
Abyssal Shadow

Kairo, a 18 year old male who was roaming through the night when he noticed the shadows forming from the world, his life was always full of surprises such as his childhood friends and girlfriend, he was always proud of being with them. While, Kairo and his friends were walking, they were surrounded by people similar to "Shadows" which are the emotions and personalities of people which hidden throughout the naked eye.

LordSanctify · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
6 Chs

Yusei vs Kairo Arc

Yusei, Evelyn & Kenshiro would chat to each other, until something or someone was coming their way.

Yusei would push Evelyn and Kenshiro out the way without hesitation, as a Giant Shadow would shrieked, alerting many of the other shadows to arrive in time.


Yusei, who was bored before, suddenly looked excited as he took his wooden sword out of his red sword holster as he told Evelyn and Kenshiro to get to sensei but they denied and decided to help out with Yusei in order to get rid of these Shadow Creatures.

Yusei: (smirked, somewhat puzzled) "Is this the reason why we were sent to help deal with the shadow crisis here in America or is it something else we are dealing with?"

Kenshiro: (shrugged, slightly confused) "Maybe we will find out as soon as we get there..."

Evelyn: (cautious, focused heavily) "Stay Focus and try not to get too cocky, Yusei-.. Forget it."

Yusei would point at the Giant Shadow, as his darkness magic would form rapidly, as it coated with the wooden sword.

The Giant Shadow, screeched as the other shadows around them starting to strike at them.

Evelyn would take out her Sais, infusing them with her electricity magic, as she dashed at the group of shadows in front of her.

The Shadows were shocked by her magic, causing them to disappear instantly after getting hit.


Evelyn: (slightly tired, panting) "...I need to learn how to control this magic, before i lose control..."

The Giant Shadow took this opporunity to grab Evelyn while her guard was down, and sent her flying into the building behind them.



Yusei: (sighed, as he eyed Kenshiro) "She'll be fine, let's just try and-..."

Kenshiro would get slightly cocky, as he unleashed his Water Magic for the first time, as he then formed the water in a giant hand, sending the giant shadow into the trees, creating a crater but the giant shadow would use it's own magic to absorb the water magic from Kenshiro.

Kenshiro: (Yelling at Yusei, shouting) "Use that Techinque now..."

Yusei would blitz forward as he used his signature attack, "Darkness Slash: Black Hole Equinox" in order to finally erase the Giant Shadow out of existence.



Kenshiro dropped down, after the Giant Shadow was Defeated, using his water magic in order to land safely on the ground.

Evelyn would walk slowly, as she told them that Yoshimaru-Sensei, was waiting for them to show up at the area.

As Yusei, Evelyn & Kenshiro would run with their things over to where Yoshimaru was waiting for them at.

We would get a glimpse of a Female Angel named Ariel, who was very beautiful with bright red eyes, short black hair and casual clothes that made her blend in with the mortals.


The Opening would Play. (Play Eye's Sentry by Uverworld)


It would be a bright sunny day, as we see the sunlight casting over the Evergreen Hills High School, as we see Kairo eyeing the window while listening to the Teacher Teaching the class.

The Teacher would be a woman in a beautiful red dress, with cross earrings, black lipstick, black shortened hair and nerd glasses that were stylish and complimented her outfit, as she wrote her name "Ms. Alessia Moon" who was a popular but really hot teacher who was known for being really chill to students she liked, but was also known to be really strict to other people who she disliked. (that right there is textbook manipulation, don't support that..)

Kairo would eye the board, as he wrote down some notes in order to know what he has to write and so when the exam is about to start then he could try to remember the questions and get an easy A in this class.


However, Three People were seen glancing and slightly annoyed at Kairo, which were Rebecca, Paul & Alan who were seen as the annoying classmates to many but they were slightly good liars within the school as whole, plus Rebecca's Parents were famous actors/businessmen so they never thought of Rebecca to be a problem child unlike me.

Kairo: (sighed) "Ms. Moon, I'm finished with the paper, i'll hand it over to you so i can go to the bathroom if that's fine with you, I guess.."

Ms. Moon: (smiled at Kairo) "Alright, make sure not to take too long in the restroom, alright Kairo."

Kairo nodded to Alessia, as he eyed at her, causing her to laugh, saying: "I'm kidding, alright.. i know you aren't like Paul and Alan.." causing the class to laugh as well, but made Paul and Alan embarrassed.


We fast forward to when it was finally lunch time, and we see Kairo sitting with Madison, Wei, Mai & the others as he asked if they wanted to go to the arcade after school today, causing his friends to nod their heads a bit.

We would see someone walking over to their table, covering Kairo's Eyes, asking if he remembered her by any chance.

Kairo: (dense) "No...Not Really but your voice sounds super familiar..."

???: (angry) "Kairo, You Jerk..."

??? stormed off, causing everyone to question and slightly get jealous at Kairo as the table began being slightly grim.

Kairo would sigh as he said, "i think i remember her, maybe?"

Dakota would facepalm, as he realized that Kairo is pretty dense, saying "Maybe, You should've tried thinking who she was before bluntly saying you didn't remember that girl, you know.."

Kairo sighed, as he said, "I Know but i think-..." he would quickly scroll on his photos app as he found a video of the girl who came up to him, and played the video that showed him and the same girl pranking his sister, together causing Miyu to realize that was Sumiko Lee, who was friends with Kairo when they were kids before she moved home with her parents in Taipei City, Taiwan.


We would glimpse of Sumiko, as she was 5'3, with a gothic/alt-girl outfit, a choker, as her hairstyle was a lilac color with double hairbuns going for a space bun look, wearing see-through gloves and a sailor moon shirt with a black skirt and black stocking with a space theme on them as she wore her black boots to go along with her outfit.

Sumiko was seen sitting and eating alone, until Rebecca, Paul and Alan walked over to her and asked if they could sit with her, but little did Sumiko know, they were up to no good.

Paul: (telling Alan & Rebecca, privately) "you know my netbook page, right?"

Alan & Rebecca would nod slightly, as they both asked, "what about it?"

Paul would smirk, as he said, "My Story is going to be adapted into a Novel by some publisher called "Big Novel Studios"..."

Alan seemed skeptical, since the company that Paul is talking about is known for infamous novels that have also been adapted into tv shows, novels, games & animes/cartoons.

Alan, slightly happy but disappointed, asked, "what's your story called again?"

Paul told him that his story is called, "Spirit King", as he smirked as he thought about the money and fame he could get.

Paul told them that his account called "CMAIN" on Netbook, and for them to check them out.

Alan: (confused) "The Hell is A CMAIN?"

Rebecca shrugged her shoulders, thinking cmain means something stupid, before also realizing spirit king could be a cool story. (which it's not...it's so ass..)

Rebecca and Alan would eye each other, before sighing and walking off, dragging Paul with them.


Rebecca eyed Kairo slightly, as she vowing to someday end Kairo's Life for what he did to her Nathan.



Kairo would point his executioner weapon at the screen before it showed him in his demon form for a split second.

Abyssal Shadow would disappear within a trace, before the music stopped slightly.




We would see Yoshimaru, who had black spiky hair slanted downwards, with a mask covering his whole face that has a owl design to it, and a bag that he stores his kunais, a desert eagle with some ammo to use in order to reload it, a Trench Knife and he wore sap gloves in order to limit his combat strength as well as for protection.

Yoshimaru noticed his students finally arriving at the hotel, as he used 1 of his 6 magical abilities, as he used his teleport magic in order to surprise his students by sneaking behind them in a cool fashion.


Yusei, Evelyn & Kenshiro would finally arrive to the hotel, however they didn't realize Yoshimaru was behind them.

Yoshimaru: (Smiled) "Yo! Team Surge.."

Yusei, slightly annoyed by how Yoshimaru scared him, would say, "That wasn't funny, Sensei.."

Evelyn would look scared as she jumped and held Kenshiro tightly, causing Yoshimaru to laugh slightly.


Yoshimaru would stare at his students before looking seriously, as he said, "Anyways we should be on the lookout of a shadow entity, known as The Divine One.."

We would have a small glimpse of "The Divine One" that looks like a Shadow that looked like a corrupted god however it took shape of an Angel, however we would get a tiny glimpse of Yami who was the same Angel who killed Kairo's Father, Makoto back then.



Yusei would slightly block the screen with his hand before it shifts to Kairo in his

The Abyssal Shadow Logo disappear into the darkness, before the music stopped slightly.



We would shift to where Yoshimaru and his students, discussed and planned out the mission of finding and destroying "The Divine One" which is most powerful shadow in the world, however there were screaming coming from the lobby area, which caused Yoshimaru and his students to rush over to check out the commotion.


Shadows would shriek as they eyed Yoshimaru and his students, as they were ready to attack.

Yoshimaru, eyeing his students, would say to them, "Are you guys ready to fight these shadows yet?"

Yusei would point his Wooden Sword, as he quickly said "yes", striking at the shadows without Yoshimaru and the others to say or form a strategy yet.

Evelyn, Kenshiro & Yoshimaru would sigh slightly as they just decided to help out Yusei, while also taking care of the shadows as well.

Yusei would think of using his darkness magic, however it would be destructive and would be a risk due to the hotel having people inside it as well.


Evelyn would use her Sais, as she sliced two in half causing them both to implode, then Kenshiro would use his agility and perform a spinning aerial backflip into a spinning heel kick to the shadow in the left of them.

Yusei would use a weak darkness techinque using his wooden sword to take out the shadow, in front of him.


Yusei, Evelyn and Kenshiro would celebrate, letting their guards down slightly, causing Yoshimaru to shout them in order to tell them to move out of the way now.

The Black Goo left by the Shadows that were killed, would begin to regrow shaping and merging with one another as it grew large, roaring and grabbing Evelyn, Kenshiro and Yusei all at once.

Yoshimura would tell Evelyn, Yusei & Kenshiro, as he grabbed his mask, "You will be the first three to see what my actual face looks like, just for today, got it?" 

Yusei, Evelyn & Kenshiro nodded slightly, despite them being stuck by the shadow who was holding all 3 of them tightly in his grasp, would eye at what their sensei was doing.

Yoshimaru would take his mask off as he would unleash his shadow breaker eye, which was a unique spiral within the eye with the pupil being a X Mark in the middle as a Bright Orange and Gray Color for his Irises now. 

Yoshimaru would dash forward to the giant shadow in front of him, as he charged his magic, which was icy blue like color as he then stretched his hand out, forming a ice shard crystal increasing by the second as he pulled his desert eagle out, infusing his magic with the pistol itself, finally shooting at the giant shadow's arms, in order to freeze it, causing the arms to start freezing from the top.

The Giant Shadow would toss Yusei, Evelyn & Kenshiro into the wall, causing them to pass out as they hit their heads from the back, while breaking his arms out of the ice.

Yoshimaru eyed the Giant Shadow, as he put his desert eagle's safety on while shoving it back into his bag.

The Giant Shadow would stare at Yoshimaru, before attacking with shadow spikes aimed at his head, however Yoshimaru would run at the Shadow causing him to form ice spikes in order to use it for protection, before using a clone magic techinque to clone himself three times and strike at three angles which was the left side, the right side and the front side of the Giant Shadow, causing it to look surprised, but the Giant Shadow was only bluffing, as it grabbed Yoshimaru tossing him into the pavement, causing him to spit out blood, so he stood their as he formed random signs and a giant ice spell sign formed underneath where the Giant Shadow was standing.

Yoshimaru: (shouting) "Frost Cataclysm!!" As a ice formed from underneath the Giant Shadow's Feet forming upwards to it's head, changing from a square shape to it, it changed to a Crystal Shape before staying frozen in place, causing him to walk off from it as he said, "Farewell & DISPERSE!!" causing the ice crystal to finally explode, with a surprisingly medium sized crater formed from the explosion.

Yoshimaru would lower his Guard, as he grabbed his mask, putting it on his face again, however the Giant Shadow would regenerate itself which surprised him and his students.

The Giant Shadow would grab Yoshimaru and tossed him into the couch in the lobby/reception area, they were inside of fighting.

The Giant Shadow would knock out Yoshimaru with a giant punch to the stomach, causing him to vomit up blood.


A Woman would arrive to the hotel unaware of what's going on, as she stared at Yusei, Evelyn & Kenshiro who were bleeding, so she used 1 of her 4 magical abilities, which was Healing Magic to Heal them to full health.

Yusei, Evelyn & Kenshiro would wake up, groaning and slightly hurt as they asked her to help their sensei who is gonna get killed, which she accepted to but before she went over to help their sensei, she turned and used her brainwash magic to make them hers, heading over to the Sensei they told her about.

???: (annoyed) "Ugly Shadow, get out my sight.." she snapped her fingers which caused the shadow to explode for good.

Yoshimaru, would look surprised, as said, "that was really quick.." before thanking her with a slight smile, causing her to slightly grin slightly.

The Camera would pan to a beautiful woman with sharp red eyes, short black hair and wearing casual clothes that humans would wear, however her face darkened at the sight of this human speaking to her but she wanted to not give herself away so quickly.


???: (worried) "Are you okay, Sir?" She helped him up, as she asked what's your name, smiling slightly.

Yoshimaru: (thankful) "Yeah, I'm okay but are you alright, are you scratched or not?" he looked worried, but she stopped him as she asked for his name.

???: (smiling) "I'm Ariel Snow, what is your name?" she'd faced him, intently.

Yoshimaru: (smiling) "Oh, I'm Yoshimaru, thank for helping me against that giant shadow.." he smiled, as he went to walk over to his students.

Ariel would walk over to Yoshimaru, as she used her brainwash magic on Yoshimaru as well, causing him to pass out and lose control of his mind.

Ariel would snap her fingers, as she told her brainwashed minions to help with destroying the shadow hunters, once and for all.



Ariel would look at the screen, with a sinister smile, as her eyes shrinked to show how terrifying she truly is.

The Abyssal Shadow Logo would melt as the music stopped slightly.



We would shift to Kairo's Bedroom as we see him laying on his king sized bed, looking up on the ceiling, as he tossed his basketball up in the air, as the camera panned around the room.

We would see a unique room, with posters from bands, video games and anime series that stem from Pierce the Veil, Babymetal, Hatsune Miku, Sonic the Hedgehog, SMT/PERSONA, Bleach, Black Clover, Blue Exorcist & Jujutsu Kaisen.


Kairo eyed the TV in front of him, as he told his tv to turn on the tv, which it did due to the tv having voice recognition built into it, as it started to play Bleach: Raiden on Adult Swim, showing the Ichigo vs Grimmjow fight which was a rematch to the first fight they had together.

Kairo sigh, as he noticed Tsukasa, running with Soi Fon to face off Ōmaeda, causing him to get up on the edge of his screen, causing him to yell, "HOLY SHIT, NO WAY!!"

Tsukasa would hit Ōmaeda, with a Bankai he learned with Yoruichi and Soi Fon, causing Kairo to yell and celebrate as he watched as Ōmaeda was Killed.

Kairo would check the channel guide, as he browsed to see what time Dragon Ball Impact and Dragon Ball Renegade were showing but it was listed for 3am, causing him to get annoyed.

Kairo would change the channel to a Superhero Network which shows everything superhero related no more the company, and Full Speed was showing on the network along side Battery Man, however Kairo would watch Full Speed, wide away but as soon as Battery Man came on the Screen, he would let his eyes close as he fell asleep, snoring.


Posters from his room would be Key Visuals from Ardent Bond, Iron Curtain, AOAD & Descent to Darkness as well as each series on his manga collection from every series he watched, however his phone was charging with it showing a brief photo on his lock screen with Aaron from Full Speed.

The TV had game systems laid out in the cabinet, ranging from old school, new school and handhelds as well as his computer and laptop over by the drawer with his other stuff was at.

Kairo would drift to sleep, in order to wake up for school tomorrow, unaware of what's to come that day as well.



Dakota would look back at the camera, before walking off annoyed at it

The Abyssal Shadow Logo would be shown in the paper that Dakota would let go of as the music stopped slightly.



We would shift to the rooftop of the Hotel, as we see Ariel, standing on the rooftop's edge, as she commanded her brainwashed slaves, to appear before her, as Yusei, Evelyn, Kenshiro & Yoshimaru stood there, kneeling down to her.

Ariel: (serious) "You see i want you four to find me this human, for me." She showed a photo of Kairo to them, causing them to accept.

Ariel: (menacingly smirked) "Shadow Hunters like him shall die by my hand." she'd began to laugh, before telling her minions to head to bed and wake up at 6am in order to plan out their attack, before they head into Evergreen Hills High School to attack the one who they are targeting.


Ariel would stare at the time, being 6am so she walked over to her brainwashed slaves telling them, "It's Time but Blend in with the school's environment and learn the layouts and then once the time is ready, then we strike, alright." She would tell them to hurry up, as they hopped inside the Ford Focus, and drove off to the location of evergreen hills high school was located at.



Sumiko and Kairo would run off with each other holding hands, smiling.

The Abyssal Shadow Logo would fade off showing Kairo and Sumiko's Initials written on as the music stopped slightly.



The Sun Blazed, through the Science Classroom as we see a beautiful asian teacher who had four piercings on each ear, one piercing on her nose and one on her eyebrow, with a medium-lengthen hair that looked layered with purple highlights on the tip of the hair, mixed in with the white hair color, however she was in her mid 20s, however she would put her name on the whiteboard, as it say "Ms. Hana Choi" as she sighed, she would ask her students to read pages 10 to 20 on the science textbook in order to study on the quiz coming up during their Friday pop quiz, causing her to give some encouraging words to her class.


Sumiko would study while Ms. Choi was speaking, while slightly staring at Kairo, who was eyeing the window, slightly thinking, "maybe he doesn't remember me...it's been awhile since we spoke so maybe we could rekindle our friendship.." she smiled slightly blushing as well.


Kairo would eye back at Sumiko, who looked away, as her face turned bright red from embarrassment.


The School Bell Ringed, as Ms. Choi said, "Lunchtime Everyone, head down and tomorrow we will read the textbook from pages 30 to 40.. you may dismiss now!"


We would see everyone, heading down to the cafeteria, however a loud commotion could be heard outside, with 6 people, causing the issue become very serious as soon as Ariel walked over to her brainwashed slaves, Yoshimaru, Yusei, Evelyn & Kenshiro who eyed at the principal of the school.

The Principal wore a Long Black Dress, with Black Flower Leggings, Black Shoes with Black Skull Earrings, as well as having a purple but black hair color in her straight long hair, with tattoos on her body, with piercings on her nose and bridge of her nose, as she looked unamused as she stared at a photo of her ex-girlfriend, that she was getting ready to burn since she didn't want to remember the past and the good times she had with her, but her name was revealed as "Ms. Carly Archer" who was always carrying a firearm with her at all times no matter the situation.

Carly eyed the 5 individuals as she pointed her firearm, at them, asking, "Who are you, state why are you here and also turn around and head out so there won't be any issues in my institution, understand.." Carly would smirk deviously, as she turned off the safety from her pistol however as she tried to do that, Yusei would lift her up by the neck causing Ariel to walk over to her, asking for Kairo, which is the student from this school that she was looking for, causing her to protect him at all costs even if it meant her life. 

Kairo would run off to get his executioner weapon, and alert his friends to get their stuff and help him fight the threats outside.

Kairo would notice Sumiko running past him, as she went to help the Principal by throwing a rock at Ariel and Yusei, causing them to try to strike at her, however she was protected by Kairo, who sent them flying into the building that was abandoned for a couple months, causing Dakota, Madison, Hana, Catalina, Akari, Mai, Wei & Zahira to discuss who will take on who, causing Dakota to eye Yoshimaru, rushing at him then sending him flying by flying kicking at him causing him to crash the building.

Madison would sigh, as she asked Hana, Catalina, Akari & Zahira to help her bring everyone else to safety, causing Mai & Wei to grin as they walked over to Evelyn, in order to team up against her.

Sumiko would get pulled by Madison, as she worried about Kairo, saying "please, save him.." she cried out, worried about Kairo.

Crystal would eye the situation from the rooftop, as she said, "this looks like fun, maybe i should join them.." she sighed as she got bored again, and just went downstairs in order to not blow her cover for now.



Kairo and Yusei would strike at each other, causing shockwaves as they charged a random blast tossing it at the same direction of each other, as it explodes.

The Abyssal Shadow Logo would get destroyed from the impact of their attack as the music stopped slightly.



We would see Kairo as he stared at Yusei & Ariel, as he shouted, "Who are You, and why are you here?" he started to get pissed off, as he pointed his executioner hybrid weapon at them.

Yusei would unleash his darkness magic as he speed blitzed Kairo, sending him flying into the next room over, causing Kairo to try and block the attack causing him to get hit from the back, causing him to spit out blood.


Ariel would teleport behind Kairo, sending him upwards into the sky, as she sledgehammered him straight into the ground, as Kairo laid there as he spat out heavy blood, slowly trying to get up, as Ariel and Yusei would teleport in front of him as she then stepped on his stomach.

Ariel: (smiling, viciously) "You know I am glad, you know I'm so damn happy i finally get to kill you now.."

Kairo: (injured, slightly tired) "..Why do you want to kill me for?"

Ariel: (slightly laughing, glaring) "well, i was sent here by my higher ups to get rid of you, just like the pest you are.."

Kairo was ready to accept death, as he laid there with his eyes closed as he stayed calm.


We would switch over to where Dakota and Yoshimaru were fighting, as they started trading blow for blow until Yoshimaru eyed Dakota as he said, "You should never get cocky, boy.." which made Dakota unaware of what's to come, as Kenshiro sent Dakota flying as he successfully landed a palm strike into his stomach, causing Dakota to spit up Blood.

Dakota would ask Kenshiro and Yoshimaru if they liked true terror, to which they tried to laugh off however that wasn't the right answer as he dropped his limiters on the ground, as he would sprint around them at 800mph almost like Quicksilver from Age of Ultron & Kid Flash from Young Justice.

Dakota jumped upwards as he used his leaf magic and made it boost him into Yoshimaru and Kenshiro using the speed he thought of when using his leaf magic in smart ways, causing him to do a spin cycle, while in a axe kick pose before slamming his foot into Kenshiro's Skull, causing him to pass out from the impact, as a huge crater and an explosion was seen, showing the abandoned building was destroyed because of Dakota. 

Dakota: (Sighing, Serious) "I really wanted to use my speed on him but i guess you'll be the one i fight while using all my speed on you.." Yoshimaru would eye Kenshiro, who slowly got up as his head was throbbing from how bad his head aches, causing Yoshimaru to teleport in front of him and knock him out.

Yoshimaru eyed Dakota now, as he asked, "Do you love Ice Cream?!" causing Dakota to Say, "Yeah I Love Ice Cream." before not realizing that Yoshimaru was shooting ice like crystals, causing Dakota to dodge each ice crystal with style, almost like he was used to fighting seriously without his limiters being on his wrists and ankles most of the time.

Dakota would begin to think while dodging attacks from Yoshimaru, as he wonders what to do and how he could stop Yoshimaru.

Yoshimaru eyed Dakota, as he said, while smiling intensely, "Time for you to die now.." as he took off his mask, as he showed his Shadow Breaker Eye, as well as intensifying his Aura turning it from a light blue color to a dark blue color.

Yoshimaru would close his eyes, as he charged his ultimate techinque that he never used before until today, shouting, "Aqua Burst" as A Water Blast was sent flying at Dakota, causing him to tank the hit, which he did but it would cause him to bleed profusely due to the impact of the blast.

Dakota would eye at Yoshimaru, as he let his blood drip onto the group, as a random flashback showed with Him & Kairo as kids, and now he would look up into the sky, as he said, "..Kairo, you are the reason i am this way, i see you more as a rival as well as my best friend so don't forget that...", as Dakota crouched down and charged his speed to it's max, as he sprinted around Yoshimaru, creating a tornado like vortex before creating a leaf blade and creating a "X" Shape as it sent Yoshimaru into the wall.

Yoshimaru would fly straight into the tree outside, causing Dakota to speed past in order to catch him before he crashed into the giant tree.


As Dakota sat Yoshimaru beside the tree, he went to grab Kenshiro who was knocked out on the ground, and rushed over to where Yoshimaru was laying on which was the giant tree that he was about to crash straight through as he then sprinted again and brought some water as quickly as possible.

As soon as Dakota gotten the water he needed, he would splash water on their faces and slapped them to wake them up, causing Yoshimaru and Kenshiro to look around at their surroundings, as they asked, "what happened?!" unaware of the damage or anything really as they stared at Dakota who in front of them, as he yawned with a blank face as usual.

Kenshiro would reveal that some woman appear before them, and healed them back to full health however their mind just went blank.

Yoshimaru would think for a moment, before as he remembered that his recording camera was fine during the fight, which caused him to summon his clone and asked him to get it from the place only to find a SD card on the ground but the camera was no where in site, causing him to grab the SD CARD and grab the laptop in his bag and put the SD card inside it, which played the events that happened beforehand showing that Ariel was in fact the one to brainwash them into attacking the school.


Yoshimaru and Kenshiro eyed Dakota as they decided to get to the Computer Lab and fight Ariel somehow and help out Kairo in the process.


Dakota would speed past as he outruns the car in front of him with no issues

The Abyssal Shadow Logo would appear when Dakota is no where in sight of the camera as the music stopped slightly.



We would shift back to Evergreen Hills High School where we see Wei and Mai face Evelyn, smirking at one another before finally striking her stomach and backhanding her into the brick wall behind her, causing Mai to Jump Over Evelyn, as soon as she crashed into the wall, coughing up blood. 


Evelyn would instantly use her electricity magic, which caused Mai and Wei to lock in and take this seriously, by using their magic by harnessing the power of their soul, causing it shape endlessly.

Wei and Mai's Aura would Blaze, as they had different colors for their energy auras, with Wei's Aura becoming a Bright Green Color while Mai's Aura becoming a Bright Red Color, causing Evelyn to Unleash her Yellow Aura to show how intense she could get with her electricity.

Wei would begin to float into the sky, as she would use her psychokinesis in order to pull Evelyn over to where she was, slamming her downwards into the pavement, creating a giant crater, causing Evelyn to cough up blood while getting slightly pissed off by the fact she couldn't read Wei's Attack, causing her to dash forward at her blindly unaware of Mai, who finally activated her ability for the first time as she sent a curved fireball attack directly at Evelyn, causing her to get jump back, however this played in effect as Wei and Mai, nodded at each other, as they waited for the right time to attack, before blitzing at Evelyn, sending a fist into Evelyn's cheek in both directions, causing her to spin into the pavement.

Evelyn eyed Wei and Mai, as Wei and Mai eyed Evelyn at the same time, as they unleashed their aura, letting their mana go for one last attack, however this little battle was interrupted by Dakota, Kenshiro & Yoshimaru, as they sprint over.

Wei and Mai would eye Dakota with two individuals behind him, as they powered down, however Evelyn wasn't stopped, leaving Dakota to use his speed in order to confront Evelyn, sending a elbow into her gut, causing her to pass out, before Evelyn dropped to the ground, Kenshiro would be there to catch her just in time.

Evelyn's Eyes would slowly opened up, as her head started hurting, causing Kenshiro, Dakota & Yoshimaru to explain to Wei, Mai & Evelyn about the angel that they are up against and about how they can use brainwash magic in order to control people's minds and make them do what she wanted.



Wei and Mai would make food as they smiled at Kairo walking over to them, before kissing him.

The Abyssal Shadow Logo would appear in heart shapes as the music stopped slightly.



We would shift to where Kairo was underneath Ariel's Foot, as she commanded Yusei to use his darkness magic, causing his aura to intensify even more, knocking back Ariel from Kairo, causing Kairo to get up, in order to take this more seriously by closing his eyes, casting a dark blue with black like colored aura as his demonic horns began to grow as it was showing through his hair, which would also cause his demonic tail to start growing slightly long but short, as his eyes would change from black to red but blueish as his pupils changed to a human eye to something more cat like, as his teeth would look sharper than a shark's tooth, as he unsheathed his executioner weapon again, changing it's variation to a dagger form.

Kairo's Transformation caused Ariel and Yusei to look worried, but they would still go all out by using their power to it's fullest, as Ariel would tell Yusei to fight Kairo for her, as she laid beside the tree watching as the battle between Yusei vs Kairo to begin.

Kairo would dash straight into Yusei, sending his palm into Yusei's Stomach, however Yusei would able to block it with hand, tossing Kairo into the tree using a Judo Strike, however Kairo caught himself as he used the tree as a boost to dash back at Yusei, sending a fist upwards into him, before teleporting as he opened his mouth charging an demonic blast as firing a giant like Creo Blast straight at Yusei with no hesitation, causing Yusei to block his body with his darkness magic by cloaking his body in the magic to use as a shield.

Kairo would drop in style, as he spun like Sonic The Hedgehog, before landing on his hand causing Yusei to look slightly confused, making him drop his guard causing Kairo to land and spin kick him as flew straight past Ariel, as Kairo bursted past as he spread his hands wide, as a giant orb like ball was formed, which almost looked like a planet, which was a bright orange but black color.

The Techinque was called, "Black Avalanche" which was a planet sized bomb similar to the techinque that Frieza used in dragon ball z but different.

As Kairo threw Black Avalanche at Yusei, causing Yusei to use his darkness infused final attack which is called "DARKNESS VORTEX", which was an Spiral formed from the the darkness within his heart turning into a vortex like rotation which was firing by Yusei, and clashing with Kairo's Black Avalanche Techinque.

Both Techinques would continue clashing, causing Ariel to get turned on by the sheer power of both techinques, until they exploded afterwards from the impact and overflowing power of their souls.


Kairo and Yusei were both battle damaged and bleeding, while trying to catching their breath, as they both stared at each other intensely, as they both sprinted at each other sending a right hook which ended up connecting equally on both Yusei's and Kairo's Face. 

Kairo would send a knee strike, but Yusei caught it on time, causing him to block Kairo's Knee Strike as Yusei then sent a uppercut straight into Kairo, causing him to spin and crash into the wall.

Kairo and Yusei would simultaneously yell at each other, saying "THIS IS IT, ALL OR NOTHING." as Dark Blue and Darkness like colored aura formed from their hands as they dashed at one another, clashing yet again but this time their attacks became more faster and stronger.


Kairo and Yusei would begin to use the environment and area in order to try and defeat one another causing them to dash at each other, before sending one last strike as it looked like they dashed through each other, causing both Kairo and Yusei to either pass out or slightly collapse holding on their knee.

It was revealed that Yusei and Kairo were evenly matched and that Kairo had the upper hand when it came to strength and smarts where Yusei was more about skill and techinque, which made "strength and smarts" the major factor for Kairo to win the match.


Yusei would slowly wake up, as he felt his head aching, while slightly annoyed until he started getting pissed off, as he stared at Kairo then at Ariel who was in front of them, as he finally said, "just know the things i do next, will not be explain until I'm done with you.." causing his jet black aura to flare up as it became darkness.

Kairo's Demon Transformation was about to deactivate, causing his demonic features to slowly fade, but that didn't stop him as he eyed Yusei asking him, "help me deal with the threat in front of us." causing Yusei to nod as they both dashed at Ariel with Full Speed, however Ariel would use her angelic strength as she sent them flying straight into the tree in one blow alone, since Yusei and Kairo are both hotheads when it came to fighting and this was the disadvantage that she ended up exposing, until she noticed them knocked out, however Ariel smirked deviously, as she was slowly getting turned on by how their bloody but bruised faces looked and how their battered but scratched bodies looked, causing her to lick her lips in lust as she wondered how they would look dead, causing her to aim her last attack as a dark pink color would start taking form from the palm of her hand, as she tried to fire it at them, however Yoshimaru would sacrifice himself by taking the blast without protecting himself with the blast. (think of piccolo's sacrifice scene in the saiyan saga of dragon ball z)

Yoshimaru would collapse on the ground, causing everyone to look stunned and speechless, however Ariel started laughing about Yoshimaru, causing Yusei's face to darken up as he slowly stood up causing Kairo to stand up as well.

Yusei would ask Yoshimaru, "...please don't leave me..", causing memories of Yoshimaru and Yusei to start flowing around in his head, as he began to tear up, causing him to also notice Kenshiro & Evelyn to sprint past him, as they were trying to protect him however Ariel would grab Kenshiro's Arm, Breaking it into Two causing Kenshiro to scream in pain, as she fired a blast, knocking him out by the shockwave of his power. 

Evelyn would notice this happening, causing her to look nervous as she started to drop her guard, causing Ariel to teleport in front of her, as Evelyn tried to axe kick Ariel, but Ariel was able to dodge the kick, sending a pressure point into Evelyn's body, paralyzing her then she asked, "maybe i should end you later or turn you into my puppet", before kicking Evelyn straight into the tree, causing her bleed from the impact and force of her kick. 


Yusei would stare at Evelyn & Kenshiro, as well causing him to cry and burst his darkness aura, as he asked Ariel, "How much do you love your life, Ariel?" causing Ariel to look confused and mutter, "Random Threats won't work on me, Human." which made Yusei burst his Aura, as he slowly walked up to Ariel, then he grabbed her mouth, dragging her through the ground at full speed before throwing her through the school building, and then tossed her like shot put disc before teleport in front of her and charging a endless bullet like techinque using his darkness ability to it's fullest extent, as Ariel was struggling to keep up.

Dakota, Mai, Wei would head back to school, while carrying the injured people (Kairo, Yoshimaru, Evelyn & Kenshiro) with them on their back, causing Madison, Hana, Catalina, Akari, & Zahira to look worried and head over, asking them if they are alright, causing Hana & Catalina to bring Yoshimaru, Kairo, Evelyn & Kenshiro with them but Kairo would tell them to let him handle this for now, causing his demonic aura to heal his wounds.


Kairo would close his eyes, as he instantly transformed into his demonic form, and flew straight into Ariel as he sent her crashing into the football field using a sledgehammer techinque, as Ariel flew into the ground, it created a giant crater from where Ariel fell from.

Ariel would yell as loudly as she can, creating about 20,000 shadows in order to give them a challenge, causing Dakota, Madison, Akari, Zahira, Wei & Mai to protect the school however Sumiko and Crystal would notice the situation and find a nearby object to use to help them with and so they charged at shadow creatures, surprising Kairo, however it was far from over, as Ariel would go into her Final Form, as she ripped her heart out of her body, and placed her eyes inside the same place that her heart belonged at as she grew four arms, three eyes and a small but glowing body almost like Black Frieza and Slim Buu did a four way fusion dance with Towa from SDBH in her demon goddess form and Chronoa from SDBH in her time unleashed form, causing Kairo, Yusei and everyone else to get knocked back by the shockwave of the transformation. (Ariel's Final Form is called "Eternal Lust") 

Akari stared at the Giant Shadow, as she unleashed her Earth Magic, sending the Shadow into Ariel, without hesitation, however Ariel sent her hand through the Shadow's Body, causing it to burst, causing it black like goo blood to squirt out of it's chest before slowly fading from existence.

Ariel would begin to fly, as she sent Kairo's Friends into the ground by using one measly but destructive attack, causing them to pass out, however Hana and Catalina arrived and noticed Madison and the others passed out as they tried to attack Ariel, causing them to pass out as well.

Ariel would taunt Kairo, by lifting up Madison and aiming a magic charged blast at her face, however that didn't work well as she was hoping as Sumiko and Crystal would get up and try to strike Ariel causing her to kick them in the stomach, causing them to foam from the mouth and pass out.

Ariel would ask Kairo, "Your friends here will die first, then you'll join them after I'm done with the 4 who helped you get me to this form.." causing her to charge a insanely large beam like attack that locks on to everyone in the same range as her.

Something would Snap within Kairo as his Demonic Form would begin to change into something different, causing a armor and crown like shape to form on his torso and head with his horns slightly outwards into his hair as his aura changed from a jet black colored aura to something of a dark royal red colored aura, he would stare at Ariel as he was posing like Ichigo Kurosaki in his Vasto Lorde form when he was first introduced, revealing itself as Diablo. (fun fact: Kairo's First Demonic Form is "Divinity")

Kairo would stare at Ariel, as he dashed straight into Ariel as he sent a strong right hook into her chest causing her to spit out blood and fly into the school.

Yusei would fly past Kairo, in order to send a flying knee strike into Ariel's Chest, however she would dodge the attack.

Kairo and Yusei would surround Ariel as they fought her together, slightly overwhelming her but she would end up, charging a beam like attack at them, which ended up sending them into the wall.

Yusei and Kairo ended up panting, which lead Ariel to send a shockwave attack into their stomachs causing them to get knocked back into the ground.

Ariel would laugh, as she started yapping, "You Humans were always mindless apes, unstable whenever emotions were involved which caused us angels to create that project.. better known as Project Kami.. i am so happy that you worthless monkey humans are reduced from using your emotions, you all don't deserve to use our abilities for fighting and protecting as Shadow Hunters, you monkey apes shouldn't have been our protection but it was all just a theory, not really a theory it was a game theory maybe but monkey humans don't deserve life.... Worship Project Kami" as she faced Kairo and Yusei, who noticed Ariel's Pupils going blank as she grabbed Yusei's legs and threw them into Kairo, causing them to crash into the bleachers, causing them both to cough up blood.


Yusei and Kairo, both would look slightly tired as they stared at Ariel, who was aiming her attack at Kairo & Yusei, both.


A Familiar Voice was heard when Ariel was about to fire her final attack at Yusei & Kairo, as he shouted, "Yusei, Kairo Dodge now!!" as he fired his final attack at Ariel, it was revealed to be Yoshimaru.

Ariel would smirk as she teleported behind Yoshimaru as she put her hand straight through his back and made her hand come out of his chest, ripping his stomach and spinal cord as she then charged a blast firing it straight into his face, melting his face and muscles before making his head look like how Volkov looked like in iron curtain, as he dropped to the ground, Yusei cried while Kairo looked upset before thinking to themselves in order to find a resolve.

Yusei and Kairo would dash straight into Ariel, jumping her by sending a elbow and a back kick sending her straight into the other bleachers, as Ariel began to spin and crash into them.

Ariel, Kairo & Yusei would start clash with each other, as Kairo and Yusei went blow for blow with Ariel, as they all sent kicks, punches and magic like beam at each other. 

Yusei would send a right jab into Ariel's Cheek, causing Kairo to send Ariel into the pavement with a hammer like slam, causing her to crash, creating a extremely huge crater.


Ariel would get up as she charged her final techinque, causing Yusei & Kairo to also charge their final techinques.

Yusei and Kairo would charge a black and blue colored attack, while Ariel was charging a giant crescent like attack as well, finally firing their attacks all at once. (Kairo & Yusei's Duo Attack is called "Starburst Eclipse" while Ariel's Giant Crescent Attack was called "Planetary Nebula")

Yusei and Kairo would fire their Starburst Eclipse Attack while Ariel fired her Planetary Nebula attack, causing them to clash, however Yusei and Kairo were struggling against Ariel's Planetary Nebula, while they were trying to fire their Starburst Eclipse.


Ariel: (shouting proudly) "this is it, i will finally get rid of you pests for good."

Ariel would continue firing more small sized planetary nebula balls into her Planetary Nebula techinque, however Sumiko and Crystal would start to get up slowly, as they wanted to help Yusei and Kairo but realized they would get in their way.

Crystal and Sumiko didn't care as they closed their eyes, sitting Criss Cross Applesauce as their soul started vibrating and shaking with the magical ability that they were desire/yearning for as a wheel spawned in their mind, while constructing their souls shaping their magical ability for them both as the wheel stopped, it would choose an ability for them.

Crystal's and Sumiko's Magical Abilities would be revealed as Arctic Magic & Symphokinesis respectfully, with Crystal and Sumiko aiming at Ariel with their attacks, distracting her as the attacks firing at her, however she would knock them out with a shockwave attack causing Crystal and Sumiko to pass out, before they both passed out Crystal & Sumiko would throw their final attack into Ariel's Planetary Nebula, causing it to create white smoke, which caused Ariel to panic and try to blast more into her Planetary Nebula Techinque, causing it to create more white smoke.

Kairo and Yusei would eye each other and nod as they went full power in order to blast Ariel away, causing her to get erased, however she smiled as she realized that this was her karma for being cocky and was hoping for a second life but out of luck, she ended up crashing into the ground.

Kairo and Yusei both would deform, collapsing onto the ground as the sunlight shined above them, while lifting their hands to the sky as they fist bumped each other before they finally fainted for real.



Yusei and Kairo would argue with each other, causing them to burst auras. 

The Abyssal Shadow Logo would appear in a dark color as the music stopped slightly.



Ariel's Body began to crack as she looked around for the human she killed body, as she searched for the body, she would hear Kairo's Friends run over to Kairo and Yusei however, as they spoke she continued dragging Yoshimaru's body somewhere private, as she started chanting for awhile, causing Yoshimaru's and her body to glow green as it start to merge both Yoshimaru's and Her body infusing them into one pure mortal being.

As Ariel and Yoshimaru's body successfully merged into one being, as she kept her original name which was "Ariel" but she thought about it making her upset, causing her to decide to just change the name to "Arisu" which made her smile proudly, before walking away from the school for good, in order to gain a new purpose in life and to finally change for good.


We would fast forward to three weeks, where the school would close for 40 days to get repaired from the damage it was dealt with, we would shift to Yusei looking at Yoshimaru's grave with Evelyn and Kenshiro with him. 

Kenshiro and Evelyn would look at Yusei, as they told him that they couldn't fight anymore, causing Yusei to look at them and said, "I understand, i still think it's my fault that you are like this, however i understand that i'll be able to support your decision."

Kenshiro and Evelyn would smile at Yusei as they said, "Thanks for everything, Yusei", causing the three of them to hug before finally departing for good.

Yusei would remember his brother, Riku before thinking that abandoning & giving him up by putting him in the foster center was a good thing to keep him safe.

Yusei: (confident) "this is my destiny, and mines alone."


We would then shift to Kairo's Room where we see him and his friends together. 

Dakota would eye the Naruto to Boruto Chronicles Game, as he asked "Kairo, let me play that game on your PlayStation, please"

Kairo sighed, as he said, "Fine..."

Kairo would ask the others, if they could allow Sumiko & Crystal to join the Shadow Hunters, causing them to allow it as they then ask Kairo about having Yusei join them as well, causing Kairo to let them know that he offered Yusei to join them but he turned him down.


We would shift to the Demon Realm, as we see a Younger Xebec playing with his sisters, Lilith & Echidna, however we would see that the angels and demons would talk with each other using telepathy magic.

Xebec would play hide and seek with Lilith and Echidna, until they would notice their father, Baku who was the current demon king of the demon realm, getting a call from the angel's emperor spirit king.

???: "Let's form a alliance, Demon King Baku."

Baku: (smirking) "i understand, i'll start the planning phase once we meet, uh who was this again?"

???: oh my name, it's Yami.."

We would get a glimpse of Yami as he was sitting on the emperor spirit king shrine, with the head of Emperor Spirit King Karuro on the back and angelic women all around the shrine touching Yami's body seductively.


We would also see a glimpse of an god of the universes, staring down at the disasters unfolding, as We would be introduced to Akihiro Yamiuchi.

Akihiro: (sighing) "that time when i fought Lucia wasn't as this but i think this might be the reason why the cause of banishing and splitting Lucia's soul into both heaven and hell, i caused this...so this will be my fate if i don't help those humans out.." 


Akihiro would clench his fist before walking off.


(As the ending theme ended, the Preview would begin to play)

"Relaxation and Vengeance Arc"

Kairo would stare into the screen, before fading instantly.

(End of the Preview)

(Note: the next arc is both canon and filler making that a mixed canon arc)

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