Tsukauchi can use some help from this friend to help in their search for the missing kid. Toshinori understood the situation and walked up to Tsukauchi's table and grabbed the paper he was reading earlier.

"This kid…" Upon seeing the picture of the kid, he was reminded of someone.

"Toshinori-san do you perhaps know this kid?" Seeing the face of recognition in his friends face he quickly ask for confirmation.

"I remember seeing this kid yesterday on my way out from a convi store. I could not forget him for being strange young man considering what he's doing at that time." Toshinori continued reading about the information about the kid while answering absentmindedly at Tsukauchi inquiries.

"What was he doing?" Tsukauchi grabbed his shoulders and asked a question fervently as Toshinori read the part saying no immediate relatives or blood kin found.

"Ohh? Ahh! Nothing serious, hahaha. He was just looking at himself at the glass, it was kind of strange so I remembered him. But considering you said he was amnesiac, it's kind of making sense now. I just hope he's alright." Toshinori was brought out of his thoughts

"I know… he just a kid, alone, without anyone out there…So if ever you see him again please contact us." Tsukauchi was reminded with the circumstance of the kid and can't help but worry.

"Of course! It's a Hero's job afterall! Hahaha!" Toshinori previous skeleton body suddenly transformed to an enormous full muscular build whenever his doing his job as the hero All Might

"Anyway, what brings you here Toshinori-san?" Tsukauchi is now used to this antic of All Might so he changed the topic to something not problematic.

All Might deflated once again to his skeleton self and laughed heartily while scratching his head. "Hahaha. Nothing much I'm just visiting a good friend before I got busy in my new job as a teacher at UA."

"Oh right, I remember you telling about finding a successor for there. How's that going?" Tsukauchi went to prepare some tea while Toshinori sat at the sofa.

"I have already found a great successor, I fact he'll be attending UA this year too." Toshinori replied in a cheerful tone. He was then reminded of his young protégé he's been training for almost 10 months.

The kid has gone a long way from his previous self, Toshinori can't help but feel proud when all his efforts paid off after passing the exam despite of how he did it.

"That's really good to hear. I'm sure he'll be a great hero one day, after all, All Might picked him personally." Tsukauchi could see look of happiness in his friend's eyes when he talked about his successor.

They talked for some while as they drink their tea before All Might bid his friend farewell to do a patrol and see if he can find the kid they talked about before. And after a patrolling the nearby area and doing Hero stuff for an hour, he saw a familiar white haired kid. Only this time he was carrying a similar white head child with him in his arms.

............ ..............


"I am Here, to help you with those shopping bags! Shounen!" A loud thud sounded as someone landed behind Gon and Eri that gained surprised yelp from the people around them.

"It's All Might!!!"

"Oh my god! I can't believe this!"

"All Might look here please!" A crowd literally formed in a matter of seconds around us, taking pictures rapidly with their smartphones at the Hero. Gon stood there in impassively with Eri clutching his neck tightly while looking at the enormous spandex wearing Hero in front of us curiously.

'For fcks sake! Why him and here?!' Gon was thinking to himself how fucking unlucky he is to meet some really big shot hero in a place like this. 'Shite. Relax, he doesn't know us, let's just play this the nice guy and leave.'

"Ahaha! Thank you very much for the offer Hero-san. But I'm just going to that family restaurant to eat lunch with my sister." Gon smiled brightly and pointed with his bag filled hand at a nearby restaurant nearby just to get rid of this Hero. Eris looked at him surprisingly when she heard the word sister but stayed quiet and buried her face on his neck once again.

"Oh! That's really nice. Well then let me atleast escort you there, shonen!" The huge hero didn't let Gon refuse for a second time as All Might grabbed the shopping bags in his other hand. "Now then, let's go."

"It's really nice to see a doting brother like you once in a while." Gon had no choice but to follow after the Hero with a fake smile while listening to him silently.

Some crowd was still following after them and taking pictures of the said hero and he was more concerned about those pictures than the Hero right now. The Yakuza will see them and gave them the information who took Eri.

I didn't hear more of the All Might's rambling as I consider my plans from now on with this unlucky encounter. Only when we reached the family restaurant did I notice that I have been ignoring the Number One hero all this time while I was with my thoughts about a different matter.

"We are here shonen, ojousan! Well then, nice meeting you both! Always listen and be nice to your Nii-san, okay? Ojousan!" After putting the shopping bags down and patting Eri's head affectionately, the Hero finally left just like a wind passing by.

"*sigh*The storm finally passed. Anyway, since we're here already. Let's go eat lunch Eri." Getting Eri's position firmer in his arms Gon told Eri who was quizzingly looking at him for quite a while now.

"…Nii-san?" Gon heard her mumbles in a really low voice while he carried the shopping bags as walked inside the restaurant and walked towards an empty table.

"Hmm? What is it Eri-chan?" Replying absentmindedly at Eri, Gon tiredly put the shopping bag down and sat down at a table by a window.

"…is it okay to call you Nii-san?" As Gon sat Eri beside him he heard her said in an uncertain voice while looking down.

Gon finally get what was bothering this little girl since earlier. He really only said that she was her sister so that the Hero won't bother up with more questions. Seeing her looking down and hoping to her an answer she was expecting made him felt something tug in his chest.

Lifting Eri up and sitting her in the table in front of Gon, "I can be you Nii-san if you want to, so don't look that sad, okay?" He looks at her in big round eyes and told her while smiling warmly.

"…Umm!" Suddenly Gon could see, tears forming up on her eyes when she heard his words while she choked up to say something. Gon hugged and stroke her head as she hugged back tightly while crying in his chest, then he noticed a waiter standing beside their table clutching the menu and tearing up a bit while looking at them.

Gon raised an eyebrow and glared at him which the waiter turned around and wiped his tears and turned back around with a smile while waiting for them. Seeing the waiter unwavering will to wait there, Gon just ignored him and comforted back Eri.

Feeling the little girl in his arms and the comfort Eri she made him feel inside for the first time. He sat there and continued comforting Eri while feeling a strange emotion inside him he doesn't know he is capable of feeling.

And now I switched with a Third Person PoV. Kinda want to try this more cause I read a lot of good story written this way. Anyway, comment however you want, bring it!

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