Harmony is a 19 year old girl stuck in a abusive relationship with James who is 21 years old. She gets out of the relationship just to get into a even more dangerous one. What would happen if James comes back?
James was at a friend's house right now, so I'm safe at the moment. He rapes me a lot and hits me whenever he wants. I don't think he wore a condom last week. I decide to leave to go for a walk for some air. I also stop at the drug store to get a pregnancy test. When I get back James was at the house.
"What are you doing here?" I asked James.
"I left my phone. Where do you go?" James replied angrily.
"It doesn't matter." I regret saying that from the look on his face.
"So your cheating on me now." Where did he even get that from? He quickly lifts his fist bringing it down to my face. I fall on the floor holding my cheek. He goes for another hit, but I quickly say "Please stop. I'm not cheating I went for a walk and stop to get a pregnancy test."
"Why would you need a pregnancy test in the first place? Also why a walk?"
"I needed some air and I feel caged in this house. I was feeling sick lately and I wanted to see the reason why." I walk away going to my room. I take the pregnancy test and it comes up positive. I had to come up with a way to tell James that I'm pregnant. After a while I get hungry and I walk downstairs. I see that James left.
I quickly make something and leave some for James in case he's hungry when he gets backs. When I finished eating and cleaning after myself I hear the front door slam shut.
I see that it was James with some girl wrapped around him. "James, who is this and why is she in my house?"
"I'm his new bae." I looked at her like she was crazy. I started yelling at the both of them and the girl left figuring out I was crazy.
"I got a new girl because I felt that you didn't meet my needs anymore."
"Then just break up with me I don't want to be here. You clearly hate me so leave me alone. Until you break up with me you have no right to cheat on me. Also I'm pregnant with your child." After that I sat his plate in front of him and went to bed.
~A few months later~
James has been a little nicer to me since the talk we had. I want to trust him but I feel like he will just turn back to the monster he is. I start to feel pain in my stomach and I look down feeling something wet. I quickly get James saying that the baby is on the way.
We hurry to the hospital and after a few hours of pain the pain is gone. On May 15 at 1:47 Isabelle Harper was born. We get home after a week and I notice James seems a little agitated. I go to calm him down before thongs escalate.
When I got too close to him I felt something I never felt before. His fist. He starts to punch and kick me all o re my body. I try blocking his hits but nothing ever works. That's when everything goes black.
When I wake back up I was still on the floor. I get up and go to the bathroom to see the damage done. I hear a crash upstairs and go to see what happened. I see that it's James with a broken lamp on the floor. I get a little worried that he will hurt me again. I also notice he had Isabelle in his arms. I get even more worried
"I don't know why you're so worried I'm not going to hurt right now and I won't hurt my daughter."
"I still need to be careful. For all I know you could hurt me again and hurt her."
I quickly shut up after that not wanting to get hurt again. I try to take Isabelle away as she was crying but he just slapped me when I tried to grab her. He walks out the room with her in his hands. I get up and walk downstairs to start cooking dinner. I decided to cook chicken Alfredo.
After the food was finished I called James down. He brought Belle with him. He gave me Belle and sat down starting to eating. I give Belle her bottle and start eating myself. After finishing feeding Belle I put her in her crib.
I went downstairs because James wanted to to talk. "Harmony just hear me out. I'm sorry for treating you the way I did. You deserve so much more but you stay here. I put you through so much pain. I hurt you even when you have birth to the most beautiful thing in the world. I should have been stopped this but I don't know why I kept going. I love you so much and I don't know what I will do without you." I smiled at him.
"I love you too, James."