
Chapter 7

I yelp when he pulls me into his lap. I start to squirm trying to get off of his lap. I heard him groan and he whispers in my ear, "You better stop moving if you don't want me to take you right here in front of everybody."

I bet I look like a tomato right now. I stop moving and hide my face in my hands. I heard multiple chuckles and awes going around the table. I turn even more red. Then I remember that I'm at work and is in a public space for anyone to see.

"U-um can you let me go so I can go to work," I said very timidly.

I heard him sigh before he let me go. I get up quickly and go back to work. I start to get their drinks together and when I turn around I see Jessica standing there very angry. She soon walks up to me and points her acrylic nail in my face. "You stay the hell away from Xavier, he is mine. I know that you're new but that's my boyfriend so stay away."

"Oh it was nothing like that. There is nothing going on between me and him. I'm sorry if I made you feel otherwise." I truly am dirty. I didn't realize he was dating her. If I knew I would have never let him do that. I would never want to be the reason that they broke up.

"Yeah sure whatever you say bitch. Just stay away from my man," she quickly walked out after that. I quickly grab their drinks and go back to serve them. I quickly gave them their drinks and took their order. I stand by Allison after that. I feel someone staring at me but I just ignored it. I grab their plates and place them down on the table and tried to walk away.

Soon I feel a hand on my wrist and get pulled back. I turn around and see that Xavier has my wrist. I try to pull my hand out of his grip but he doesn't bulge. "P-Please let me g-go I-I don't want to make your girlfriend mad. I don't want to be the reason you break up." He looks at me confused after I said that.

"Who told you they were my girlfriend? I don't have a girlfriend. Whoever told you that was lying. Don't believe what they said."

"But Jessica told me that you guys were dating," I'm so confused who am I supposed to trust now. His face starts to get red.

"I don't know no one by the name Jessica. Show me who she is." I'm scared to tell him who it was. He could hurt her if I tell him. "SHOW ME WHO TOLD YOU THAT," he yells. I start to shake and point a finger at Jessica. He starts to walk over to Jessica. Jessica soon notices him and starts to push her boobs up and push out her butt.

"Hey baby, so you decided to finally come over to me," she tries to sound seductive but fails miserably. I start to gag and walk back over to Allison. I see him bend down and whisper something in her ear.

Her eyes soon widen and she back up shakily. She looks so scared and terrified. I feel so guilty. I look at Xavier and see a very scary look on his face. He looks so murderous and evil. I start to get scared myself. Not being able to take it I run into the back. I sit down and try to calm myself down.

I heard the door open but I don't look thinking it was just another employee. Soon I feel a hand on my shoulder. I look up and become even more scared. "G-Get away from me." I try to run away from him but he just grabs me by my waist.

"I will never let you go. Not after I just found you." He looks at me with a face of sympathy. Soon the sympathy is gone and his cold face is back. I just can't get his scary face out of my head.

I'm whimpering and crying right now. I see his hand go behind his back and he brings out a syringe. I start to get frantic as I'm terrified of needles. He just held me tighter and brought the syringe closer to me. Soon I feel a tiny prick and start to get tired.

Soon black dots take up my whole vision. Before I pass out I hear him say something along the lines of "I'm so sorry, love. I can't let you go after I just found you."