
Abyssal Shadow

Kairo, a 18 year old male who was roaming through the night when he noticed the shadows forming from the world, his life was always full of surprises such as his childhood friends and girlfriend, he was always proud of being with them. While, Kairo and his friends were walking, they were surrounded by people similar to "Shadows" which are the emotions and personalities of people which hidden throughout the naked eye.

LordSanctify · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
5 Chs

Kairo’s Past Arc

Kairo eyed the sky, as he was with Wei, Mai & Zahira.

Kairo: (openhearted; serious) "...Life seemed peaceful when it doesn't involve fighting and wars."


Zahira: (smiling) "Kairo, we are all here for you, you know that right."

Wei, Mai, Zahira, Karson, Hana, Catalina, Akari, Madison and Miyu all agreed w/ Zahira as they then walked off doing their own things in the same house.

Kairo: (surprised) "wait, there was more rooms that was here?!"


Kairo would follow the others, as they did a room tour of their rooms in the house.

"Life was something that I want to perceive, withstand and hold perfectly, for all of eternity... though i wasn't the same person that i was in the past..."


The Camera finally shows a Younger Kairo, that has no scars, and with a innocent but calm expression to him.

The Screen would fade to the Opening, when Kairo walks past with his mp3 player. (Play ano mori de matteru by bonjour suzuki)


The Year would be 2013, when we see Kairo with his family at home. 

Kairo: (smiling) "Mom, Dad...I Did It."

Kairo run over to his father and mother, as he handed them the art he drew of them, with his sister.

Miyu would run over to Kairo, as she smiled at her parents as well.


"My Father was such a loving person, someone who was a friend yet he was special to me, my mother and Miyu.."

Koharu: (smiling to her husband) "Alright, what do you guys want for dinner?"

Kairo: (smirking) "Pepperoni Pizza"

Miyu: (smiling) "Olive Garden."

The Camera panned to a older male in his 30s, with a goatee beard, black hair that is combed well, with black eyes shining like the sun.

His Name was revealed to be Makoto Kawamura, the Father of Kairo & Miyu and the Husband of Koharu.


Makoto would smile as he said, "Red Lobster" laughing with his family until he heard his phone ring, telling Koharu, Kairo & Miyu that he'll be back.

Makoto: (on the phone) "Hello, what is it?!"

???: (on the phone) "hurry to the shadow hunters main headquarters" 

Makoto: (on the phone) "I'll be on my way"

Makoto would walk over to his family as he told them, "my job called me in to the HQ today, i think something is wrong so make sure to buy you and the kids something while I'm gone." he left his valuable stuff except for his id, drivers license and motorcycle's key as he then left the house, hurrying.


Makoto's Motorcycle would rev as he started driving over to the HQ.

The Camera Panned to the Headquarters, as Flames, Smoke and Several Dead Bodies would be seen as Makoto finally arrived, causing him to look in distraught.


Makoto would take his phone out as he used the flashlight from it to investigate the building to see what was the cause of it getting destroyed, as soon as he went inside the building, we would see a silhouette of a Angel with a brass knuckles infused with rare blood magic finally entering the building that Makoto entered.

As Makoto investigated the Building, he was greeted to two people who were shadow hunters like him, who were hurt so he tried to help him but then the angel appeared as it looked disgusted at the humans, in front of him causing the angel's eyes to change from a blueish color to a bloodlust red like color as he stared the Shadow Hunters, asking "do you wish to die here a hero or retire here today and run off freely?, the choice is yours to decide which one you'll want right here and now."


Makoto would ignore the Angel in front of him, as he asked the guys that he helped for their names.

???: "oh... my name? I'm Lucas Johnson and that dude over there is named Jonas Wright"

Jonas would smirk as he pointed to the Angel, as he then asked Makoto, "we'll help you against that angel guy then."

Jonas and Lucas would sprint in different directions as Makoto would attack the Angel from the front, causing the Angel using his blood magic to cause a shockwave, knocking them into the ground.

Lucas would slowly get up, but the Angel would form a large spear from his blood magic hitting Lucas with it, sending him into the wall bleeding with his lower and upper half slowly separating once the blood spear exploded.

Jonas and Makoto looked in horror, as they seen Lucas die in front of them causing them to look back at the angel in anger.

The Angel would dash at Jonas and Makoto, as they spread it's wings dashing at them with their arms out causing Makoto and Jonas to get sent into the room next door to the one they were fighting inside of.

The Angel would grin as he shouted his name, "YAMI"

Yami would grin deviously, as he laughed and chanted a spell that will enhance his strength, which caused him to dash in front of Jonas, shoving his hand through his chest, ripping his heart out forcefully as he then ate it after causing Makoto to lose focus, noticing what Yami did to Jonas and Lucas.

Makoto's pupils began to shake violently, causing him to dash at Yami, but Yami would grab Makoto by the neck, throwing into the wall, causing Makoto to cough up blood as well as bleeding from his arms.

Makoto: (serious, slightly injured) "..i must go all out against this guy now...he killed everyone in headquarters, so there's no point but to defend myself, even if i don't make it out of here alive, i will be happy that my family is alright... heh.."

Makoto eyed Yami, as he finally unleash his inferno ability for the first time in a while.

Makoto: (eyeing Yami, serious) "if i die here today, i'll make sure you won't make it out of here in... ONE PIECE!!!!" his aura would surge as it began to burst with bright red color which looked like the pits of hell, causing his pupils to change into a dark red color as he would stare at Yami with a serious look. (Surging Riot is the name of this form, it's this stories version of baryon mode mixed with ultra instinct)

Makoto would walk slowly towards Yami, before finally appearing behind him, however he striked him sending Yami straight into the walls and into the largest area within the shadow hunter headquarters.

Yami would try attacking Makoto, however with each attack Makoto was seamlessly dodging each strike coming his way.

Makoto: (smirking, cocky) "Is that all you got, i thought you were strong than this yet it looks like you will understand the true meaning of being human..."

Yami would shout at Makoto to Shut Up, as he began to attack randomly.

Makoto would use this opportunity, to finally charge his aura as he began to unleash a large scaled attack to finish the job.

Makoto would channel his ability and his power into one attack as he started putting his hands into a triangle shape, causing a bright red aura to finally brighten and enlighten as a orb appeared in the middle of his hands.

Makoto's Surging Riot Form was starting fade, due to his energy draining but that didn't stop him, as he started to yell "RAGNAROK BLAZE" as he fired the attack, hitting Yami in the process as well as creating a crater in the building since most of the building was caught in the crossfire.

Yami's Upper Half was Vaporized, causing his lower half to drop on the ground.

Makoto would try to catch his breath, as he started to walk off however Yami's Body began to regenerate its upper half.

Makoto would turn around as he noticed Yami in front of him, laughing menacingly, as he said "That Attack actually tickled...however i'll break you before you die."

Yami would gut punch Makoto, causing him to cough up blood before sending a low kick into his abdomen. 

Makoto would try to attack Yami, but each time he tried to land a attack, his eyes would start to play tricks on him. 

Yami would snicker while dodging each one of Makoto's Attacks, before grabbing his eye.

Yami: (serious) "Humans are quite relaxing, when they are dead."

Yami would yank Makoto's eyeball out of it's socket, before creating a blood like spear to finally pierce him in the stomach.

Yami would chuckle, before eating Makoto's Eyeball in front of him.

Yami would walk over to Makoto, as he asked, "Any Last Words.."

Makoto wouldn't say anything, but he started up into the sky as flashbacks played in his mind of him, Kairo, Koharu & Miyu living the perfect family life, yet he looked down as tears shed from his face now realizing that he won't be able to be in this world no more.

Makoto: (smirked) "Kairo, Miyu and yes of course my beautiful wife, Koharu be safe and don't worry about me...but i'll miss you guys.."

Makoto would smile one last time, before getting his head severed off by Yami, after changing his blood spear into a blood axe.


Makoto's Head rolled off his body, causing blood to spray all over the place, covering the area in bloody paint.

Yami would stare at Makoto's Dead Body, as he ripped out Makoto's heart after his head was severed off.

Yami would eye Lucas' Decaying Body as he took his heart out, eating it as well to gain more strength.

Yami would walk out of the building as he let his angel wings out loose, flying upwards as he charged a destructive blast to destroy the building for good, finally firing it as soon as it grew smaller.

The Headquarters would get destroyed by the force of the attack, leaving only the skeletons and remains of what is left of Makoto, Lucas and Jonas.


We would fast forward to 1 or 2 months after Makoto's Death, where we would see Kairo depressed while in Cedarwood Middle School after classes ended.

Kairo thought he was alone, until Nathan walked over to him.

Nathan: (fake smiling) "Hey, how about you help me with my homework, Idiot.. also stop scaring everyone and just cry already" Nathan smirked before kicking Kairo into the ground, causing everyone to laugh, Kairo would look pissed off but just let everything happen.

Kairo: (in his head, slightly depressed) "why do they always laugh, why do they always look at me with those eyes...Dad i wish you were still here.."

Kairo would get up, as he walked off hurt and depressed, thinking about his father.

As soon as the door opened, Kairo would walk inside of the House.

Koharu would notice Kairo, beaten and slightly messy, as she asked him, what's wrong.

Kairo: (annoyed, slightly lying) "I tripped on the stairs, which is why i look like this... I'm going to my room.."

Miyu would eye Kairo, before he walked past, slamming the door.


We would fast forward to a couple weeks after what happened, as we are reintroduced to Madison Sinclair.

Madison and Kairo would eye each other as they smiled and became friends for the first time, however that didn't sit well with Nathan who had a crush with Madison.

Nathan would walk over with three people, in order to intimidate Kairo, while he was sitting two people, Karson & Catalina who were talking with him, since they were in different classes than Kairo so they didn't know about the things Nathan did to him.

Nathan would pull Kairo forcefully away from them, causing Karson and Catalina to worry and asking Nathan, "where you taking Kairo??"

Nathan chuckled by saying, "Kairo is my friend, right.."

Kairo nervously shook his head, as he was scared of Nathan.


Nathan would drag Kairo with him to the alleyway, cornering him with two people behind him.

Nathan: (angry) "Corner him, and then beat him, maybe scar him as well.."

Nathan chuckled before showing a knife, giving it to Edward.

Edward and Luke would walk in front of Nathan as one  held Kairo down and the other would taunt Kairo with the knife.


Madison would notice Nathan, Edward and Luke in front of Kairo, as she tried to protect him.

Madison: (defensive) "Don't you dare hurt him.."

Nathan would smile as he wanted to hug Madison, but she looked at him with disgust, pissing him off.

Madison: (blushing slightly, serious) "I respect Kairo more, in terms of him being himself rather than some annoying little moron like yourself."

Kairo would start to get up as soon as Luke's Guard was Open.

Luke: (surprised) "Huh, what the hell... how is he that strong?"

Kairo would overpower Luke's Hold on him, as he then back kicked him into the wall.

Edward would panic as he tried to stab Kairo in the eye, but Kairo knee'd his gut, causing him to foam from the mouth, collapsing finally.

Kairo would walk past Nathan, after he felt defeated, however Nathan pulled Kairo as he threw him into the ground, as he then back kicked Madison as he held her by the neck with the knife, telling Kairo, "i wouldn't move if i was you, or else you'll be dealing with something horrible."

Nathan smirked, dropping Madison as soon as Kairo went to catch her, causing Nathan to slice the top of his nose and his eye all at once.

Nathan would shove Madison out the way, as he then ran off from the alleyway.


Madison would carry Kairo to the Walk in Medical Center, where they would greet by two nurses who rushed them into the room to examine them both.


We would fast forward to the present day, where we are greeted to Kairo, Miyu and Koharu as well the other members of the Shadow Hunters (Madison, Catalina, Karson, Mai, Wei, Zahira, Hana & Akari) drinking and vibing with one another.

We would see a small glimpse of younger Yusei, with a thrasher hoodie, black messy hair with a white headband, a red sword holster with a wooden sword inside it, and techwear joggers with red and black high top sneakers that look like Reebok's almost.

Yusei would stretch as he was with his teammates, Evelyn & Kenshiro behind him.

Evelyn would wear a combat styled dress, with knee highs and a bow on her back with her arrows as well, with short brown hair.

Yusei eyed Evelyn as he asked, "how long will this long journey adventure last for, and when will i start caring?"

Evelyn would sigh as she told Yusei, saying "Just think of  something fun to do i guess.."

Kenshiro would be seen with a Checkered Shirt, a Nike Windbreaker, Black High Top Nike Sneakers, a cross necklace & black sweatpants.

Kenshiro would look around the city, as he said, "Yusei, Evelyn, this place seems kinda of bland but it seems colorful at the same time"

Yusei would mutter under his breath, saying "You look stupid when you make that face, Kenshiro"

Kenshiro would get pissed off by what Yusei said causing them both to butt heads, while made Evelyn to whack them both.

Evelyn would sigh, as she said, "Let's hurry to the hotel since Yoshimaru Sensei is waiting for us."

Kenshiro and Yusei nodded at Evelyn, as they both followed behind her.


The Camera panned to where the hotel was, with a man with black spiky hair slanted downwards, with a  mask covering his whole face, as his team finally arrived showing Yusei, Evelyn & Kenshiro ending off the Arc.

(ENDING THEME PLAYS) (play dive into the colors by yurika)

stay true to yourself and let your goals prosper

LordSanctifycreators' thoughts